Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday October 31, 2009

It rained and the wind blew hard all last night. The alarm goes off at 0636 and Nancy gets up to go to her body pump class at the MAC. I decided to go for a long run. I head out around 0730 and it is pitch black. I wore my GPS and ran my old route from the 70's. It is 4.5 miles. I ran the distance without any pain. However, my time was terrible. I averaged 11:40 per mile. Yesterday I ran a 9:50 mile inside. It started to rain halfway through the run. It was raining so hard the last mile that I had to take my glasses off to see. Sunrise this morning was 0815. I am glad today is the last day of daylight savings time.

I drove to the Kava House for coffee and a scone. Nancy dropped by the Kava House later and I bought her a coffee. I drove up to the Chevy dealer on Plainfield to look at their selection of Cobalts. It was limited and they offered the same for my Aztek as the 28th St dealer. I understand that the reason for the short supply of Focus and Cobalt cars is the cash for clunkers program. Dealers wiped out their inventory of small, gas efficient cars. I also stopped by Eddie Bauer to see if they had a jacket I saw in their catalog. They did not but I did purchase a pair of lined Khakis.

This afternoon I took a short nap and finished my book. Nancy fixed veggie burgers for dinner. They were quite good. I also had a bowl of soup. I was in charge of handing out candy tonight. The number of trick or treaters was not as heavy as past years. I think it was because a lot of neighbors were not participating. I turned the lights off at 8.

Today we talked with all the family. Debbie said it was in the 70s in Santa Clara. Melissa was taking Akerka trick or treating. Steve, Veronica and the kids were going to a Halloween party. I watched some football today. My take on UM is that they are not very well coached. I thought IU got a bad call in their game with Iowa. I also watched part of the baseball game.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild clear Monday. GG purchased $5 worth of wood for the church from J.C. Kendrick.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday October 30, 2009

It was raining hard when I got up. I changed my workout plan and for the first time in months I drove to the MAC. It was still raining hard when I left the MAC. Today's DFP had many articles on the shooting of the black Muslim in Detroit. In fact, most of the articles thought the FBI over reacted. However, if someone shot at me I would shoot back.

After lunch I headed out and ran some errands. I stopped at "Hitches by George" to see if they could mount a bike hitch on a Cobalt or Focus. I then stopped by the Ford dealer and got a price on a 2010 Focus and Ranger pickup. I also stopped by the Chevy dealer to look at the Cobalt. It was raining so hard that I called off the Cobalt inspection. My biggest worry about a small car is how am I going to transport my kayak. Bill and Paul's had several kayak racks but they recommended that I wait to 2010 when Thule will come out with a blockbuster carrier.

Although a small pickup would meet my needs I am worried about driving in ice and snow. The small pickups also get poor gas mileage. I think that 4 door Cobalt or Focus is my best bet. My car decision will be based on the vehicle that can best transport my toys.

The remaining afternoon was spent going through my mail. I am amazed how many requests I get for money. I must be on every health organization's mailing list.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. The place was crowded. I got the fried perch and Nancy went to the salad bar. There are several good movies on TV but I want to finish my book tonight.

I got a message on facebook from Steve telling me to change my browser if I want to cut and paste to this blog. Another computer guy gave me the same advise. Is foxfire that good?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear mild Sunday. Church service was at 1100 with 11 folks in attendance. In the PM GG drove to Alpena. They were home by 5:30.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday October 29, 2009

Today is suppose to be warm (65) and sunny. The only thing I noted when I headed to the MAC at 0830 was that it was still dark. The sun was still not out when I left the MAC for the Kava House at 1030. My Kindle had a statement that said the DFP was going to be delayed. At 3 Pm the DFP was still not available.

After lunch I spent some time on the computer. I also called Melissa to talk about a health insurance plan for Akerke. Tom Mayan is now a friend on my facebook. I gave Tom a call to see how things were going. Tom is a civil engineer and my age. We have been friends for 40 years. Tom and I talked for about 45 minutes. I also got a call from the program director for the Breakfast Club. He asked if I would introduce the speaker at the next meeting. I said yes.

The sun finally came out about 3 and I decided to wash some outside windows. We have new windows all around the house. The windows are easy to clean because they are a single sheet instead of many individual panes. I quit at 5:15 so I could get ready to go out to dinner. Nancy and I are meeting some friends at Pietro's for dinner. During the week they have $7 dinners and $1 beers. We spent 2 hours in the restaurant eating and talking. It was a pleasant evening.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear cold Saturday. They had 1/4" of ice form on the ponds. GG took a gas barrel to Zaphere in the morning. In the afternoon GG brought Zaphere to the barn to see the tractor.

I originally typed this blog in Word. When I tried to cut and paste the document into this blog it would not work. So I had to type directly into the blog template. Why won't the copy and paste work?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday October 28, 2009

Yes folks it is Wednesday and I again must decide where I will eat breakfast and what will I do on this day that is supposed to be warm and partly sunny. I decide on Wolfgang's for breakfast. I have corn beef hash and eggs. The food is good at Wolfgang's but it is very noisy. After breakfast I have to make my second major decision. What will I do? Today the decision was easy. I load up the AT into the Aztek and head for Holland State Park. The parking lot at the beach was nearly empty, just a few fishermen. We had several days with high winds so portions of the parking lot was filled with sand drifts.

