Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday January 29, 2009

I started the day shovelling the walk and drive. I walked to the MAC. After MAC I walked to the Kava House. I got my 30 in before 1200.

This afternoon I packed for our trip to SC. I also checked the weather along our proposed route. It will be cool and we might encounter some snow along the way. We are traveling interstates so I think the roads will be clear. I am taking my laptop with me and I hope to write this blog from our stops along the way. Stay tuned.

After packing I had to again shovel the walk. We had received 2" of snow since this morning. I also filled up the bird feeders and left some corn for the squirrels. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the french dip and Nancy had a bowl of soup.

We plan on leaving before 0700. We will have to shovel before we leave. Ben the young man living next door will shovel the walk while we are gone.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The cold continues. GG is confined to the house. He walked up and down stairs for 600o feet. I don't know how GG measured the 6000 feet. If it is the distance between the first and second floor that means he had to go up and down the stairs 30 times. That should be good exercise for an 81 year old man.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday January 28, 2009

I had to set the alarm for 0535 because today is Breakfast Club day. It starts at 0700. I looked out the window and saw that I had to shovel. My got my 30 in by shovelling. I got to the Breakfast Club on time. Today I met a club member who went to high school in Terre Haute, In. He went to Garfield HS and graduated in 1952. Nancy went to Wiley and graduated in 1959.

After Breakfast Club I headed to Rosebush to have lunch with cousin Peg. On my way I called Tasha to wish her a happy birthday. Tasha said that Cleveland got buckets of snow and the roads were so bad she had to stay home. Ah winter in the Midwest. The roads in MI were not much better. I noted several cars and trucks in the ditch. Cousin Peg was in a good mood. We had lunch at Applebee's and then stopped at the bank and the Rosebush Library. The girls at the library were really nice. They knew Peg by name and got her several books on CD. They would order any books she wanted. We got back to the Rosebush Manor and I showed Peg how to run the CD player. We put the machine in her bedroom. We spent an hour talking about our uncles and cousins. The ride home was very easy. The pavement was dry and both lanes were open.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It continues to be very cold in Ossineke. GG noted that his back was better from his recent fall.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday January 27, 2009

It was another cold, sunny day. I walked to the MAC and my face got really cold. However, when I left an hour later the temperature had risen about 10 degrees. There is some warmth in the old sun. The DFP has an online edition that looks just like the print copy. It looks like the mayor will be jailed for taking bribes in the sludge hauling scandal. Detroit is one corrupt city. The wife or ex-wife of congressman Conyer could also be involved.

The news media is beginning to pick up on the divisions in the democratic party. The power brokers are from the coastal states (CA and NY) and their agenda is different from the Midwestern democrats. The Midwest is for manufacturing and cheap energy and the coastal people are for solar, wind and renewable energy. They are, however, against power lines from the wind farms to the major users.

I was interested to hear Bobby Kennedy's support for solar farms out on unproductive desert land (his words). But he is against a wind farm near the family cottage at Cape Cod. I like the desert and will visit it before I visit northern Alaska. I will write Bobby and tell him if he wants solar in the desert, I want oil wells in northern Alaska.

This afternoon I started getting ready for our trip to SC. I put the back seats in the Aztek and brought my duffel bag upstairs. I had to call Tasha and ask her opinion on what route to take through Ohio. Goggle and Mapquest had two different routes. Remember tomorrow is Tasha's birthday. Give her a call.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 38. It was cold, -2. GG knows the value of exercise. The weather has confined him to the house so he walked up and down stairs for 6000 feet. Uncle Guy says the roads are really bad.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday January 26, 2009

Boy was it cold this morning. Several local area had temperatures below 0. I was going to walk to the MAC but decided to take the car. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. I had my standard week day lunch, BB&J, hard boiled egg and apple.

I had several errands to run. I stopped by Schuler's Books and bought two CDs. The CDs were: "those were our songs, music of WW II and "glen miller, greatest hits". Is it proper when I blog if I don't use capital letters?

My next stop was Best Buy where I bought a CD player for cousin Peg. She can now listen to books on CDs.

