Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday March 31, 2009

No alarm this morning so I woke at 0615. I hurried and got Nancy her coffee. This is the last morning I have to make coffee because Nancy will be in CA for the next 2 weeks. Lately I have been running 2.5 miles each morning. I have experienced no pain and will continue with this run. This mornings DFP had a lot of coverage on BO's firing the Chairman of GM. The coverage was pro GM.

This afternoon I set up my autocad program so I can plot the family tree. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Tomorrow Nancy and I will have breakfast at Arnies. After breakfast I will take her to the airport. SPS will pick Nancy up at LAX.

This evening is a good TV night. I am writing this blog and watching Hardball.

Ossineke, MI this date 1938. The winds were very high 40-50 mph. GG noted the smelt run is on full blast. He also mentioned the opposition to the Reorganization Bill. GG was very conservative.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday March 30, 2009

0555 I hear a ringing. I check the clock and the alarm has not been set. I hear the mystery ring several more times and finally realize that it is the phone. Nancy picks it up and it is Tasha.

It was very cold this morning. The wind chill was in the teens. However, like most of March it was a bright sunny day. The days are getting longer because my ride to the MAC was in full daylight. Today is the first day of the DFPs new policy of no home delivery. To mark the day the paper was free at the Eastgate Pharmacy. I read my free paper and had my coffee as usual at the Kava House. I spoke to an old acquaintance at the Kava House and we talked about BO forcing out the Chairman of GM. I think it is bad policy when the Feds start running auto companies. I am rethinkinf my feelings on the bailouts. Perhaps the best policy would have been to let all the banks and car companies go belly up. It would be painful for a short time but the changes that had to me made would be made. No halfway solutions. I look at the clowns in congress grandstanding before the TV cameras and I get so mad. They could care less about the good of the people. They just want their agenda.

On a brighter note, I am happy that MSU made the final four. The games will be played in Detroit and Michigan deserves some good news. Also tonight I get to watch 24. I have only been following the last four episodes and do not know if this is the 24th hour. I will find out tonight.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was warm in Ossineke, 42 degrees in the morning. GG and GGM took Julia and Mrs Jordan to Alpena. GG bought 200 scratch and 100 mash (I think the units are pounds. Scratch and mash I think are chicken feed). He also got 4 quarts of maple syrup.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday March 29, 2009

It was cold and rainy this morning. It started to snow but the snow did not stick. Nancy and I went swimming this morning. I had a sore shoulder from kayaking yesterday so I used the kick board for several laps. I have a terrible kick. Nancy creams me. Since Nancy will be leaving Wednesday we did not have to make our weekly trip to Meijers. Nancy did make her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

Nancy worked at the hospital this afternoon and I took a nap. After the nap I took a walk (3 miles). I did not watch the MSU game because I cannot get CBS on the upstairs TV. It is good to see a Big Ten team in the final four. Especially since the games will be held in Detroit. Did you know the basket ball floor for the final four was made in MI of Michigan hard wood?

This evening we watched 60 minutes. I just went outside with Ms P and noticed that it had quit snowing. After I finish this blog I will head to bed for some serious reading. I just bought a Clive Cussler novel at Costco. No I have not finished "Two Years Before the Mast".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was rainy and 40 all day. Flood waters in the Devils River were lower. GG estimates he got 100 smelt tonight. Yum Yum.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday March 28, 2009

On Saturdays I set the alarm for 0636. This is the time I have to wake Nancy for her early class at the MAC. On Saturdays I buy a NYT and have breakfast at the Brandywine. This morning was no exception. After breakfast I had to decide what to do for exercise, kayak or bike. This is always a tough decision. This sun was beginning to come out so I decide to go kayaking. This will be my first time in my kayak in 09. I put in at Ada and paddle up the Grand River. I wore my GPS and found that paddling upstream I only travelled about 2 miles and hour. Downstream I averaged 4 miles an hour. I paddled 3 hours.

When I got home I checked my email. I only had junk emails. I think everyone now knows that I am retired. I am out of the loop. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Russ'. After dinner we drove to "Babies R US" so Nancy could look at swings. We also stopped at "Bed, Bath etc" to purchase furniture polish. Not much on TV tonight. I finished the front section of the NYT and the GRP.

Wednesday Nancy is going to Long Beach. She finished packing today. We also talked to Tasha. She called from Chicago where she was waiting for her plane to Germany.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. 32 degrees in morning, 50 at noon and 45 in PM. GG noted they cleaned most of the day. Worked post office in afternoon. Congress passed the Reorganization Bill, 49 to 42 in the senate. GG was given 1/2 dozen smelt. Eward Reinhaetz dipped 25 smelt. (Smelt are small silvery fish that every spring leave Lake Huron and enter small northern Michigan streams to spawn. You catch smelt using a net. The net looks like a butterfly net. The smelt run only lasts about 10 days. The best way to eat smelt is to deep fat fry them.)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday March 27, 2009

Yes folks, another Friday has come our way. Time is moving too fast. Today was another sunny day. I followed my normal morning routine. After I got home from the Kava House I loaded up the car with some grass from my recent raking. Ms Petunia and I drove to the GR yard waste disposal site and unloaded the car. After this chore I had lunch. After lunch Ms Petunia and I got in the car and headed for Costco to pick up some medicine for my ear. Costco had a lot of sample booths open but few customers. I filled up.