I left the park and headed north on Lakeshore Drive. I filled the AT's tires to max capacity, 80 psi, so pedaling was relatively easy. I chose the AT over the road bike because, although the road bike is easier to pedal, it is not as stable when pedaling through areas of deep wet leaves. In fact there were areas where it was like pedaling on a yellow carpet. I rode all the way to the Lakeshore Road bridge over Pigeon River. The vehicular bridge and pedestrian bridge were in good shape. However, the restaurant located on the south side of the river was closed. Nancy and I had lunch there several times during construction of the bridge.

The colors are at their peak but the leaves are falling fast. I predict that most of the trees will be bare by the end of the week. I chose the perfect day for the ride. The sun was out and traffic on the bike path was very light. Even though the bike trail parallels the lake shore it is not flat. There were two hills that I had to get out and walk. This is the major disadvantage of a single speed. However, it is rare that I cannot negotiate a hill. The ride took 2h40' and I travelled 27.1 miles. It was a leisurely ride and I averaged 10.2 mph. In fact I looked at my GPS at 26.2 miles and it read 2h33'. 2h33' is an easy time for most marathon runners.

When I got home I showered and took a short nap. It is now 6 PM and tonight Nancy and I will read the GRP and watch a little TV. I hope to finish my book tonight. I got my 30 in today did you? This is blog number 503. Time flies when you're having fun.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear cold Friday. GG wrote that he and Huey went to look at sheep manure today. (He also mentioned it yesterday)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday October 27, 2009

Surprise! it was not raining this morning. I wore my GPS today. The distance from home to the MAC is 2.4 miles or 4k. I was surprised at how slow I run. I was averaging about 11 minutes per mile. This is 1 minute slower than what I ran on the track yesterday. Maybe hills do make a difference. Anyway I did run 8k and my GPS said I burned about 600 cal.

Today's WSJ had several opinion columns about the poor performance of our President. Everyone is worried about all the money we are spending. I keep making a note to myself to write my senators and representative about withdrawing all our forces from the middle east. Maybe tomorrow. It also looks like the UM football program might be in trouble with the NCAA. On an upbeat side the sun came out and no wind. I think this is one of the windiest years I can remember. Global warming?

After lunch I took advantage of the warm temps and lack of wind to paddle around Reeds Lake. This lake level is up because of all the rain we have had lately. Nearly 90% of the docks have been pulled out. The high water level and the missing docks allowed me to paddle close to shore and look at the homes around the lake. There are some real nice homes. The lake was like glass and there was only one other boat on the lake. I was surprised at the number of swans. I counted 16 in one flock. There were an additional 4 or 5 flocks of three or more. During the summer I usually see 5 swans, max. Are the swans just passing through?

Tonight I will watch NCIS at 8 and then head for bed at 9. My book is getting good. I have read until 12 the past 2 nights. Next Tuesday is election day. We have a city commission seat and also a school millage renewal.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, cold Thursday. GG and Huey went to look at sheep manure at McKinnon's farm. I just copy what GG wrote.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday October 26, 2009

It rained on my way to the MAC and also on my way to the Kava House. If fact it rained all day. On my bike ride this morning I saw all the professional lawn care companies out with their leaf blowers. The recent rains have dropped a ton of leaves. In EGR all you have to do is blow the leaves into the gutter and the city will pick them up. In GR you must bag all your leaves.

I did not leave the Kava House until 1. This afternoon I had several errands to run. First I stopped at D&W and purchased some leaf bags. Then I mailed a package to Lieda's daughter. I stopped by the eye doctors to get some optical soap. I need this soap to get my hands super clean when handling my contacts. I have been car shopping and I stopped by the Chevy dealer in Coopersville. They had a big ad in Sunday's GRP selling Cobalts real cheap. It was a smoke screen. I stopped by GR Bike Company and got some supplies and asked about a bike rack for a Cobalt. I want the trailer hitch with an extension. The GR Bike Company sells the racks but they ain't cheap. Finally I stopped by Berger Chevy and looked at both the Cobalt and HHR. I am amazed at how incompetent car salesmen are. A good salesman would have sold me a car. I ain't easy but I can be had.

After all the running around I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nothing on TV so I caught up on my magazine reading. The book I am reading is getting interesting. Last night I read until midnight.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Wednesday and GG drove to Spruce to attend the 50 anniversary of the local church. Mrs. Bellamore went with them. They got home at 1130.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday October 25, 2009

Yes folks it is Sunday so the alarm goes off at 0656. Nancy and I are in the pool at 8 and we both swim 1500 yards. Meijers today was not crowded so we got our shopping done early. Nancy again fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast. I read several sections of the paper and then took a short nap. Are we predictable or what?

After my nap Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head for Horicks. I need to buy some bird seed. It is getting to be that time of year when the birds need some help. We also bought some special cheese. I fill up our new bird feeder and put it up in the back yard. I finished the afternoon with a three mile walk. The leaves are falling fast so many people were out in their yards raking leaves. It will be a week before Nancy and I have to rake any leaves. It looks like all the docks have been removed from around Rose's. This is a sure sign of winter.

Tonight we are having soup and sandwiches. An appropriate meal for a fall evening. I will finish the GRP and then will retire early so I can continue reading my book. It is really getting good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported it was a clear, warm Tuesday. GG wrote he was going to Pete Bellinores about Lois going to Spruce (?). Drove to a farm for 1 bushel of apples. Delivered cabbage to Ed H.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday October 24, 2009

The Saturday alarm goes off at 0636 and Nancy is up and out of the house to make her early MAC class. I am still tired from my long drive yesterday. I do struggle to get up at 0700 and head to Bill's for breakfast. I had pancakes, eggs and toast and of course coffee. I read today's DFP. There is usually not much in a Saturday newspaper and today was no exception.

