Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday November 16, 2008

The alarm went off at 6:56. I bounded out of bed and looked out the window. Yes folks it was snowing. The snow was sticking. Nancy and I headed for the MAC to start our 0800 swim. I felt pretty good this morning and swam 1600 yards in 45 minutes.

After swimming we headed for Meijers to purchase supplies for our short week. Next Sat we are heading for DSL's. I am looking forward to the trip to CA. Despite my age I still get excited when I travel. It is like a big adventure. I also get excited when I see a deer.

I took a short nap and then went on a 3 mile walk. It was snowing when I started but after 20 minutes the sun came out.

Tasha called and told Nancy about being served a notice that she was involved in a case of mistaken identity. Tasha has contacted a neighbor who has given her the name of a lawyer. Tasha has the matter under control.

Tomorrow I have to pick up my sister at the airport and drive her to Mt Pleasant where Jen will take her north to the big house. Both Nancy and I have a full week. It is good because is will make the time go fast.

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