When I got home I took a nap. Presently I am drinking a beer as I write this blog. It is 5:30 and I want to get the blog done early. As I mentioned yesterday, Nancy and I are going to the Civic Theater to see the "Producers".

Tomorrow Tasha is starting her big adventure. Nancy and I wish her well.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday. the weather was mild and GG stayed home all day. GG spent the day listening to the radio. He did mention that the roads were getting better.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday March 26, 2009

Today is a busy day. My alarm goes off at 0545. I had to drive the Aztek to the MAC in order to make my 1040 Dr appointment. The ear doctor said I had the same condition that I had on 2 previous visits. He gave me several prescriptions. After the doctor I still had time for coffee and the DFP at the Kava House.

When I got home Nancy and I headed for the Kent County Health Department to get our shots for the visit to Kstan. Nancy needed 2 shots and I needed 1. We both have to take 4 pills over the next several days. After the shots we headed to the civic theater to get tickets for the Friday night performance of the Producers. We also stopped at the bank and drove to Costco to get my prescriptions filled. I got gas at Costco and the price has risen to $2.04 per gallon. Ms Petunia went with us.

Our chores are still not done. Nancy is a neighborhood block captain so we delivered a flier to neighbors on our block. Tonight we are going to GL Shipping for dinner.

I saw several turtles sunning themselves yesterday on my walk. This is a sure sign that spring is here.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was 40 degrees all day. GG noted a cold NW wind. All the snow and ice is gone from Ossineke. The roads must have been bad because GG noted that Uncle Guy was finally able to get through to my grandparents at Hubbard Lake. GGmother put Clark Gardues flower seed in the turf today, 16 lots.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday March 25, 2009

Today is breakfast club. When you have a club of old guys every thing is predictable. As usual, I got to the meeting 15 minutes early. As usual, the same people were already in attendance. I sat at the same 8 place table. The same 7 table mates were also there. The club meeting is held at the GR Women's Civic Club. They have the world's best scrambled eggs.

After breakfast club I checked out the City's free yard waste depot. I went home and got out my new electric chain saw and started cutting up all the big branches I had trimmed. I love my new chain saw. I loaded up the Aztek with the tree limbs and headed for the yard waste depot. I took Ms Petunia with me. I have now completed the spring cleanup of the yard.

I was going to go kayaking but the wind was very strong. Instead I walked around Reeds Lake. My GPS said I had walked 6.5 miles in 1 hour and 58 minutes. I drove Nancy to a paper product sale at the Gallery 19 factory. The sale started at 6 and we completed our shopping by 6:20. We also stopped by D&W so I could purchase a 6 pack.

Not much on TV tonight so I will turn in early. I have a busy day tomorrow. I have an ear doctor appointment at 1040. At 1:30 Nancy and I are getting some shots for our trip to the middle east. The Kent County Health Department is the only place we can get the needed shots.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not have much to say. It was partly cloudy with some rain in the PM. GG worked 3 hours at the post office. Hazel went to Alpena and Elinor and Gaylord Murphy went to Bay City to work. The county roads are still bad.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday March 24, 2009

The temperature this morning was 37 degrees with wind speeds of 30 mph. The winds lately have been out of the east. This is not the normal wind direction. After the DFP and coffee at the Kava House I headed home. My goals this afternoon are to finish raking the yard and finish cutting up and bagging the small limbs that I trimmed earlier this spring. I accomplished both.

We got our taxes from the accountant this afternoon. We do not have to pay as much as last year. Nancy and I had to sign a 8899 (8989?) and send it back so that the accountant could file electronically. Since I had to mail the 8899, I also paid some bills including renewing LAS's subscription to National Geo for Little Kids. I walked to the Post Office to mail the letters.

I downloaded some photos of Ms Petunia and emailed them to Tasha. Tonight we are having Cornish hen for dinner. Last night I watched 24 and think that Jack will die in the last episode. Tonight we will watch NCIS at 8 PM. I have breakfast club tomorrow so I will go the bed right after NCIS.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena in the morning. He took cousin Glen. GG bought a license for his trailer. It cost $2. The temperature hovered around 40 all day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday March 23, 2009

It was very cold and windy this morning. Wind chill was in the teens. I bundled up real good for my ride to the MAC. The DFP continues to write about the troubles at GM. It does not appear to be getting better.

