Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday November 29, 2008

Day started normally, coffee at Starbucks and after reading the paper I brought Nancy a decaf and Sasha a hot chocolate. For exercise Nancy, SPS and I headed for Ross's. After a short time at this store we headed for Stan's donuts. Nancy had the glazed and I had a fried cake. SPS declined. We walked back to Sasha and of course the walk negated the calories of the donuts. Yea right!

This afternoon Sasha, Vera, LA and SPS loaded the van and headed to a park off Pruneridge. Nancy and I walked to the park. After about an hour at the park we headed to Holder's for lunch/breakfast. We all took a nap after this large meal.

After my nap I took a short walk. We all watched the movie "Happy Feet". It was ok.

SPS and Vera are now packing and getting for their long ride to LB. SPS wants to start at 0800. Tomorrow Nancy and I will polish Sasha's brass table and stool.

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