When I got home I took another two mile walk. Actually I walked around my 1 mile course two times. The sidewalks are so thick with snow that I walk in the road. The 1 mile route does not have much car traffic.

I have been reading more news on the internet. I read the DFP and also went to the "daily beast". Google also has a good new section. I downloaded my new CDs to the hard drive.

Tonight was cereal night. I had mini wheats with blueberries

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG is getting cabin fever. He wrote how cold it was, 8 degrees at 0800, noon and 6 PM. They also got 4" on snow. He also mentioned that Uncle Guy (great uncle) took his son David with him. Uncle Guy had a rural mail route so I am assuming that David went on the route and helped his dad deliver mail.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday January 25, 2009

It has been a cold, sunny day. Nancy and I were able to sleep in, 0656, because for about the fourth straight day it did not snow. Sunday is our swim day and I swam 1050 yards. After swimming we headed for Meijers. Since we will leave on Friday for SC we did not need many groceries. Following our Sunday routine, Nancy fixed poached eggs for breakfast.

I started the GR Press but had to stop for my afternoon nap. I am starting to read "Two Years before the Mast". It is a classic guy book. After reading and napping I went on a short walk.

I called cousin Peg the afternoon and will see her on Wednesday. She has been feeling poorly with a lung infection. I will get full details later.

We are finishing the chili that Nancy made for her book club. It is great and I am looking forward to the meal. This evening we will watch 60 minutes and then at 9 Nancy watches Cold Case. I will be reading my new book.

Ossineke, Mi 1938. It was cold in Ossineke with some freezing rain. They lost power last night 8:30 and did not have it restored until 0600. The school is still closed because the teacher remains sick. (one room school with 1 teacher)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday January 24, 2009

It was cold this morning. Temperature was in the single digit. It being Saturday and not being able to bike or kayak I decided to walk around Reeds Lake. I bundled up and headed out. I wore my mittens instead of gloves so my hands were warm during the walk. I was surprised at the number of runners out this morning. The run around Reeds Lake must be on the schedule of a running club.

I stopped at D&W in Gaslight Village and bought a NYT. I was going to eat a standard breakfast (eggs, hashbrowns and toast) at Wolfgangs but it had a waiting list. I then walked to the Brandywine and it also had a waiting list. The lesson learned is that if you want breakfast in GR get to the diner before 0800. I had a scone and roll at the Kava House.

I spent some time changing light bulbs, outdoor flood lights and filling the bird feeders. I bought some shelled corn and spread it on the ground for the squirrels. The squirrels like the corn but they still climb up and empty the suspended bird feeder. Despite all my ideas I cannot keep the squirrels off the bird feeder. My next effort will be a squirt gun.

Nancy and I drove to the Rivertown Mall. We spent a hour at the mall. Since I have been retired I really have no need for new clothes. I am amazed at the number of shirts and sweaters in my closet that I am now wearing. I use to put on a clean pair of pants every day. Now it is every 2 days. I have enough shirts to last several years. I will get some new jeans in the spring.

For dinner tonight we stopped at Russ's. We were the youngest couple there. We both had soup and a double meat burger. Nancy fixed ice cream with brownies for a snack when we got home. Tonight we will watch a movie on TV.

This date in Ossineke, MI 1938. It rained all day with temperature around 40. No school today (Monday) the teacher was sick. GG noted that Lexie was washing. I must look up my GGmother's first name. Was it Lexie? I know she lived to be 100.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday January 23, 2009

No snow again last night. I walked to the MAC this morning. After my activities at the MAC, I walked to the Kava House. I bought a DFP and they were very mad that Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino did not get a nod for an academy award. Of course the movie was set in Detroit. Today is the day Kim comes to clean so I try to time my arrival back home to her completion time. It worked out great today.

Nancy informed me that we had no red wine for tonight so we went to D&W and got a bottle. The Nameys arrived at 6 and we had a great dinner. Nancy and I agree that we like having just one couple over for dinner. It is easier for conversation and everyone gets time for their input.