After lunch and before starting any yard work I decided to call my high school buddy Tom. Tom has been retired about 6 years and is renting a house on 2nd Ave in Alpena. We talked about 1 hour. Tom filled me in on his work since leaving high school. The last 12 years before retiring Tom was a long haul truck driver. He visited all 48 lower states. It was fun talking about the olden days. After my conversation with Tom, Ms Petunia and I drove to Home Depot. I bought an electric chain saw. I worked in the yard for about 1 hour and then took at 3 mile walk.

I just took some pictures of Nancy, Bob and of course Ms Petunia. I emailed the photos to Tasha. Tonight I have to watch 24 at 9 PM.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Thunder storms and rain in Ossineke today. GG noted that the radio worked fine all day. The snow and ice are mostly gone. Uncle Guy continues to get stuck on his rural mail route.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday March 22, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656 and Nancy and I hustle to get to the MAC by 0800. We want to be first in the pool so we get the good lanes. Both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. At Meijers I filled up the Taurus. Gas was $1.96 per gallon.

I took my usual afternoon nap and then worked in the yard for about 1 hour. I have approximately 2 more days of yard cleanup. The spring yard cleanup is the hardest part of yard work. I also took a 3 mile walk. Today was another sunny day. I cannot remember a March where we have had so much sunshine. It is great.

As I was filling up the car this morning I thought that self service gas is relatively new. Until the mid 1960s gas stations had an attendant to fill you up, clean your windshield, and check your oil. A lot of my friends in high school liked to get a job in a gas station. Your duties included routine maintenance, fixing tires and of course filling up cars. In slow times the owner let you put your car, usually a junker, up on the rack so you could work on it. It was great training. The other benefit was you got to meet a lot of girls.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was very warm, the temperature reached 80. The radio reception was very bad with a lot of static. (caused by atmospheric conditions). GG had the car lubed, it cost $1. Also fixed the trailer tine. He worked in the post office in the PM. Uncle Guy got stuck 2 times on his mail route.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday March 21, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and I wake Nancy. She works at Meijers Gardens this morning so she said she is not going to the MAC. (did I have enough she in the last sentence) I went back to bed and slept to 0700. Today there is a sportsman show at the convention center. I decide to walk to the show. On my way I stop at the Common Ground and talk to Rick DV. He tells me that he has his house in Wilcox Park up for sale. They bought a condo in Plainfield Twp.

I stop at the Amway to buy a NYT and have a biscuit in the deli. I think I have found an apple fritter as good as the market in Cle. The Amway's fritters are huge. The show was packed. A lot of fishing gear was on display. Also fishing boats, pontoons and outboard motors. I remember when we had a 15 HP outboard. It was light enough to carry. It was state of the art. Today most outboards are 90 HP or more and weigh a couple hundred pounds. The Red Man Chewing Tobacco Company was providing free samples.

On my way home I stopped at the DeVos Center box office to see if any tickets were available for tonight's Pops Concert. They had some $75 tickets. I said no thanks.

This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Home Depot to look at some garden supplies. We took Ms Petunia. I was looking at an electric chain saw and Nancy wanted a leaf blower. We did not buy anything. For dinner tonight we had some of Nancy's world famous pea soup.

I watched the UM basketball game. It was ok. Not much was on TV so Nancy went to bed early. Ms Petunia and I watched Clint Eastwood in "High Plains Drifter".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was warm and sunny all day. GG drove to Couture's for gas and oil. He then drove to the mouth of the river (Devils) to see if all the ice was out. It was.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday March 20, 2009

Today is the official first day of spring. It was cold, 18, this morning. I cannot remember a March where we have had so much sunshine. Today was beautiful with a clear blue sky all day.

The Tru-Green man came this afternoon to put some fertilizer on the lawn. I talked him out of it, saying I had not finished raking the lawn. This afternoon I did finish raking the lawn, except for a small patch that is loaded with trimmed tree branches. I will finish trimming these branches on Monday.

Tonight was 2 for 1 night and dollar beer night at the GR Griffins hockey game. When we got to the arena a sign said the game was sold out. We were with Linda and Tom. We had dinner at a local bar. We got home and started watching a NCAA BB game when I fell asleep for an hour.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm day, 40 to 50. GG went with Edward Schuske to the lot (he bought from GG). He buys new bargain, 200 feet along US 23, north from Domkes 200 feet. He paid $25+$5 per foot. Saw Noogle & Fr Brussean. (GG handwriting is getting very shaky)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday March 19, 2009

This morning it was below freezing. This is the first time in about a week. I bundled up when I rode the bike to the MAC. The past 2 mornings I have been running outside for 2 miles. Running outside is harder than running inside on a flat track. As usual, I had coffee at the Kava House and read the DFP. I have been trying to lessen my coffee input. I now buy a 16 oz cup instead of a 20 oz. It is the right size because the coffee is finished at the same time I finish reading the DFP.

