Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday November 2, 2008

Ah the end of DLT, we got an extra hour of sleep. We headed for the MAC at 0745. Nancy went swimming but because of my stitches I could not swim, so I used the recumbent bike.

We did not need groceries at Meijers so we headed right home. Nancy fixed poached eggs on toast. After breakfast I read the newspaper and then took my nap.

I did take a 3 mile walk after the nap. This evening we will watch 60 minutes and probably head for bed early. Sunday is still a day of rest?

I am glad DST came to an end. It was so dark in the morning that I had to use my bike lights. I hope that I will now be travelling in broad daylight.

2 more days left in the silly season. Like every one in the US, I will be glad to have the election over with. Why doesn't my spell check work? Probably a commie plot.

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