Ossineke, Mi 1938. GG noted it was still warm (32) and today is the last day of the carnival in Alpena. Guy and Julia Johnson (GU and GA) visited Laura and John Bingham (GU and GA) in Alpena. My grandparents Robert and Florence Scott were also in attendance. Florence, Laura and Julia were sisters and the daughters of GG Sanborn. John Bingham was the mayor of Alpena.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday January 22, 2009

I have not had to shovel in two days. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. I just got seated when my phone goes off and the computer geek says he is ready to install our new router. I hustle home. It took 30 minutes and everything is working fine.

This afternoon I continued to learn more about windows vista. I am using both outload and goggle calendar and desktop. I am also using the media center for playing CDs that I have downloaded to the hard drive.

It is amazing the amount of news, weather and maps on the internet. I read the NYT's story on C Kennedy and her withdrawal. I wonder if the real reasons will ever be disclosed. I used google earth to find Peg's condo in Myrtle Beach. It is a huge condo development.

I am watching TV. The unions are running an ad for free choice. I am opposed to this procedure for determining if an industry is to be unionized. I think the secret ballot is the only fair way.

Ossineke, MI 1938. Not much to report, 30 degrees all day and Aunt Julia is better.

I got my 30 in did you?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday January 21, 2009

This morning I have a 0900 GRBA meeting. Wednesday is also my easy day so I slept in. I had breakfast at Marie Catrib's. I had their granola. It was 2.35 on a 4.0 scale. The meeting was over in 35 minutes. On my way downtown a warning light goes off in the car. I took the car to the dealership. Instead of waiting for the bad news I walked to the MAC. On my walk I passed by Sasha's rental. The walks and drive were shovelled. The management people get a passing grade.

I swam 1100 yards in 30 minutes. I walked home from the MAC. This afternoon I spent some time on my computer. We are having a difficult time getting on the internet so we have to buy a new router. It seems everything is falling apart, computer, car and router. At 4 Nancy took me to the car dealer to pick up my car.

Nancy and I are going to Myrtle Beach, SC either next Friday or Saturday. We are staying with Nancy's sister. I checked Mapquest and the route we are taking goes through two states I have never been in, West Virginia and Virginia. I am looking forward to the drive.

Everything was very quiet on this date in 1938 in Ossineke. GG only noted that Aunt Julia was getting better and it was 30 degrees all day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday January 20, 2009

It was real cold this morning, 1 degree. Despite the cold I decided to walk to the MAC because it was very sunny. It was a beautiful day for a walk. Of course every sunny day is a good day for a walk. After the MAC I walked to the Kava House.

Today is Inauguration Day. I watched the parade and the speeches. I am always impressed on how smoothly transitions are accomplished. Isn't USA great?

On January 20, 1961 I was a recent graduate of the U of M. 1960 was the first year I could vote and I voted for Nixon. I was living in an apartment in Ann Arbor and had accepted a job in Detroit. Because I had no car I could not move my stuff to Detroit. So I moved my stuff from my apartment to the fraternity house a short distance away. Since I had nothing to do I watched Kennedy's Inauguration. It was a great speech (remember "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country")

In case you are wondering how I got my stuff to Detroit. The next weekend my parents were attending a conference in Detroit. I took the bus to Detroit and borrowed their car for the move.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG and GGmother drove to Hubbard Lake to have dinner with my grandparents. My grandmother Florence Sanborn Scott was GG daughter.

My Guncle Guy drove his son david (my 2nd cousin) and his daughter Sister, also my 2nd cousin to Alpena for the winter carnival.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday January 19, 2009

Boy did I over sleep. I got up at 0645. We got a thin dusting of snow last night so I shovelled the driveway. It was very cold last night. It was a bright sunny day (still cold). I checked the weather channel and found out that today is 31 minutes longer than the solstice. We are also in the coldest part of the year. The average median temperature between Jan 11-Jan 31 is 22 degrees (22 for every single day). 22 degrees is the lowest median for the year. At 4:30 I went for a 3.3 mile walk.

I spent most of the day still getting acquainted with my new computer. I am having growing pains with goggle. I called Tasha to have her solve my blog problem. She solved it easily.

Tomorrow is BO's big day. I think the country is ready for a change. We all hope he succeeds.

