Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday February 23, 2010

1409: I got up at 0615 this morning. I completed my morning routine by 1030 and got to the Kava House at 1100. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Despite the snow she had little difficulty walking.

After a quick lunch I started working on the family tree. I have most of the data somewhere in all the boxes I got from dad. It is just a matter of taking the time to sort everything out. I will have to hurry because as soon as the snow leaves it will be difficult for me to work inside. Speaking of weather, today is a beautiful sunny day. In fact the historical daily high for this day is 35. So even if it snows it will not stay long. On March 11 the daily mean temperature is 33.

1927: I got so frustrated trying to get Google Earth to download that I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing and stir fried vegetables. It was great.

Working on the family tree is very interesting. I have considerable data on my grandmother Scott's family. Her family includes the Sanborns, Roberts, Tuckers. Members of the Roberts family were in the Revolutionary and Civil wars. This branch of the family is from Wales. Surprisingly I have little data on the Scott family. This might take some work.

It is nearly 2000 so I will head downstairs to watch the Olympics. I will try to get to bed early because I have a 0700 Breakfast Club meeting.

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