Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday November 17, 2008

It was very cold this morning. I rode by bike to the MAC. I have to find some new shoes to keep my feet warm on these cold morning. It is 9 PM and my feet are still cold.

This afternoon I spent some time catching up on my reading while I was waiting for a call from Helen. She was travelling from AZ. I was scheduled to take Helen to Mt Pleasant or Gaylord. The plane got in at 4 and Helen said the weather was terrible in Gaylord. Heavy snow etc. We changed our plans and we will leave first thing in the morning for Gaylord.

Right now we are all sitting in our back room watching a rerun of House. House is a certified jerk.

We are having a lot of lake effect snow. Holland has 4" on the ground and Grand Rapids does not have any.

I am heading upstairs to turn on my electric blanket. There is nothing better than getting into a super heated bed. Nancy hates electric blankets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love electric blankets and space heaters! we got 8 inches of snow and white out conditions for driving. ick. i hate the 30 mile trip home in the winters.