Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15, 2008

November is a dark, gloomy month. Today reinforces this observation. It was 34 when we woke up. I tried the new Omelet Shoppe on Michigan Avenue. The oatmeal was good but the coffee was luke warm. I gave it a 2.9.

Today I decided to ride my road bike to Cedar Springs. I put on 2 pair of wool socks and carried my back pack with some warm clothes. The wind was fierce going north. I got 2 miles north of Rockford and it started to rain. I turned around and headed for the car, a distance of 15 miles. I made good time with the wind at my back.

When I got home I noticed that a lot of leaves had dropped last night. I headed for D&W to purchase leaf bags. The store had 2 bundles left. I raked enough leaves to fill 3 bags. Also got the snow shovels down and filled and put up the bird feeder.

For dinner Nancy and I went to the Brandywine. I had the liver and onions and Nancy had the scram-d-ham.

I am now watching football, Stanford vs USC and Miss State vs Alabama. I am pulling for Stanford and Miss State. We have the heat on in the back room and it is putting Nancy to sleep.

Remember kids try and spent at least 20 minutes each day outside. It is good for your mental health, especially in the fall and winter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2.9 on a a scale of what? Also, good tip on the 20 minutes a day outside - I get that but I'm not convinced it is good for mental health - it doesn't seem to have much of an impact on me. Today it was 75 degrees and sunny in CA - I wasn't sure if I should put on a pair of shorts or not.