Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday November 28, 2008

Today is called Black Friday. I started at Starbucks and noted that most people were going to work. On my way back to Sasha's, Nancy pulled up in the rented Avenger. I got in and drove Nancy and Vera to Target and then I drove them to the mall. We drove around and around trying to find a parking space. None was available. I dropped Vera and Nancy off and headed back to Sasha's.

After an hour of shopping Nancy called and I headed back to the Mall to pick up our shoppers. The traffic was terrible.

When we got home, Vera, Sasha, SPS, LA and I walked to Circuit City to pick out a TV for Sasha. We also looked at computers. No purchases were made.

After lunch SPS, Nancy and Sasha headed to Costco to look at TVs. I took and nap as did Vera and LA. I took a 1.5 hour walk after my nap.

This evening we are relaxing at Sasha's. Tonight we are having pizza. LA is taking a long nap. I hope all readers had a great Thanksgiving.

On this day in 1961, I left Hawaii for Midway Island. This plane was a 2 engine prop DC3. I remember looking out the window as we approached Midway and thinking I am going to spend 1 year on this postage stamp in the middle of the Pacific.

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