When I got home I strapped on my GPS and went on a 6.6 miles walk around Reeds Lake. My GPS said I walked at an 18:20 per mile pace. It was a great day for a walk because the rains have brought out all the red and yellow colors. It was misting during the entire walk. The bright colors made everyone in an upbeat mood. All the runners and walkers I encountered were very friendly. I ran into Debbie's old friend Heidi Holst and she commented on what a great day it was for a walk.

After the walk Nancy and I drove to the River Town Mall. I was looking for some lined khaki pants. Nancy was looking for something for the grandkids. Nancy bought 1 item. When we got home I took a 1.5 hour nap.

For dinner tonight I finished the meat loaf and Nancy fixed me a baked potato and some string beans. Nancy fixed herself a chicken breast. We are watching TV although there is not much on except football. My teams, UM and AHS, both got beat. It is now 8 PM and I think the rain has finally stopped.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Wednesday. GG wrote: "Julia and Guy done the washing, then went to Alpena, had a shower (GG). Thursday should be clear and warmer.

Friday October 23, 2009

It rained all night and it was raining when I got up. Today I am going to Alpena to attend a visitation for my cousin Ann's husband, Gary. Gary passed away on Wednesday. I stopped at the Kava House for coffee and a scone. It rained all the way to Alpena. However, the rain seems to have heightened the fall colors. The colors were spectacular. M72 was under construction at Grayling so I drove north to Gaylord and took M32 east to Alpena. In Gaylord I stopped at Jay's and bought a wool railroad vest for this winter.

When I first got to Alpena I drove by the old family homestead at 123 First. The place looked good and well maintained. At the funeral home I had to opportunity to talk to my cousin Ann. Gary, her husband, had lung cancer for the past 18 months. Ann looked good considering the circumstances. It had been several years since I had visited with her. I also spoke with my 95 year old Aunt Ruth, cousins Judy and Gail and their husbands. I spent about 2 hours at the home.

I had not been along the Lake Huron shore in some time so I drove home along US 23. I thought there would be a lot of For Sale signs but the number of signs appeared normal. The wind was very strong and blowing from the east. The waves on Lake Huron were very high. I would not want to be on a boat on a day like this. I pulled into the drive at 9:30. I put 565 miles on the car. I was glad I went.

I did drive through Ossineke today trying to find GG's home. I had no luck.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Sunday in Ossineke. GG was home all day. Church was at 1130 and 19 folks were in attendance. GG had dinner with Julia. The Hunters visiting from Detroit went home today. In 1938 the trip from Ossineke to Detroit took about nine hours.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday October 22, 2009

Thursday and I got up at 0630. This time seems to be my normal get up time. It has been a dark gloomy day with intermittent rain. Luckily I packed my rain pants prior to leaving the house. It did not rain on my way to the MAC but it was raining as I got ready to leave. I put on my rain pants and kept dry on my trip to the Kava House. Today's WSJ had several articles on the weak dollar vs. the Euro. I hope we don't have $10 beers when we visit Germany.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco to purchase some supplies. I also purchase two thermal shirts for a very good price. Every once in a while Costco has a great deal on men's clothing. I purchased a wool pea coat for $30 several years ago. Costco had a lot of Christmas displays up. Good grief it is only October.

I posted an announcement on my facebook page recommending all my old friends get a shingles shot. I wanted to edit the entry but did not know how. I will put facebook editing on my to do list. Tomorrow morning I am going to Alpena to attend the funeral for my cousin's husband. I hope to see my Aunt Ruth who is close to 95 years old.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. This is our normal Thursday night ritual. Are we boring or what?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. I want to thank Jennifer D for informing me that the beggies I mentioned in yesterday's blog was another name for rutabaga. I don't think GG could spell rutabaga so he used the beggies name. October 22, 1938 was a Saturday and GG said they had the heaviest rain in two months. The rain stopped in the afternoon. James L Sanborn, my GG, and Hazel, my GGM, drove to Hubbard Lake to see my grandparents, Robert R and Florence Scott. They brought home some bread and potatoes.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday October 21, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0535. It is Wednesday and I have 0700 breakfast club, followed at 0900 with a GRBA meeting. It was pitch black when I left the house this morning. I think in early November DST will go off so it won't be so dark. The breakfast club is held at the Women's Civic Club. The food is very good and this morning I had scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and a very large croissant. (Nancy told me how to spell croissant) The temperature is going to reach 60 today and several members were talking about an afternoon game of golf.

The GRBA meeting was centered on three projects we are doing for the GR Parking System. Two of the projects are wrapping up and the city should have about 500 additional parking spaces by the end of November. The meeting lasted about an hour.

After the meeting I drove to the office to see if I could find the picture Nancy took of me when my shingles were in full bloom. I am providing this photo to several of the facebook readers as an incentive to get a shingles shot.

Speaking of shots a large number of schools in the GR area are closed because of the flu. The shots for H1N1 are slow in arriving. I hope all our grandkids get their shot.

When I got home I checked my email and also the Alpena News. I was sorry to hear that my cousin Ann's husband died yesterday. I might attend the funeral on Friday. I had a tuna salad sandwich for lunch. After lunch I loaded up the AT and headed for Riverside Park. I rode my bike up to Rockford a distance of 11.2 miles. It was a perfect day for a ride. The temperature was 60, sunny and the colors were a full peak. The trail was crowded with a lot of old folks like me. On my way home I encountered a very heavy head wind. It took me 10 minutes longer.

