Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday February 5, 2010

1715: I went to bed last night at 2100 and still got up at 0700. Ms P slept through the night but she was quite sluggish this morning when I first took her out. In other words she did not do her bidness. After I performed my at home exercises and had breakfast, I again took Ms P out and she performed splendidly. She has perked up.

The MAC was crowded this morning. I hope it is a sign that the economy is improving. After the MAC I stopped at the post office to mail some Valentine gifts Nancy had purchased. I talked to our old neighbor Jack Lensink at the Kava House and invited him to the OHNA TGIF to be held Feb 26 at our house. The DFP continues to report on Toyota's problems. However, I understand that Ford has the same problem as Toyota with their hybrid. The DFP also continues to expose Rep Conyer's wife for taking bribes.

When I got home Ms P ran to welcome me. She is recovering fast. This afternoon the carpet cleaners came to clean the backroom carpet. They did a great job. I spent a good portion of the afternoon loading CDs onto my hard drive. I now have about 40 CDs in my Windows Media Center. I hope everything will transfer when I upgrade to Windows 7.
I was reading the Daily Beast when a mention was made of an organization that is against any immigration reform. They are against all immigration. The organization is called "NumbersUSA". The director and founder is Roy Beck. I know Roy Beck . He was a reporter for the GRP during the late 60s and early 70s. His resume states that he was one of the first environmental reporters in the USA. He wrote many articles about the dumb engineer trying to establish a county wide solid waste disposal system. Of course the engineer was R H Scott. I cannot say anything nice about Mr. Beck.

In order to get my 30 in today I was going to take a short walk but Nancy talked me into walking over to Gaslight Village to make a bank deposit for the GRNA. Missy called and said it was snowing in Cleveland. I told her we would check in the morning and if the weather is bad we will abort our mission to Cleveland.

This evening Nancy and I are going to the Brandywine for dinner. 2000: The Brandywine was very crowded. Nancy had the "ham-d-scram" and I had American fries and scrambled eggs. We read the paper and watched the TV news. It is now 2000 and we are headed for bed. The alarm is set for 0545 so that we can leave for Cleveland by 0630.

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