Ossineke, MI this date 1938. It was cold, 0 in AM and 20 at noon. GG drove to Alpena and it appears he purchased 200 scratches, 100 lorying mash, grouds 166. (you figure it out) He paid $4.85.

Sunday January 18, 2009

We set the alarm earlier than normal for Sunday so we could get our drive shovelled. We had 4" over night. The swimming pool at the MAC was crowded. The new year's resolution people are still resolute. This should end by February.

We made our usual Sunday trip to Meijers. Lately Nancy and I have been using the self check out lanes. We are starting to get the hang of it. We had poached eggs on toast for breakfast.

After my nap I had to shovel the drive at the road because the plows had been through. I also watched part of the first football game.

The Horlings came over for dinner. Nancy prepared Cornish hen and a barley with apricot dish. It was great. We talked until after 10. A good time was had by all. The lateness of the hour made me delay the blog until Monday.

Ossineke, Mi, 1938. GG had to shovel a path to the barn. They had received 12" of snow since yesterday. Remember GG is 81 years old.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday January 17, 2009

Boy was it cold this morning. Wind chills were well below 0. However, I was undaunted. I bundled up and walked to the Amway Grand Plaza. I bought a NYT and an apple fritter at their deli. The apple fritter was one of the best I have had. That includes the market Tasha took us to in Cleveland.

At 1000 I walked over to the Trailer and RV show at the Convention Center. It was crowded. I looked at all the RV's and tow able trailers. The trailers ran from $10,000 to $100,000. They had several RV's that were on sale for $180,000. I think the economy is bad because compared to other years the prices were really reduced. One company that sold high end RV's (100,000+) was going out of business. The only thing I would have purchased is an Airstream Bambi trailer. This trailer is very streamlined and light. However, $44,000 is a little pricey for a 16' unit.

Speaking of going out of business Circuit City is closing all its stores and selling everything. I bought this computer last week at CC.

It had warmed up outside so the walk home was warmer. It had snowed about 2" since 0800. I shovelled the walks and drives when I got home. The bird feeders were empty so I filled them and put out some corn for the squirrels.

I am sitting in my warm office typing this blog. Outside it is snowing heavily. We are not going out tonight and I am looking forward to some home made chili that Nancy has left over from her book club. We will have to get up early tomorrow to get our drive shovelled before going swimming.

Tasha sent me some family information that she had received from dad several years ago. I will spend some time sorting out the material. It looks very interesting.

Ossineke MI this date. GG made patty's (?) for washing the Post Office. It was very cold. Temperature remained in the teens all day. It also was snowing and the roads were getting bad.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday January 16, 2009

In yesterdays blog I mentioned that Nancy and I were going to a retirement party for the city manager. The party was held at the Amway Grand Plaza and 600 people attended. The food was great especially the steak. I was surprised at how many people I knew.

Nancy and I started the day shovelling snow. After the MAC we headed for Costco to get some supplies. It was very cold today. The temperature never got above 15. I bundled up and took a 45 minute walk.

This evening Nancy and I met Tom and Linda at Van Andel arena for a Griffins hockey game. Tonight was dollar beer and hot dog night. I got carded. It is suppose to get down to 6 tonight with light snow.

Ossineke, Mi: It was Sunday and GG did not have much to say. He mentioned that the Methodist Church had a 7:30 PM service with 12 people in attendance. Aunt Julia is still sick in bed but better.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday January 14, 2009

I am writing this blog early because Nancy and I are going to a party for the retiring city manager and we will get home late. I will comment on the party in tomorrow's blog.

We did not have to shovel this morning. It is a beautiful winter's day. It was below 0 this morning but now, 4 PM, the shy is blue and the temperature is a balmy 10 degrees.

After my MAC workout, I headed for the 3rd world Meijers to get some bird seed. The birds are very hungry in this cold weather. I walked to the Kava House and took a Time magazine.

This afternoon Nancy and I talked to Sasha. Today is her birthday. It is a special day for the entire family. We wish her many more birthdays. Nancy and I take great joy in our children and love them very much.

I am still playing with my computer. Vista is different from XP. However, I have plenty of time to learn.