I took a quick shower and then laid down for a short nap. I woke up 1.5 hours later. It is now 9:00 and Nancy just finished watching Mercy. I don't like the show. My book is getting good so I will retire immediately after finishing this blog. I read someplace that if you want a good night's sleep you should never read in bed. I don't follow that advice.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Friday, GG and GGM drove to Alpena. GG got his hair cut and then paid $10 on a note. They took Aunt Laura beggies and 10 squash. They had dinner in town and got home about 8. I do not know what beggies are.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday October 20, 2009

Tuesday and Friday are the days I run to the MAC. I have been doing this routine for about 4 weeks. Today it appeared that the run was becoming easier for me. I think it is because I am running more miles each week (14 miles vs 6 miles). Of course I have decreased my rowing distance by 10K. I do think for aerobic value, running is superior to rowing. However, I cannot prove this.

It was 50 degrees when I left for the MAC so I wore shorts. I don't know how long this warm weather will last.

Today's WSJ had a very scathing article on our Gov. They claim she has ruined the business climate in MI and is nothing but a tool of the public sector unions. I agree.

After lunch I loaded up the bike and again headed for John Ball Park. I rode the Kent Trail along the south side of the river to its termini at the Grandville Sewage Plant. I then took the south branch of the trail towards Byron Center but turned around at the Wyoming Sewage Plant. The trails have been recently paved and it is a great ride. All the communities in the area should be proud of the recent improvements in bike trails. I almost hit two deer that ran across the trail.

This evening Nancy is fixing meat loaf. This is one of my favorites. Nancy has an OHNA meeting tonight and she must give the treasurer's report. I have a GRBA meeting tomorrow so I must read the meeting packet that was emailed me. The City now puts all meeting info in adobe format. I like it. I will, however, watch NCIS at 8. This is the only non-news show I regularly watch.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938, I was confused by today's entry. Here is what GG wrote: "Thursday, cool wind, Kitter finished putting in Vetch, 45 lbs, cost of seed $5, express 71, plowed under corn stalks about 2 acres, brought in beggies".

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday October 19, 2009

I wake up at 0600 and grab the remote to see what today's weather will be. I turned the TV on at 0700. What happened to the hour? I did not get to the Kava House until nearly 1200. I read both the DFP and WSJ and it took me about 2 hours. How come I am not a fast reader?

I have become very concerned on the direction the President is taking the country. He seems to be under the total control of the unions. Some of his recent decisions will have severe economic impact in the coming years.

On a happier note this afternoon I downloaded the recent picture Nancy took during Akerke and Missy's visit. Nancy edited the pictures using Apple's photo editor. We emailed the pictures to the family. Nancy also downloaded the photos to Costco's photo center. Nancy ordered pictures and drove to the local Costco to pick them up. She needed the photos to show all her friends tomorrow.

Around 4:30 I took a 3 mile walk. Today was a perfect fall day, sunny and warm with peak colors. If you wanted photos for picture post cards today was a perfect day. The unfortunate thing is that today was an event and not a normal occurrence.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that is was rainy in the morning but cleared up by noon so they could get the garden plowed. Jim and Huey helped to plow in the corn stalks. In the morning GG showed Mrs Brown some property on the west side of US 23.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday October 18, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656. Sunday is swim day but today Missy wants to leave early for Ohio so we stay to help her get ready. Neither Missy or Akerke look as tired as they did when they arrived on Wednesday. The advantage of a couple of good night's sleep.

The car seat the Missy purchased from Baby's R Us is missing a part so she will stop by the store when it opens at 1000. I take Missy's car to the car wash. It has a lot of bird guano that it picked up when parked under the tree in our yard. I also filled the car with gas. Gas is now $2.59 per gallon. From everything I read gas prices should go up in the next couple of weeks.

Missy, Ms P and Akerke leave about 1030. Nancy and I head for Meijers to do our weekly shopping. The store was very crowded. Usually we are at Meijers 1.5 hours earlier than today and the crowd is quite light. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I read the front and sports page of the GRP and then headed for bed. I took a 2 hour nap. I just finished a 3 mile walk.

Nancy is fixing a light meal of roast beef sandwiches and tomato soup. Tonight will be a relaxing night of 60 minutes and then some bed time reading. The house is very quiet without Ms P or Missy and Akerke.

After a hectic three weeks of living in apartments and in airports, Akerke will finally arrive at her new home. I am sure that when she settles in a warm, stable environment her growth will accelerate.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG cleared the garden and got it ready for the plow. He also picked some beets and chard. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. He gave the Salvation Army $1. Was a $1 gift in 1938 a big gift?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday October 17, 2009

Saturday morning and the alarm goes off at 0636. Nancy is out of bed like a shot and she heads to the MAC for body pump. I get up slowly and head for the Brandywine for breakfast. I got home a little after nine and Nancy gets home a little later. Missy and Akerke are already up. Missy has fixed Akerke her breakfast.

It was a nice sunny day so I load up the kayak and head for Ada and the Grand River. When I got to the launch I noticed that the parking lot was full. This was the start of duck season and as I was unloading about 3 boats were coming. Most of the hunters said they did not get the limit but they all had some success. While kayaking I did not see any critters. However, any sunny day is a great day to be on the water. I spent about 2.5 hours on the water.

