Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday November 26, 2008

It rained all night. Mud puddles are everywhere. I had coffee at Starbucks (what's new). Today is errand day for Bob and Nancy.

We start out going to Cosentinos for cheese spread, then to Trader Joe's and then Safeway. After unloading our goodies, we load Apollo, the cat, in his carrier and take him to the vet. We left Apollo at the vet and headed to Costco. Surprise! Costco was not that busy for the day before a holiday. We had a hot dog at Costco. Gas was $1.82 per gallon.

We picked up Apollo at the vet and headed for home. The vet had given Apollo a new prescription, so we headed back to Costco to get the meds.

Sasha left the office early and got home at 6. We contacted SPS and family and found out they were stuck in traffic. We, Sasha, Debbie and I, headed to Armadillo Willy's for dinner.

SLS and family got to Sasha's at 9:30. The 5 hour trip from LA took 10 hours. We learned that Vero is going to have a little girl. Everyone has a name for the little girl. It will be great having a new grandchild.

In 1961 on the day before Thanksgiving I boarded a military plane near SF for Pearl Harbor. I spent Thanksgiving Eve in the Pearl Harbor BOQ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in the short time you've been in CA, you sure have been to Costco enough times!