Ossineke, Mi January 15, 1938. The following is GG unedited entry on this date:

"Saturday not very cold 10 - Vredenburg took hide of cow she died 10 AM found sack of something inside about 1 1/2 quarts" GG entries are sometime very hard to figure out. Use your best judgement.

I go my 30 in. I hope you did too. My spellcheck is not working.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday January 14, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0535. I get out of bed because I must perform the 4 s and shovel and then get downtown for the 0700 breakfast club. I met several new folks at the breakfast club.

After the breakfast club I came home and shovelled again. At 1200 I headed for the MAC. I swam 1100 yards. The rest of the afternoon I spent napping and playing with the computer.

At 4:30 I again shovelled the walk so that Nancy's book club members could get up our hill. Sixty years ago when I was a lad of 10 I had to shovel the walk, at 123 First Ave, down to bare concrete. Grandmother Hughes had her book club once a week at our house. Every body in Alpena walked so it was important that the walk was clear. I still remember the names of most of the ladies. There was Goodie Osgood, Alice Powers, the 3 Potter sisters, Mrs Allan and Grandmother.

This evening I met Tom M at a pizza joint for beer and pizza. Tom had a flat tire so he used my cell phone and called a tow service. They came and fixed the tire while we ate.

Ossineke, Mi 1938. Aunt Julia is sick in bed. Aunt Julia was the post mistress so I think GG was the substitute. The cow is still alive.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday January 13, 2009

Guess what? We had to shovel this morning. Nancy timed us and it took 30 minutes to shovel all our paved surfaces. After I got home from the MAC I walked to the Kava House in order to get my 30 in. I took a Time magazine to read. I have stopped buying the Frees Press because it is so small. If fact their online edition says that the FP is trying to get readers to read the online edition. New world order?

I continue to load software onto my new computer. I am still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles. At 4 I drove to Holly's Landing to have a beer with Jennifer and Eric. They wanted some advise on a new venture. I provided my advice for what it was worth.

Starting tomorrow we have a busy week. I have a 0700 breakfast club meeting and Nancy has a board meeting at Meijers Garden. Tomorrow night Nancy has book club and I have pizza with the guys. Thursday night we are attending a retirement party for the GR city manager. The party is at the Amway Grand Plaza. Friday night we are going to a hockey game and Sunday the Horlings are coming over for dinner.

This evening is suppose to be the coldest night of the winter. The next 3 days will have below zero temperatures. Gas is $1.88 per gallon.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. The cow is still very sick. GG drove the women to the Court House in Alpena, a round trip of about 24 miles.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday January 12, 2009

Only a light snow last night. Shovelling was easy. I drove to the MAC because I had several errands to run. After my exercises I headed home and loaded the Aztek with all sorts of cardboard that I had been saving for recycling. I was amazed at how much cardboard I had. I stopped at Modern Hardware and got some special melting salt to use when the temperature gets below 10 degrees. Nancy is having book club this Wednesday and wants the drive ice free. Tuesday and Wednesday are suppose to be the coldest days of the winter so far. Temperatures below 0 are expected.

I am still setting up my new computer. I do not know how to make a favorites lists in goggle. Any advice? I like windows media center. I have download several Cd's and play them while I am working. I also compiled our end of year financial statement. We, like everybody else, had significant paper losses. I ended the afternoon by walking 2 miles.

Not much good on TV so I am back in the office doing this blog and playing games on the computer. I did get my 30 in today.

January 12, 1938 Ossineke, Mi. Six inches of snow fell. GG's daughter Julia had a church dinner at her house. No mention of the condition of the cow.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday January 11, 2009

Sunday is swim day at the MAC. Nancy and I get up at 0700 and get to the MAC 10 minutes before the 0800 opening. We are the first in the pool. I swam 1600 yards. After the MAC we head for Meijers to get our weekly supplies. We needed more supplies this week because Nancy is having book club on Wednesday and the Horlings are coming over for dinner next Sunday.

Nancy fixed poached eggs for breakfast. It started to snow about 1100. After my nap I shovelled the walks. This evening Nancy and I went to an open house at Jack L's. David was there from CO. David is engaged to be married. Sonia just had some major jaw surgery. She had a big over bite. The surgery changed her looks. Nancy said she is very attractive.