This afternoon I started raking the front lawn. My goal was to complete the front yard before going to dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I finished at 5:30. I had the French Dip and Nancy had a trip to the salad bar. I fell asleep watching TV so I decided to go to bed early. It is now 8:55 and I will turn in after writing this blog. I got an email from a good high school friend today. It was good hearing from an old friend.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was Saturday so GG was not very wordy. He mentioned that the melting snow had caused river (Devils River) levels to rise. He also let all the chickens out today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday March 18, 2009

As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, Wednesday is my easy day. I slept in until 0730 this morning. Today is also the third Wednesday of the month which means I have a GR Building Authority Meeting at 0900. The meeting was pretty routine. After the meeting I head to Lowell for lunch with JD. I was early so I drove around Lowell. It is a nice community. I will recommend it to Tasha if she should elect to move back to the area. We had lunch at Keiser's. JD had just returned from a bridge conference so she kept me informed on what is happening in the industry.

After lunch I decided to rake the lawn on the east side of the house. It took me over 2 hours. After the raking I took a 3 mile walk.

I get so tired of "Hardball" that I decided to write this blog between 7 and 8. At 8 we will watch a rerun of Boston Legal.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was spring like in Ossineke. Temperature reached 50. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. It was so nice he let the Plymouth Rock hens out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day according to my calender is the first day of spring. It always has been and always will be. In recent days we have had a large number of robins return to the neighborhood. At 0610, when Ms Petunia and I went out, the chirping of the robins spooked her. She did not do her bidness.

I followed my normal routine and got home from the Kava House at 12:30. After lunch I worked in the yard for about 2 hours. I continued to cut up trimmed tree branches and raked the planter strip. After the yard work I took a 3 mile walk.

The ice is completely off Reeds Lake. I might put in my kayak tomorrow.

Nancy has a neighborhood meeting this evening so I am home alone. I will read the GRP and watch NCIS. I must also read material for tomorrows Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting. All the material is in pdf format. Pdf appears to be the format for everything. JD sent me a set of plans last week in this format.

Alpena, MI this date in 1956. Jerry Kendzorski invited a bunch of senior classmates over to his house to play poker. I was 17 at the time and just finding out about beer, etc. Jerry's mother had purchased a keg of green beer for us. I thought it was cool that his mother would allow us to drink. We also had baloney sandwiches on green bread. Douville's (sp?), a local bakery, had made the bread especially for St Pat's day. The baloney came from Kruger's Meat Market. Kruger's was noted throughout Northern Michigan for their baloney.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Today is GG 82 birthday. He was born in 1856 in Sanborn, New York. Sanborn, NY was named after GG's father as was Sanborn Township, Mi. Ossineke, MI is located in Sanborn Township. It was warm on GG birthday. Aunt Julia, GG daughter, had a church dinner and they made $16. Aunt Laura, another daughter, and her husband John visited. Laura gave GG $5 and Julia gave him a shirt. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday March 16, 2009

Between 9 PM and 0600 Ms Petunia had to do her bidness 4 times. Good thing it was a warm evening. I followed my normal morning routine and ended up at the Kava House reading the DFP. Today's news was upbeat because the NCAA final 4 games are to be held in Detroit. MSU and UM are in the tournament.

After lunch Nancy and I loaded Ms Petunia in the car and headed for the credit union and Costco. We also dropped our tax data off at the accountants.

Nancy and I worked in the yard until after 4. It was a beautiful day with sunny skies and temperatures in the 60s. After the yard work I walked over to Reeds Lake to see if the ice is off the lake. It is not.

I am still using the SCECO laptop. I just got 230 emails over the weekend. I read only 1 and that was from FD regarding the NCAA basketball pool. My new email address only gets about 1 email per day. I assume that the number of emails will increase as soon as I order something on line.

Ossineke, MI this day in 1938. It was rainy and slippery with temperatures hovering at the freezing mark. Aunt Julia went to Alpena and GG received 2 letters from Rochester. I am assuming it is Rochester, NY.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday March 15, 2009

The alarm is set for 0656 but Ms Petunia has a different idea. At 0630 she starts jumping on my chest informing me that if we don't go outside in a hurry I will be sorry. So outside we go and she does her bidness. The Vet says that the pills Ms Petunia is taking is causing her over active bladder.