While I was kayaking Nancy took Missy and Akerke to Meijers Garden. Nancy said Akerke had a great time. This afternoon I broke down and cut the grass. This is absolutely, positively the last time this year. Missy could not get her car started so she ended up getting a new battery.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a nice Italian dish. It starts with L and I cannot spell it. There was not much on TV. Missy and Akerka are still suffering from jet lag so they went to bed early. Nancy and I retired at 9 to read.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported no rain but a partly cloudy Monday. GG drove to Kettern and arranged for him to plow on Wednesday. In the afternoon GG worked on beans.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday October 16, 2009

For the first time in ages I slept through from 10 PM until 0630. When I went downstairs Missy was feeding Akerke. I think they are catching up on the jet lag. Nancy decided to stay home from the MAC so she can play with Akerke. I put on my running shoes and ran to the MAC (2.4 miles, 4K). I am happy with the way my knees have responded to my increased running. In fact I think my pace has increased since I started the twice weekly 4.8 mile (8K) runs.

When I got home Nancy asked me to put the car seat in the Taurus. The girls were going to baby r us to purchase a new model car seat. After putting the seat in, I headed for the Kava House. It took two hours to read the DFP and WSJ.

After lunch Nancy asked if I would take Missy to Target so she could get a prescription filled. Missy has not been feeling well. While I was at the Kava House she went to a med center and was told she had a bad ear infection. The doctor gave her the prescription. We took Ms P with us. After Target we stopped by baby r us and bought a super duper car seat.

I also got my car washed and stopped by Best Buy to purchase a new computer monitor. I got a 24". It is really nice. Missy is going to take Nancy's old computer and my monitor.

For dinner tonight I headed to the "Outback" and purchased three Queensland salads. The food was good. Not much on TV so I am going to play with my new monitor.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Sunday. GG noted that they had a 1130 church service instead of an evening service. In the afternoon he and Hazel took a drive.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday October 15, 2009

It was a fitful night for Ms P. She was denied access to the room Missy and Akerke were sleeping in. I slept in until 0700. I followed my normal busy Thursday routine. It was cold on my ride to the MAC. I still have not figured out how to dress for the cold weather.

I came home after the MAC expecting to drive Missy to Starbucks for her morning latte. Instead when I got home everyone was gone, except Ms P. So I grabbed my Kindle and pedalled to the Kava House. The WSJ has a lot more non-business news than it before Rupert Murdoch purchased it. In fact I think that the WSJ had a larger readership than USA Today.

When I got home Missy was trying to get Akerke to take a nap. It took her until 3:30 before she finally settled down. The afternoon I answered an email from my AHS friend Tom Cassell. I also looked up the phone number of another classmate who lives in Muskegon. I called but only got the answering machine. My sister, Helen, called and wanted to know how the travellers were doing.

Nancy had a Blodgett wine and cheese reception at 4 and then was helping with the volunteer appreciation dinner at Meijer's Garden. Missy is preparing a meal for Akerke and I am ordering a pizza from Big Bob's for Missy and me (I?).

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Saturday and GG noted that it was another warm day. GG shelled 27 bushels of beans. GG also called at Ed Bruskies Cottage.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday October 14, 2009

Wednesday my easy day. My first big decision is where am I going to have breakfast. I selected Bill's on Michigan Ave. It is a favorite of the cheap eats folk. After breakfast I loaded up the AT and headed for John Ball Park and the Kent Trails Bike Path. The trail has been resurfaced recently. It was a nice smooth ride. The north end of the trail follows the Grand River and I travelled along the west side of the river eventually crossing the river using an old RR bridge. I followed the trail until it passed under the freeway. On my return home as I crossed over the bridge I turned left (west) instead of right and followed the trail until it got to Millennium Park. The park has two paved bike paths. I took the east path and it took me through some great wetlands for about 4 miles. Following the park trail I ended up back on Kent Trails and it was just a short ride back to John Ball Park. The entire trip was about 14 miles. I highly recommend this trip.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed for the airport. Today Missy (aka Tasha) and Akerke (aka AJ) arrive from Kazakhstan. The entire flight took over 36 hours. Needless to say both Missy and Akerke were exhausted. It was great seeing them and Nancy had purchased some ballons and presents for the girls. Akerke was fascianted with the ballons. Akerka has a Kazakhstan passport but is now officially a USA citizen.

After a quick dinner and bath Missy and Akerke headed to bed. The only sad thing about today was that Ms P was kind of left out of all the activity. Akerke will need some time to get use to the dog. Right now she is outside the bedroom door whining to get in. I will grab her after I finish the blog.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear warm Friday. GG said he took in beans and pulled most of the pods off. You farmer can figure that statement out.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday October 13, 2009

Tuesday morning and everything went well. I perform a few exercises and then run to the MAC. On Tuesday and Friday I now do 85% of the exercises I do at home on Mondays and Thursday at the MAC. I do not row on Tuesday or Friday. After the exercises I usually drink a half cup of coffee before running home. Today I ended up talking to Wayne, a dedicated runner, about our tours in Vietnam. We spent about 45 minutes telling stories. I got home about 1100, showered and headed to Kava House, via bike of course. I got home about 1300.

After lunch I decided to remove the screens on three doors and place the storm doors. I also removed all the downstairs screens. I think the house is much brighter with the screens gone. We need this additional brightness during the winter months. Nancy and I also brought in the hoses, flower pots and turned over the bird bath so it won't freeze. We also hung up the lawn mower so it is out of the way. Nancy's car looked dirty so I took it to Breton Village Car Wash. I finished my outside activities with a 1.5 mile walk.