We spent several hours watching 60 minutes and the end of the football game. GR really looks great with the new blanket of snow.

In Ossineke, 1938, the cow is still sick. GG paid $45 to have an aerial put on the radio. Better reception I guess.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday January 10, 2009

Surprise! we did not have to shovel this morning. I strapped on my GPS and started my walk around Reed's Lake. It was dark when I started. The walk was invigorating. It started to snow about half way on the walk. It snowed until 6 PM. I stopped at the Kava House for coffee and to read the NY Times. I was just finishing when Nancy dropped in. I bought her a coffee and scone. I got home about 1100. The trip was 7.5 miles. I am pleasantly surprised by my walking speed. I average 17.5 minutes for a mile. The GPS works great.

Nancy and I talked about 2 things we could do this afternoon. Hope College was playing Albion College in Holland. I got online and found that tickets were available. The other option was to attend a play at Aquinas. It continued to snow so we decided the trip to Holland was too hazardous. I took a nap and when I woke up we had 4 inches on the ground. We decided to stay home. I started to shovel the drive and walks before dinner. We had a good winter evening dinner, tomato soup and a toasted cheese sandwich. After dinner I finished shovelling. The snow had stopped and it was a beautiful winters night.

January 10, 1938 Ossineke, Mi. Another cold day, 0 AM, 20 at noon and 18 at 7 PM. The cow is no better. GG and cousin David had to turn the cow over. GG also had to haul 6 bushels (it looks like bushel, GG's hand writing is hard to read) of wood to the porch. I love gas heat.

I talked to both Sasha and Tasha today. It is always good to talk to these outstanding young ladies. I have great women in my life. I got my 30 in did you?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday January 9, 2009

It only snowed about 1/2" last night. Shovelling was easy this morning. I did my morning exercises at home and then waited for my computer guy to set up my new computer. He arrived about 1000 and it took him about 2 hours to get me a new e-mail and load some software.

My new computer screams. I have enough disc space so that I can load all my CDs to my hard drive and listen to music while I work on the computer. I have office 2007 and my computer guy says that the word and excel files are saved in a format that people with office 2003 cannot open. He changed the "save" format so that all excel and word files are saved in a format that can be read by all.

I am using gmail as my email station. I will sent my new address to all readers in the near future.

After the computer guy left I headed to the MAC for a short run. It was snowing heavily when I left for the MAC. When I got home I could not get up the driveway because of the heavy snow. For the second time today I had to shovel.

This evening Nancy and I stayed home and we are now watching TV. A new Monk is on a 9. This is one of Nancy's favorite.

On this date in 1938 it was cold in Ossineke, -6 morning, 10 at noon and 0 in the evening. It was Sunday the Methodist church had 18 in attendance at Sunday School and 12 in Church. At 8 PM GG took lantern to barn to check on cow. Cow drank 2 pails of water and eats good (GG words).

I got my 30 in did you? Remember the days are getting longer.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday January 8, 2009

Yes it snowed again last night. I estimated 3". After shovelling and my at home calisthenics, I headed for the MAC. After the MAC I ran several errands. I bought Sasha her birthday present.

After lunch I turned on my company laptop and it crashed. This was the last straw. I headed for Circuit City and Costco to comparison shop. I bought a HP desktop at Circuit City. I set up the computer as best I could but I have to get help. Ken my computer geek is coming in tomorrow. I am writing this blog from Nancy's computer.

This evening we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Nancy pointed out that Suze Orman has recommended that in these tough times families should:
  • Go a day without spending money.
  • A week without using a credit card.
  • A month without eating out.

Maybe 1 and 2 but not 3. I will not give up my beer and burrito. I had the B&B this evening.

I thought it was cold in GR but in 1938 in Ossineke it was -6 at 0800, 10 at noon and 0 at 8 PM. GG called the Vet for the sick cow. The vet gave the cow a shot and left some drugs that GG had to prepare, 2 tablespoons in a cup of water, and give to the cow every 4 hours. The bill was $7 and GG paid $5.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday January 7, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day. We started off shovelling about 1/2" of snow. I swam 1100 yards and then had breakfast at the Cheri Inn.

