Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday November 23, 2008

Ah jet lag! I woke up at 0430 (0730 GR time). I knew Starbucks was not open until 0600 so I rolled over and slept to 0530. I was surprised that Starbucks was very busy on a Sunday morning. After I finished my coffee I brought Nancy a decaf.

Sasha, alias DLS, said that she wanted a hot chocolate so I returned to Starbucks. The temperature was in the high 40's with sunny skies.

We decided to make a Costco run. Unlike in GR, cars were backed up in the street trying to get into the store. The lines at the gas station were 10 cars deep. California Costco's are like a mini UN. The New world order has arrived. Sasha and I had a slice of pizza. Nancy had a hot dog. Sasha purchased some groceries and Nancy bought a coat. We also looked at computers and TVs. Sasha bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner. A quick stop was also made at Lucky's.

Around 4:30 PM, Nancy and Sasha walked to the Cost Plus and I took a 4.5 mile walk. Sasha fixed string beans, potatoes and chicken for dinner. It was great. It is now a little after 9 PM Sasha has to work tomorrow and is getting prepared. She gets up at 0450 and heads to SF at 0550. Nancy and I are watching "cold case". Tomorrow we are heading to Gilroy, CA to visit a discount mall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are having a great vacation thus far!