Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18, 2008

My natural alarm clock woke up at 0615. Helen and I left for Gaylord at 0720. It was cold in GR but no snow. When we got to Cadillac it was snowing hard. All the road agencies had their plows out. Going east on M55 the road was only partially cleared. By the time we got to Houghton Lake it had quit snowing and the sun was out. We got to Gaylord at 1030. Don C arrived about 5 minutes later. I talked to Don a short time and then headed south. The trip south was uneventful.

After I got home I took a 4.5 mile walk. It is turning cold. I expect snow on the ground tomorrow.

Tonight we watch NCIS, the only prime time show I watch regularly. Usually a long car trip tires me out so I expect that I will head for bed immediately after NCIS. Remember on these dark gloomy days to get outside for 20 minutes. No excuses.

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