I ran several errands. First stop was Woodland Mall. I stopped at Sears and talked to a young man about a cd player for books. He said what I needed is not a CD player but a DVD player. He said go to Best Buy. I went to Best Buy and found what I needed. The salesman gave me a demo and I think cousin Peg can use this machine for listening to books. I also looked at computers. My laptop which belongs to LSE is not working right. I think I will buy a desktop tower and use my existing monitor.

When I got home I strapped on my GPS and took a walk following my normal PM route. The route is 3.3 miles long and it took me 59 minutes. I love the GPS and cannot wait to use it in my Kayak.

This evening I will look online for a computer tower. Jennifer said to go to I will also watch the evening news and Boston Legal at 8.

GG Sanborn's cow is still sick. (this date 1938)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday January 6, 2009

Another cold morning. It was 18 degrees when I left for the MAC. After the MAC I drove home grabbed a Time magazine and headed for the Kava House. Since the Free Press has raised their price and decreased the amount of news stories, I have decided to not buy the Free Press but instead read the paper online. Is online 1 word or 2?

My computer is rapidly deteriorating. I called my local computer guy and he said that it is probably cheaper to buy a new one. I drove Nancy to Costco. I filled her car up. Gas was $1.64 a gallon. Also checked out several computers. I like the HP Touch Smart computer. I called SPS and asked him if he could check with his geeks to see if this is a good buy.

This evening Nancy is fixing pork chops with stuffing. I like this meal, especially the stuffing. Tonight we watch NCIS. We are expecting 2-4" of snow tonight. I got my 30 in.

On this date in 1938 GG (great grandfather) had to deal with a very cold day. It was 2 at 0700 and 16 at 7 PM. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. His daughter was the post mistress (Aunt Julia).

GG also had a sick cow. The cow required 2 pails of water at noon and 3/4 pail at 7 PM.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday January 5, 2009

This morning I strapped my GPS watch on my wrist and walked to the MAC. According to the GPS it is 2.45 miles. This is my busy morning so I did not leave the MAC until 1100. I walked to the Kava House for coffee and then walked home, 4.0 miles on the GPS.

I had a 2:30 PM dentist appointment. My dentist has all the high tech toys. Cleaning teeth is now painless and fast. After the dentist I stopped by a new bike shop. They had several carbon fiber bikes that really looked neat. However, $6,000 for a bike is a bit much. I also inspected a 3 wheel recumbent (2 wheel front axle). It is only January 5 and I have spring fever.

Tonight I thought we would watch Boston Legal on ION at 8. It is not on, so I am backing up files in anticipation of my computer failing. JD is leaving SCECO. She did not have the opportunity to purchase stock in the company. I might have to give up the cell phones and computer.

On this day in 1938 in Ossineke, MI great grandfather stayed inside all day. It was too cold. It was 6 degrees at 0800 and 10 degrees at 1200. Should great grandfather be capitalized?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday January 4, 2009

We had freezing rain last night. Our drive was all ice. It took me 30 minutes just to salt the drive. Nancy and I took the Aztek to the MAC. The pool was jammed. All the New Years resolutions people who will be gone by the end of the month.

Meijers was not crowded. The ice and rain might have discouraged people. We got our weeks shopping done and headed for home. Nancy made her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. Since it was a dark rainy day, I took a nap. After my nap, I turned on the computer to check my e-mail and it crashed several times. I pulled some cables and finally got it to work. I backed up my address book. I don't know how long the machine will last.

I took a 1.52 mile walk. I know it was 1.52 miles because my new GPS watch told me so. The watch is amazing technology. We are having burgers for dinner. It will be a quiet evening. Tomorrow starts the first full week of the new year. I got my 30 in, did you?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday January 3, 2009

Started this Saturday with a brisk walk to the MAC. I ran 18 minutes which is approximately 1.88 miles. I then walked to the Kava House for coffee and the NY Times. It takes me 1 hour to get through the International section of the paper. I have been making an effort to read faster but to no avail. Why have we not seen a picture of Bernie Madoff's wife or sons? Is Caroline Kennedy ready for prime time? I don't think so.