Nancy and I head for the MAC hoping that we will be first in the pool so we can select the best lanes. We were, although Nancy eventually had to share a lane. Like most Sundays we finish the morning at Meijers. I fill the Taurus up and paid only $1.88 for gas. Nancy made her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I think today is the Ides of March. Nancy says Ides means middle. All I know was that Julius Caesar was to watch out.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap. I also read a chapter of "Two Years Before the Mast". It takes me forever to finish a book. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. Today was the first day this year that I went outside without a hat. It was 57 degrees and sunny. The ice is almost gone from Reeds Lake. I might be able to put my kayak in by the end of the week. I will not get into the Grand River for several weeks. We have had some serious flooding and the Grand River is in flood stage.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was 30 degrees and sunny. GG noted that they drove to Alpena and extended Dorribie's note + interest 1 month. He paid $100 plus $20 interest. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. It was a busy day at the post office.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday March 14, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626. I wake Nancy so she can make her early body pump class at the MAC. I stop by D&W to buy a NYT and then have a bowl of oatmeal at the Omelet Shop. I come home and load up the road bike and head for Riverside Park. I want to ride 30 miles on the White Pine Trail. It was a beautiful day for a bike ride. The trail was crowded with runners and bikers. Many runners wore only shorts. I wore flannel lined pants. As I was heading north out of Rockford I saw Larry of Chuck and Larry fame. Larry had some health issues and his doctor told him to walk. He has lost over 25 pounds and looks good. SPS will remember Larry from his days helping Chuck. The wind picked up on my way home. I was very tired and cold. My GPS told me I had ridden 31.4 miles in 3 hours.

When I got home I took a hot shower and then turned my electric blanket up full blast and took a short nap. I was warm when I got up. Tasha had called Nancy and told her that she is finishing arrangements for her trip to stan. We are happy for her. On the Ms Petunia front I had to take her out 2 times last night. This morning we took a walk of about 0.25 miles. I will gradually increase her walking distances to 0.5 miles.

Tonight Nancy and I are having supper at Russ's. Soup and a burger sounds goods. Tonight I will finish reading the NYT and GRP. I also have several Time magazines that I want to read.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold and windy today. The river was quite high and had flooded Bingham's fill. GG noted that there was lots of foreign news. (I am assuming the troubles in Europe)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday March 13, 2009

This morning I set my alarm for 0545 because I have to go to Rosebush to see cousin Peg. On days I have morning activities I perform 1/2 of my normal routine, i.e. I run 1 mile instead of 2. I left for Rosebush at 0900. It was a beautiful sunny day. Cousin Peg was in a good mood and we had lunch at the Diner on Old 27. We met with her accountant and Peg got some good news and bad news. The bad news was that she lost money in the stock market. The good news was that she did not have to pay any taxes. When we got back to her apartment I helped her write some checks. Peg listens to her satellite radio (40s music) and also listens to audio books. The Rosebush library is within walking distance and she walked over this week and ordered some new books.

It was such a nice day I took the scenic route home. This afternoon Nancy took Ms Petunia to the vet. Ms Petunia is recovering well and we will start weaning her off the prescription drugs.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at the Brandywine. It is 8:15 and I want to finish this blog soon so I can watch old Red Skeleton TV clips on PBS. I loved Red Skeleton especially his radio show.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG said they were experiencing flooding and that the gravel roads had turned to mud. He drove to Hubbard Lake to see my grandparents. They were home by 4 PM. GG noted that Aunt Laura had her birthday on March 8 and his is coming up on St Patrick's Day, March 17.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday March 12, 2009

Boy was it cold this morning. It was 18 degrees at 0700. I woke this morning at 0645. Perhaps I should not have watched a rerun of Boston Legal until 11 PM. After my morning routine at home I bundled up and pedalled to the MAC. Thursday is my busy exercise day so I did not leave the MAC until 1100.

This morning's DFP had a major article on all the Fed's investigations into corruption in Detroit City Hall. They have been working for months on 3 problem areas. No arrests have been made and it appears that their investigations will continue for years. I am convinced that the Federal Government cannot do anything right. The world's biggest lie "I am from the Feds and I am here to help you".

This afternoon Nancy and I talked to Peg M via our web cams. We have some work to do before we become proficient. I read US News on-line edition. It is in Adobe format and it looks great. I also started reading from my unread mail pile. The sun was out so I went on a 3 mile walk.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Actually we have dinner every Thursday night at GLS. The place was empty. Tonight I am heading to bed early because tomorrow I have to go to Rosebush. Peg and I are meeting with her accountant.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG's weather report said it was 50 degrees at noon. He wrote an item for the Alpena News and several letters to friends.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday March 11, 2009

At midnight when I took Ms Petunia out to do her bidness it was 50 degrees. The wind started blowing around 0200. When Ms Petunia and I went out at o6oo the wind was blowing 40 mph and the temperature had dropped to 20 degrees. This morning I went to breakfast club. They had about 50 members in attendance. The food was great and every week I get to meet more members. It has been an enjoyable experience.

After breakfast I had to run several errands. I have been very green in my use of the Aztek. Today was the first time in 5 days that I drove the car. After lunch I finished reading an article in Vanity Fair on the current meltdown of the financial markets. I don't know why I enjoy reading about the Wall Street crooks?

