Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday February 16, 2010

1645: Once again I slept in until 0700. It snowed last night so Nancy and I had to shovel about 1" of snow. I completed my at-home routine and headed to the MAC. Today the place was empty. After the MAC I headed to Costco to get my nose spray prescription filled. I ended up at the Kava House about noon. I spent about 30 minutes at the Kava House because I had a 1245 eye doctor appointment. I got a clean bill of health. I will start wearing my contact tomorrow.

Ms P and I took another long walk. She made it ok. After lunch I headed out to Costco. Ms P did not want to come. At Costco I picked up some photos from our CA and OH visits. I also picked up my nose spray. Costco was empty. They had one register open and that was not busy. I also stopped at Batteries Plus to pick up a new cell battery.

I had to mail a letter so I walked to the post office. I was surprised at the number of people waiting in line at the post office. I thought we were a paperless society.

My office is filled with boxes of family material. We have a lot of photos that I will try to get on disc. I especially like a 1920 picture of dad and his siblings. They are standing in the front yard of the Scott farm and it looks like they had just finished working in the fields. I am going to enjoy going through all this material.

Tonight Nancy has to attend a OHNA meeting. I will watch the Olympics and maybe NCIS. Nancy is preparing chicken breasts for dinner.

2146: Nancy went to her meeting and I watched the Olympics and played with the scanning function on Nancy's HP Printer. I got the 1920 picture to scan quite well. I now have to figure out how to edit and what format to save it in. Tif, jpeg or pdf? I wish our printer came with a manual instead of online help. I hope to figure it out tomorrow.

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