I hope to have the blog done before dinner so I can watch NCIS tonight. Tomorrow Tasha and AJ will be here and Nancy has purchased some balloons to take to the airport. I got my 30 in today did you?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG said they had some rain last night and it was not quite so warm. He put 15 baskets of wood upstairs. He also put gas in the tank and air in the tires of the old car.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday October 12, 2009

Monday morning and in keeping with my retirement vows no alarm. I got up at 0630. Nancy was already up and had gotten her coffee. What good am I? I now do 5,000 meters on the Concept II. This morning I set my personal best of 22:00. I might record this time on Concept IIs web site. I try to get 40 minutes of aerobics so today I ran 18 minutes on the track (22' row + 18 run = 40').

I got a large coffee at the Kava House because it takes me longer to read both the DFP and WSJ. Although I must admit that I skip over a lot of the WSJ articles. The DFP this morning was disappointing. The majority of articles were taken off the AP news wire or some other wire.

Lately I have been reading about oil and gas exploration. It appears that new methods of getting natural gas out of rock formations has significantly increased the US's supply. Brazil and Ghana also have found large off shore oil fields.

I got home from the Kava House about 1315. I had a quick lunch and then got dressed because I attended a retirement reception for Bill DeYoung. Bill worked in the City Engineers office for 47 years. I met several of my college classmates at the reception. After I got home I went on a 3 mile walk.

This evening I will finish the newspaper and maybe watch some TV. Nancy likes to watch "House" at 8. I might retire to my office and watch the football game.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Wednesday. GG was home all morning but in the afternoon they drove to my grandparents via the old Hubbard Lake Road. They were home by 6 PM. Tonight Aunt Laura had a "Ladies Aid" meeting.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday October 11, 2009

I set the alarm for 0656 but I got up before that because Ms P had to do her bidness. It being Sunday we head for the MAC and our Sunday swim. I swam 1500 yards. Gas was $2.55 a gallon at Meijer's so I topped off the Taurus's tank. We stocked up on food for Tasha's and AJ's visit on Wednesday. I am sure Tasha will be very tired after traveling almost 15 hours on a plane with a 19 month old child who had not even been in a car until 3 weeks ago.

As usual I took a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I make some changes to the AT bike. I removed the rear storage bag and mounted a tire pump on the vertical strut. I needed to remove the bag because as an old guy I have a tough time lifting my leg over the saddle when I dismount. Now I just slid the bike forward when I stop and do not need to lift my leg. After working on the AT bike I rode around Reeds Lake two times. I was a nice day for a ride. The colors keep getting better. The trail around Reeds Lake was crowded with runners, walkers and bikers.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs and beans for dinner tonight. This is one of my favorite meals. We will probably watch 60 minutes and the football game until 9. I will go to bed to read and Nancy will watch, Law and Order or CSI, I can't remember.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Tuesday with a few clouds. GG drove to Alpena to deliver 10 squash to Aunt Laura. He also purchased a new item at the Ford dealer for the car. The church is having a roast pork dinner tonight.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday October 10, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy gets up and heads for the MAC. I slowly get up and must decide where I am going to have breakfast. The weather report says that we have heavy fog and the temperature is in the 30s. It is still pitch black so I decided to get in the Aztek and head for the Omelet House for an oatmeal breakfast. Oatmeal is a nice breakfast for a cold fall morning. The weather is suppose to improve so I decide to take advantage of the few days left for me to go kayaking this year.

I load up the kayak and head for Weber Dam in Ionia County. This dam impounds the Grand River. This is the second time I have been on this impoundment and today it was a great ride. The fall colors were really nice. I saw a deer, a lot of waterfowl and several huge hawks circling above the water. I did not see any turtles a sure sign that cold weather has driven the critters into hibernation. I spent 2.5 hours on the water.

I always enjoy driving through Ionia County's farm country. Today was no exception. The farms all look well maintained and prosperous. Of course all the nice farms are on gravel roads so the Aztek is very dirty.

When I got home Nancy was on the phone with Sasha getting help on her new iMac. Sasha was a big help. Nancy tried out her built in web cam by talking to Sasha via Skype. It worked great. Nancy likes her iMac.

Right now it is 5:55 and I am writing this blog on word and watching the UW/OSU game on TV. Yes folks I am multi tasking. Nancy is fixing tomato soup and fried egg sandwich for dinner. A great fall evening meal.

We heard from Tasha today and we expect to see her and AJ on Wednesday. Her long plane ride will be a chore for her.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm day with a light rain. GG was home all day.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday October 9, 2009

It started out as a dark rainy day and it continued to get worse. I slept in until 0700 and then put on my running clothes for my jog to the MAC. It was 50 when I left and the rain was just a slight drizzle. After performing all my exercises at the MAC I ran home. It was still just a slight drizzle. I showered and dressed, warmly, and then pedaled to the Kava House. It started to rain hard right before I arrived.

I spent about 1.5 hours reading the DFP and WSJ. The news was quite depressing. I got real wet on my ride home. I immediately changed clothes and put on a pair of lined jeans. This is the first time this fall that I have worn lined pants. After a quick lunch Ms P and I piled in the Aztek and headed to Meijer's. I bought some doggy treats for Ms P and some hard sourdough pretzels for Nancy and Bob. I also stopped at Rylee's Hardware and purchased a pair of Carhartt lined jeans.

