Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day. I started the day doing only my push ups, chin ups and leg raises. I will not do the others until my pulled muscles get better.

I talked to several old veterans at the Kava House and they all remembered their service number. Today's Free Press was very depressing. GM and Ford were going to fold. MI, Detroit and other states and cities with American auto plants would die. I don't share this doom and gloom.

After my coffee I headed for the MAC to try swimming during the 12-1 open swim hour. I had the pool to myself.

At 5:30 PM Nancy and I headed to H and K's home near Silver Lake for dinner. I brought my laptop with our elderhostel photos. H had his 50" TV hooked up as a monitor for our laptops. Everyone viewed our elderhostel trip and H and K's Med cruise that included stops in Venice, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Naples, Rome, Florence, Nice/Monaco, and Barcelona. They had some great pictures. Both H and K are good cooks so the meal was great. We had a good time. Fine food, wine and conversation with old friends is always enjoyable.

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