I started playing with my web cam this afternoon. I got it working using skype. I wanted to get Nancy's web cam also working. Nancy was not home from working at Meijer's Garden so I took a 4 mile walk. When Nancy got home I played with our web cams and finally got it so we can communicate between computers.

Tonight Nancy has book club so I headed to Vitales for beer and pizza with Tom Moleski. We had a good time.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that it was cold and sunny all day. He also mentioned that Germany had absorbed Austria. (Hitler was just warming up)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday March 10, 2009

Ms Petunia woke me at 0200. I took her outside and she did her bidness. I slept in again to 0630. I again took Ms P outside, in the rain, and she refused. My rowing time this morning was the slowest this year. I think it is due to DST lag. I put on my rain pants, provided by Tasha, and pedalled to the MAC. My time for the 2 mile run was very slow, 20' 37". Once again because of DST lag.

At the Kava House I spent a long time reading the text messages of the ex Mayor of Detroit. I wonder how they got any work done because they had sent over 6,000 messages in several months. The DFP mentioned that the Fed's Oversight visited GM and Dodge but did not go into details. The juicy text messages between the ex mayor and his girl friend were more important.

After lunch I sat down and read the article in Vanity Fair about Bernie Madoff, or as a reporter for the daily beast called him, MF. Bernie was a piece of work. It is hard for me to fathom how all the smart people got taken in by MF. It makes great reading.

It has rained all day and I should have completed some items on my to do list. I did not do 1 item. My to do list consists of the following:
  1. Read my stack of mail.
  2. Get my web cam to work. I have down loaded Skype.
  3. Draw up my family tree. I have all the info except for the Scott family.
  4. Read my back issues of magazines.
  5. Play with my GPS so I locate a landmark by latitude and longitude.
  6. Frame some family photos.
  7. Find an interesting weekend car trip for Bob and Nancy.

I am writing this blog early so I can go on a 3 mile walk. After dinner I want to read another article on the hedge fund that lost several billion in MF's scam. I will also watch NCIS. Last night I watched 24. I am getting hooked.

Ossineke, MI this day in 1938. GG noted it was cold with an east wind. (along Lake Huron an east wind usually means bad weather is coming) He planted 3 rows of potatoes. (isn't this early?) In the PM he mentioned that Ured gave him 4 trout.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday March 9, 2009

Boy did I sleep in! I woke at 0630 and had to hustle to get Nancy her coffee. DST makes it really dark. I will use DST as my excuse for sleeping in. The sun comes up at 0815, so I took my time doing my morning routine so I could ride my bike to the MAC in day light. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The DFP's entire front page was dedicated to the visit by the Federal Oversight Committee that is monitoring GM and Dodge. They were stating the case for continued support for the auto makers and the impact (+ and -) their actions will have on the Detroit area.

HH at Northwest Design Group left a message on my voice mail offering me a part time bridge inspection job. When I got home I called HH and told him I was not interested. However, if the economy continues to tank I might need a full time job.

It was about 45 degrees and sunny so I started to do some yard work. A week ago I had trimmed some tree branches and left them in a big pile in the back yard. Today I started cutting the branches into small pieces to place in GR yard waste bags. I filled two bags and then took a 2 mile walk.

Tonight I hope to catch up on some reading. This is the first of the month and our pile of unread magazines is high.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted it was cold and clear all day. He worked at the Post Office for 2 hours. GGmother attended a function at the Methodist Church in Alpena.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday March 8, 2009

Daylight Savings Time starts. Nancy and I had a rough time getting out of bed at 0655. I did get Ms Petunia out so she could do her bidness. It is still raining and very dark at 0730. I swam my 1500 yards with little pain in my shoulder. I was worried about my shoulder injury because kayaking season is coming soon. With all the warm temperatures we have been having the ice should be off the lakes my the end of next week.

Last week we had some warm weather so the snow on Reeds Lake melted and then froze over night. The surface of Reeds Lake had a mirror finish. I noted several ice boat soaring across the Lake. Conditions were perfect for ice boating.

After the MAC we headed to Meijers for our weekly supplies. The store was crowded. I topped off Nancy's car. Gas was $2.03 per gallon. We continue to use the self check out lane. We are so green we bring our canvas bags.

Nancy, of course, made her world famous poached eggs. I started the newspaper and then took a short nap. I will take a walk after writing this blog. My next project is to get my web cam working. I also have a lot of reading to catch up on. I don't know what I do with my time. But then is this important? I am now listening to the sound track from "O Brother Where Art Thou".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was 0 in the morning. GG and GGM drove to my grandparents for dinner. Today was Aunt Laura's birthday. She was 56 or 57.

