Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday November 1, 2008

Another unseasonably warm day. After a big breakfast at the Brandywine, I loaded up the kayak and headed for the Grand River. I put in at Lowell and paddled upstream 2 hours and downstream 1 hour. The day was perfect and the river was like glass. I did not see any mammals but did see plenty of waterfowl.

When I got home Nancy was busy getting ready for this evenings dinner party. She was out of cream cheese so I mounted my bike and headed for D&W to purchase said cheese.

I did watch a part of the UM game. It was the wrong part because I saw Purdue take the lead for good. Speaking of Purdue, my Grandfather Scott had an uncle who taught at Purdue in the late 1800s. It was intended that when my Grandfather finished high school around 1892 that he would head for Purdue. However, my Grandfather contacted pneumonia when he was 17. The doctor told him that he should find work in the woods because it would be good for his lungs. Grandpa headed for the clear air of Minnesota and started working for a lumber company and eventually had his own company and sawmill. My father was born in Virigina, Mn, the location of the sawmill. The mill was in operation until around 1916 when the supply of timber ran out. They returned to the family farm at Hubbard Lake, Michigan around 1917.

Nancy's dinner was to start at 6:30. At 6:27 the first couple arrived and at 6:33 everyone was in attendance. I thought being late was fashionable?

The dinner was a success. A good time was had by all. Like most old folks we just sat around and talked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting family history and wow - being fashionably late is still in vogue - I wonder why everyone showed up on time :)