It appears that I can now copy and paste a word.doc into my blog. I don't know what happened. Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Nameys at Marcos for dinner. The dinner was great I had a butternut squash soup that was outstanding. Nancy a big pork chop with plenty left over for Ms P. We had dessert at the Nameys. Mary prepared a heath bar/ice cream/vanilla pudding dish that was great.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool sunny Sunday. GG delivered papers to J. D. Bingham on Bartlett property. GG and GGM with the Clintons drove to the stone church for chicken dinner. Church was at 7:00 PM and 13 folks were in attendance.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thurday October 8, 2009

I am still not use to complete darkness at 0630. However, I did manage to get up and complete my at home exercises before 0800. I have still not figured out how to dress on these 40 degree mornings. I had on four layers for my ride to the MAC. When I left the MAC at 1030 I was overdressed with 4 layers. This morning's DFP had several good articles on how the City of Detroit and State of Michigan are trying to balance their budgets. It looks like the gov is recommending a tax increase. I think a tax increase is necessary.

I also subscribe to the WSJ and I spend too much time reading both papers. I spent 2 hours this morning reading papers (actually reading my Kindle). Speaking of Kindle the WSJ said that Amazon is lowering the price of the Kindle $60.

Nancy took Ms P into the beauty shop at 1230. After lunch we went and picked Ms P up. She looks great. If fact with short hair her dachshund features stand out.

I fired up the computer this afternoon and looked at train schedules in Europe. After much searching I finally found what I was looking for on mapquest. We can easily make one day visits to cities in Switzerland, Austria and of course Germany. We are thinking of buying a eurorail pass.

Tonight we are going out to dinner with the Horlings. We are meeting at the Bluewater Grill. The Bluewater was jammed. We had to wait about an hour.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Saturday. My great grand parents drove to Alpena to record at deed and also to get a quick claim deed from Gertrude Bartlett. GG drove a different route home.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday October 7, 2009

I set the alarm last night and that means it is breakfast club day. As soon as I get out of the rack I get Ms P outside so she can do her bidness. I arrived at Breakfast Club at exactly 0700. Today's speaker was the new Director of the Blandford Nature Center. I was very impressed with both the speaker and her presentation. After the meeting Jim Burr, an attorney, and kind of social chairman for the club asked me if I would be willing to give the Invocation and Introduction of Speaker at future meetings. I agreed. What could I say?

I got home about 0900 and immediately changed my clothes, grabbed my Kindle and headed to the Kava House. Today's DFP had several good articles on how Mayor Bing is going to solve Detroit's financial problems. I thought he gave some very good answers. The paper also reported on the State's financial problems. It looks like we might have a tax increase in order to fund some popular programs. Of course the paper talked about the Tigers heart breaking loss to the Twins last night.

I left the Kava House at 1130 and headed home to drop off the Kindle and then I pedalled to the MAC for a swim. I swam 1050 yards. I continue practicing breathing on every third stroke.

The morning was cold and dreary. When I got home from swimming I turned the heat on. This is the first time this fall. I also loaded up Ms P and headed to Staples to buy some storage containers. I plan on organizing all the family material on these cold days. After Staples I took a 3 mile walk.

It is now 8:22 and I am finishing this blog. Not much on TV so I will continuing reading my book. Just a reminder to get your 30 minutes outside every day. This includes cold, dreary days.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported that they had a heavy frost last night. There was ice on the lake. GG finished digging potatoes, 1.5 bushels. Uncle John and Aunt Laura also were cleaning up their garden but GG did not see them.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday October 6, 2009

Today I had a big decision to make. It is 45 degrees outside and should I wear shorts on my 4k run to the MAC. I decided on shorts and it worked out fine. I did run through some rain on my run home but it was a minor inconvenience. The rain had stopped after my shower so I pedaled the AT to the Kava House. The talk today is about the Tigers/Twins game tonight. Of course everyone I know is cheering for the Tigers.

Nancy and I got home about the same time. We decided to run two errands. So we loaded up Ms P and first headed for PetSmart for some dog food. Our second stop was at Costco. I needed some eye drops and beer and Nancy purchased cookie dough and bought some animal crackers for when we have grand kids visiting. We both purchased some clothes. Every once in a while Costco will have a clothing item that is a bargain. Today I purchased a fleece jacket and some pj bottoms. Nancy purchased a shirt.

We got an email from Tasha and it seems encouraging. I hope to see her and AJ in about a week.

It rained out all afternoon so I stayed inside and prepared our 3rd quarter financial statement. This quarter was better that the last quarter. We are happy to see any recovery no matter how small. Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner. It was great.

It is now 7:31 and I am finishing this blog so I can watch NCIS. I must get to bed early because tomorrow I must be at Breakfast Club by 0700.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Thursday. GG drove to Harrisville to deliver papers to the abstract office for land GG is selling in Alcona County. GGM attended a Freedom Circle meeting and GG worked for her at the post office.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday October 5, 2009

The dark gloomy mornings do not make getting up easy. I slept in until 0645. The only good thing about sleeping in is that it is light out when I get on the AT and pedal to the MAC. Today's DFP did not contain any stories about problems with the city or public schools. Is the DFP experiencing some burnout? Even the WSJ did not have any articles that I found interesting. While finishing my coffee at the Kava House who should walk in but Nancy. She had stopped by the post office. Today all cookies are $1 so we split a chocolate chip cookie.

This afternoon I loaded Ms P in the Aztek and drove to Midwest Glass to pick up our new glass top for our sun room table. I also cut the grass. I think that this is the last time the grass will need cutting this year.

Not much on TV so I hope to finish this blog early so I can continue reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". It is quite good.