Saturday March 7, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0625 and I wake Nancy so she can attend her 0700 class at the MAC. Rain is suppose to start early this morning. I put on my walking shoes and hustle to walk around Reeds Lake before the rain starts. I wore my GPS so I could measure my walking pace. It is between 15 and 16 minutes per mile. I got 3 miles into the walk and I had to get my rain coat out of the back pack. I stopped at the Kava House and had a sweet roll and read the NYT. The news lately has been very depressing. However, from my perspective I don't think this down turn is as bad as it was in the early 1980s. Unemployment then was above 10% nationwide and interest rates were around 18%. I was out of work for about 2 months. My total walk was 7.94 miles.

It continued to rain so in the PM I took a nap. At 5:30 Nancy and I headed for Linda and Tom's for dinner. Another couple and Tim M were there. We had ham and a great brown rice dish. It was Tim's birthday and Nancy made a chocolate cake. A good time was had by all.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG reported that it was cold and clear with strong March winds.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6, 2009

It was 56 degrees at 0700. I think it set a record for this date. My morning routine ended at the Kava House drinking the house blend and reading the DFP. The actions of the Detroit City Council are better than the funny papers. However, things are serious in MI, unemployment is above 11% and according to the DFP GM is in serious condition. The financial writer for the DFP recommended selling GM stock. Nancy and I have 200 shares and we are going to ride it out.

Ms Petunia spent 2 hours at the groomer yesterday in addition to a 1 mile walk. Last night she seemed to have difficulty walking. This morning I touched her rear hips and she appeared in pain. Nancy arranged an appointment with the Vet this afternoon. The Vet gave her a shot and some pills. We are supposed to limit her activity. However, she now seems back to normal.

This afternoon Nancy and I went to the Home and Garden Show at the DeVos Place. After the show we had a burger at the sports bar in the Grand Plaza. It was a great burger.

It is suppose to rain all day tomorrow. I might not be able to take a long bike ride. If it is raining I will run at the MAC (inside track) and then take Nancy out to breakfast.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was cold and windy today, Sunday. GG went to church. 18 folks were in attendance and they collected $5. I hope they did not have a full time pastor because $5 a week would be hard to live on even in 1938. The mayor of Alpena, great Uncle John and great Aunt Laura visited in the afternoon. Great Aunt Laura was noted for her Christmas peanut brittle.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday March 5, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0555. What am I doing using an alarm clock? I am retired. After my morning routine I got the retro out and pedalled to the MAC. It was warm this morning. In fact as I write this blog (7:30 PM) the temperature is 58 degrees.

After the MAC I head for the Kava House to read the DFP and have my coffee. Detroit continues to implode. I asked the kid working at the Kava House if it is feeling the downturn in the economy. He said yes.

When I got home both Ms Petunia and Nancy were gone to get their hair cut. I called JD to give her my comments on her project. I also took a short nap. Nancy and Ms Petunia really looked good with their short hair. I took Ms Petunia for a mile walk.

I am getting the online edition of US News. It is really good. It is in pdf format with good color photos, large print and the text is formatted for the entire screen.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at GL Shipping. It was a pleasant respite. I am getting tired of watching Chris Matthews. He is too full of himself. Lately we have been watching the ION network. They are running Boston Legal, NCIS reruns and old movies. Presently I am watching a Clint Eastwood western.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Ossineke got 4" of new snow over night. GG said that today is National Auto Sales Day for used cars. I have no idea what this means?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday March 4, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day. I did not wake until 0637. I had breakfast at the Brandywine. After breakfast I took Ms Petunia around the block so she could do her bidness.

I loaded up the Aztek with my road bike and headed to Riverside Park. I did detour to Meijers to purchase some bird seed and the GR Bike Shop to get a small bag to strap under my bike seat.

I also stopped at the office to get a scratch paper notebook made. It took about 10 minutes including talking to the guys.

When I got to Riverside Park I strapped on my GPS and headed for Rockford. The trail was clear of all snow and ice. Although it was 32 degrees I started to sweat about 5 miles into the trip. It took 57 minutes to get to Rockford. The GPS said it was 11.02 miles. I had to buck a light headwind on my way back but it did not influence my time. The entire trip took 1 hour and 58 minutes and covered 22.04 miles. I love the GPS.

When I got home I took Ms Petunia for a 1.1 mile walk. She appeared to have no problems with this distance.

JD sent me a set of plans to review. I will send my comments tomorrow.

Tonight is cereal night. Nancy bought some blackberries to put on the cereal. Tonight I will catch up on reading back issues of Time. I also will read the GR Press. The GRP has been mighty small recently. Not much on TV so I will continue reading 'Two Years Before the Mast".

Alpena, Michigan this date in 1907. Margaret Louise Hughes, my mother, was born. Today mother would be 102. She graduated from Alpena High in 1924 and U of M in 1928. Mother's first job was teaching school in the small St Joseph County city of Constantine. She loved the community. After the 1929 stock market crash the City paid its teachers in script. Mother moved back to Alpena so she could live with my grandparents. Mother taught English and French in the Alpena system until she married in 1936. In 1936 married women could not teach. It was felt they were taking a job away from another family.

