Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday November 7, 2008

It rained last night but the sun was up by the time I pedaled to the MAC. I pulled a muscle in my calf while running so I had to cut my run short. I was kinda glad because it is Friday and I was tired.

The Detroit Free Press continues to write about the problems in the auto industry. It is very serious for MI. I think that perhaps bankruptcy is the best option. However, the Gov and UAW will not let this happen.

On an up note I am enjoying reading about the pres-elect and his young family. I think that the BO family are a good model for the USA. I think they should get a poodle.

After much hectoring I finally called Phil Dougherty to get our door bell fixed. Phil came within a couple of hours and had it fixed in 20 minutes.

It was such a nice day that Nancy and I decided to drive to Grand Haven and walk the pier. By the time we got to GH the clouds have moved in. The temperature had dropped about 20 degrees. We started the walk but after a short distance we played penguin and said this sucks. Nancy and Bob headed back to GR. We had dinner at the Brandywine.

November weather is returning tonight. Snow is expected.


Anonymous said...

Someone has watched Madagascar one too many times with their grandson :)

Anonymous said...

move it move it!
move it move it!