I think that I will change my political party to Libertarian. I am so tired of the GOP and all their negative actions. To cheer because Chicago lost the 2016 games is too much. Although I think the Olympic committee was really put out by the actions of the Secret Service. I have read about negative reactions to the SS when a president is visiting a foreign country. Nobody likes arrogant cops.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday. GG was home all day. They brought in all the squash and pumpkins.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday October 4, 2009

As usual on Sundays the alarm goes off at 0656. Bob and Nancy are going swimming. Today we were the only people in the pool. Today I practised my freestyle stroke by breathing every third stroke. I would breathe first on the right side and then on the left side. In the past I have had a tough time with the stroke. I think because of the new pool chemicals that allow me to use standard goggles instead of a mask that covers my nose. The new nose drops I have been taking might also help.

After the swim we head for Meijers. The control panel on the Taurus told us that we had less than 30 miles to go before we ran out of gas. The gage might be right because I put 17.5 gallons in a 20 gallon tank. Gas was $2.29 per gallon.

This morning we called the Scott Team in Long Beach. Today is LA's fourth birthday. He was just opening presents and seemed in high spirits. Tia Sasha drove down for LA's birthday party on Saturday.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap and then Nancy and I headed downtown to see some of the winners in the Art Prize contest. Downtown was crowded. We also visited a lot of art displays south of Fulton between Sheldon and Ionia. This area of GR has undergone a real renaissance. We spent over 2 hours walking around. It was a very pleasant walk.

After dinner, we watched 60 minutes, finished the paper and headed to bed. It is now 9:20 and I will head for bed after writing the blog. Of course, I have the electric blanket on warming up the bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear Tuesday. GG and GGM along with the Scott's and Yake's drove after flowers for Laura and delivered same. GG cashed a $20 check.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday October 3, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and I also hear it raining outside. It has been a long time since we have had a rainy Saturday. I decide that I will get my exercise by running on the track at the MAC. First I have to take Ms P outside so she can do her bidness. It was raining hard enough that I took the Aztek. I ran 3 miles and I was surprised that I experienced no pain. After the MAC I go across the street to D&W where I buy several donuts and a cup of coffee. I take out the Kindle and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP was full of stories about today's UM/MSU game.

When I get home it is still raining so I load Ms P in the Aztek and we head to the Tractor Supply Store in Hudsonville. I want to buy a pair of Carhartt lined jeans. The store did not have any so I head to the Outpost in Holland. I was disappointed that the Outpost did not have any clothes I wanted to buy. I will have to buy my winter clothes on-line.

When Ms P and I get home we found Nancy cleaning out her closets. She was putting the summer clothes away and bringing out the winter clothes. Nancy also threw away a lot of clothes she is not wearing. Between us we have enough clothes for four adults.

I have copied all of Nancy's files on her old computer onto a hard disc. I also printed out all relevant material. We might give the old Dell computer to Tasha if she wants it. I watched the OT of the UM/MSU game. I was disappointed in the outcome. I was also disappointed in the outcome of the ND game.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Russ' for soup and a burger. The place was crowded. Nancy is downstairs watching TV and I am rearranging the office. I moved the TV and printer. I rearrange the office about every 3 months. Change is good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that the day (Monday) started out rainy but it soon cleared out and the rest of the day was sunny. GG and friends finished picking tomatoes. They got about a bushel. GGM, Hazel, drove to Bay City with Fern. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday October 2, 2009

I slept in until 0645 because I can not go to the MAC. Instead I am meeting 9 of my OH neighbors for a tree planting work session. We started at 0800 and by 1000 eighteen new trees were planted. In fact we have a new tree (pear) in our front planter. Nine trees were planted on Mackinaw and nine on Pontiac. John Witkowski the president of the OHNA was in charge and he also provided coffee and donuts. John should get a gold star for his efforts.

I finished putting the summer clothes away and rearranging my closets. I also continued to add to the pile of clothes I will take to the Salvation Army.

At 1300 Nancy and I were at the Kent County Health Dept to get our Hep A and B shots. Nancy is up to date and I need to get a booster in March. After the shots I went on a 3 mile walk and Nancy went and got her hair cut. Her hair looks great.

This evening we decided to dine at Brann's, a local restaurant and sports bar. The sports bar is usually very crowded but tonight it was empty. Is this an indication of the local economy? After dinner we watched some TV and I immediately fell asleep in my chair. Too much fresh air?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday and GG noted they had a frost last night. Huey told GG the lake had a light crust of ice. GG drove to Alpena to pick up Aunt Laura. Aunt Laura picked 2 1/2 bu of garden stuff. They took Aunt Laura home to Alpena and stayed for dinner. There were 15 folks at church tonight.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday October 1, 2009

It froze last night. When I took Ms P out this morning to do her bidness I noted that Tasha's car was covered with frost. Today on my bike ride to the MAC I had to put on gloves. I also started wearing wool socks. My morning routine went without a hitch. I got home from the Kava House at 1300.

This afternoon I started putting the summer stuff away and bringing out the fall clothes. I still am not done. I read someplace that if you do not wear an item of clothing for 2 years throw it away. I started chucking this afternoon. I must have about 50 items. I will take most of the stuff to the Salvation Army. I spent about 3 hours trying to get everything squared away.

They announced the top 10 winner in the Art Prize contest. Nancy and I had seen almost all of the winners last night. In fact I agree with the rankings.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I had fried perch with french fries. I guess I am getting hold because it was too much fried food for me. We watched Bones and then headed upstairs. Tomorrow I am working with a group of neighbors planting trees. We plan on planting 15 trees.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cold and the first day of duck season. Uncle Guy and Cousin David shot 6. GG said he split 33 bu of hard wood for the upstairs. GG noted that it looks like frost tonight because the sky was clear.