On mother's birthday in 1943 my father was working in Chicago for the US Army. He sent my mother a present that was wrapped in funny papers from the Chicago papers. I thought it was neat to be able to read all these different funnies. I have nothing but good memories about mother. I remember when I was in high school and had a summer job working for Scott Engineering making $0.50 per hour. Scott Engineering had also hired another student who was a year ahead of me. I found out that he was making $0.75 per hour. When I told mother at lunch one day about the pay difference, she left immediately for the office. That afternoon Lloyd, the accountant, told me that I was now making $0.75.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was 0 degrees in the morning. GG drove to Alpena and bought 300 units of an unknown substance. It cost $1.70 per 100. They were home by 2:30 PM.

Did you know that before 1948, March 4 was Inauguration Day for the US President?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday March 3, 2009

Boy was it cold this morning, 7 degrees. However, the sun was out and the sidewalks are ice free. After finishing my at-home routine, I bundled up, got out the retro and pedalled to the MAC. It felt good. A bike is a very efficient way to travel. After the MAC I pedalled to the Kava House for coffee and the Detroit Free Press. It is very discouraging reading the DFP. The Detroit City Council has make some very bad decisions that are costly to the City. They then expect the State of MI to bail them out.

Nancy got out early from her meeting with a vendor for the gift shop, so we headed for Costco. Costco has changed their brand of hot dogs. Sasha does not like the new dogs. I tried a dog today and left a note with Costco saying they should go back to the old dogs.

I walked Ms Petunia around the block and then took a nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. We are having rotisserie chicken for dinner. Tonight is a good TV night. I hope unlike last week I can stay awake. The nap should help.

Nancy and I have been watching the stock market tank. We hope that in several years the market will return to health. I don't know how to solve the economic problems. The AIG mess is very confusing. I do think that the Democrats are trying to get their social agenda into law and using "saving the economy" as their excuse.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The economy was bad in 1938 but GG does not comment on any hardships they had to endure. He did note that they got 6" of snow and he worked in the post office in the afternoon. GGmother attended the "Friendly Circle" meeting.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday March 2, 2009

It was very cold this morning, 7 degrees. After my morning routine at home, Nancy and I head for the MAC. It was 0800 and the sun was very bright (a sure sign of spring). We finished about 1015 and then headed for the Dr's office. The Dr told Nancy that everything was super.

After lunch I took Nancy's car to the Ford dealership to get an oil change. While waiting I was drinking a coffee and feel asleep spilling the coffee on my lap. Wet pants are not enjoyable. Since the car had not been driven in two weeks I drove the car to Lowell and back.

I was going to take Ms Petunia for a walk but she did not like the cold and refused to leave the house. I took a 3 mile walk. I had not checked email on my computers since Saturday. The laptop had 172 emails, the new computer had 2. I am now watching 24 on my office TV.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was warm 38 degrees in the AM but at noon the temperature had dropped to 16 with light snow. Julia and family visited Alpena.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday March 1, 2009

It was sunny and very cold (10). Does this mean March is coming in "like a lamb"? The alarm goes off at 0645 and Nancy and I hustle to get to the MAC by 0750 so we can be first in the pool and get the best lanes. I swam 1550 yards in 45 minutes. Not very good for an experienced swimmer but good enough for me. After the MAC we head to Meijers for our weekly supplies.

When we get home I take Ms Petunia for a walk around the block while Nancy fixes her world famous poached eggs. I read the funnies and several sections of the newspaper before taking my nap. After the nap I checked my email and then paid the last of my major seasonal bills for yard work. This one was to TruGreen for fertilizer, etc. I took Ms Petunia for another walk around the block and then walked to the post office to mail the TruGreen bill.

I glanced at the TV and saw that M was losing to W. I am surprised by how little I watch sports. I listen to all the guys my age at the MAC and they are avid sports fans. I could care less. Is it the loss of testosterone? I looked testosterone up in my 1956 dictionary and it is "A crystalline androgenic compound, C19H28Os, obtained from the testes of bulls and otherwise".

My neighbor across the street wrote a book on using the Concept II rower. He gave me a copy. I am looking forward to kayaking this year. I use the rowing machine to keep in shape. I did increase the tension on the machine from 3 to 4. Lately I have noticed that my shoulder has been sore, so I will decrease the tension back to 3 and eliminate the backstroke when swimming. I hope this will work.

I am writing this blog before dinner so that I can spend a relaxing evening reading the paper and watching TV. I have very little on my calendar for next week. The weather should be warming up and I will start riding my bikes. The ice will not be off the lakes and streams until after St Patrick's Day. Speaking of St Patrick's Day it is GG's birthday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was warm and cloudy all day. GG noted that it had been thawing all day. The Blanchards left for Florida today.