I am having problems with my computer. After the machine has warmed up it develops bouncy vertical green and red lines. The only way to correct the problem is to turn the machine off.

I took my new GPS watch outside to lock on to some satellites. I walked to the post office and the watch recorded the time and distance. It is .88 miles to the post office. This checks out with my car speedometer and goggle earth. The watch has a lot of whistle and bells. I will use heart monitor next week.

This evening Nancy and I had left overs and cleaned out the reefer. We watched "Burn after Reading". I rate it a 3.3.

On this day in 1938, great grandfather delivered some kindling wood to relatives. In the evening he listened to President Roosevelt. The family always has had an interest in politics.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday January 2, 2009

I set my alarm because I had to have my car into the resealers by 0730. Nancy picked me up and we drove to the MAC. I got done before Nancy so I went to the Starbucks in Breton Village and had coffee and donuts. When finished I walked back to the MAC and Nancy and I headed for Meijers on 28 th Street. This Meijers is also called the 3 rd world Meijers. We like it because it is convenient. Meijers has tried to remodel this store but the GR planning commission had denied their request. Now Meijers will move to Wyoming and GR will lose a great store and mucho tax revenues.

Nancy dropped me off at the resealers. I ran several errands and then took a 3 mile walk. After a short nap we headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. This evening we watched a video, Get Smart. It was ok for a Friday night.

I found my great grandfathers diary. His Jan 2, 1938 was very quiet. He mentioned that Sunday School at the Ossineke Methodist church was at 1100 and the main service was changed to 7:30 PM. There were 12 people in attendance. In the evening he listened to the radio.

I stepped on the scale and found I had gained 7 pounds since Thanksgiving. I guess I will have to get back to my normal boring but effective routine of diet and exercise. I did get my 30 in.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday January 1, 2009

Nancy and I slept in this morning, 0830. I did run to D&W to get a 6 pack of beer for our outing this afternoon. I also stopped at Starbucks for coffee.

At 1230 Nancy and I headed for the Tom and Linda's for a Polish brunch. There were 7 of us and we had sausage and hot potato salad. It was great. Beer and wine was abundant. We watched the outdoor hockey game (Red Wings vs Black Hawks) and several bowl games. A good time was had by all.

I mentioned in previous blogs that in 2009 I would incorporate comments from my great grandfathers diary from 1938, the year of my birth. My grandfather Sanborn was 83 years old and living in Ossineke, Michigan, a small community south of Alpena. I am now in a panic because I cannot find said diary.

I wish all reader a healthy, happy 2009. Remember to get your 30 in.

Wednesday December 31, 2008

The last blog of 08. It snowed last night. Nancy and I cleared the snow in record time. Practice makes perfect. Wednesday is my easy day so I swam 1100 yards. I wore my swim mask that covers my nose. Since my swim 8 hours ago, my nasal passages are still clear. The MAC must have changed their pool chemicals.

I had breakfast at a small cafe in a strip mall on 28th St between Breton and Kzoo. I rate it a 2.5

After breakfast I ran to Costco for Nancy. I had to buy some green beans. Costco was not very crowded.

We have some serious paint peeling in the kid's bathroom. I thought we had repaired these cracks last winter when we renovated the bathroom. I assumed we might be getting some condensation for our bathroom fan. So I got out my flashlights, face mask and ladder and inspected the attic. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of the insulation. The insulator did a great job. I crawled over to the fan and noted that is was properly vented to the outside. The vent connection to the fan was secure. I probed around the insulation and could find no evidence of moisture. Therefore I assume the plaster cracking was caused by a subpar repair job last January.

I took down the outdoor Christmas lights. I had to get out 2 ladder in order to accomplish this task. Hands on cold aluminum ladders is not pleasant.

Nancy grilled a steak for dinner. We also had sweet potatoes with a honey-nut sauce. It was great. For our New Years Eve enjoyment we watched 2 movies, In Bruges and Bucket List. I gave the former a 2.2 grade and the latter a 3.2.

We watched the ball fall in Times Square from bed. At least we can stay awake until 12.

This is my third attempt at this blog. I am having computer and internet problems. Happy New Year.