Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday November 13, 2008

Today started out rainy and cool. I hurried my home program so I could get in the MAC pool before the 0900 deadline. I made it. I swam 1500 yard.

The Detroit Free Press continues its doom and gloom articles. Can GM and Ford survive? Did the ex mayor improperly use money from his charity? Did the head of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners hire people for jobs that required no work? Can the Lions win a game?

After lunch Nancy and I made a Costco run. I was out of beer and Nancy needed to get a prescription filled. Costco was crowded but nothing like CA. Costco gas was $1.92 per gallon.
Beer is $6.72 a gallon.

Tonight Nancy and I went to "Great Lakes Shipping". We took our 1 meal free coupon. Tomorrow I am going to Rosebush to visit cousin Peg. We will have lunch and go to the library and get Peg set up for books on tape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I paid 1.75/gallon for gas yesterday.. and that wasn't even at Costco. Our 'regular' gas stations are now cheaper than Costco.