Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday November 9, 2008

Nancy and I woke up to a rain/snow mix. It was cold and dreary. However, like good troopers we headed to the MAC for our Sunday swim. I felt pretty good and tried all my Mike Phelps moves. I think the lazy day I had yesterday had something to do with my high energy.

After the MAC we headed to Meijers for our weekly fill up. We filled up all three of our reuseable canvas bags. See even us old folks have gone green.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. The GR newspaper was not as gloomy as the Detroit paper. After the newspaper I took my Sunday nap. In this cold weather I use my electric blanket. The instant warmth puts me right to sleep.

After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. I am following my grandfathers advise that no matter what the weather you must spend 3o minutes outdoors every day. I think this is good advice.

Please note that I have not mentioned the Detroit Lions. I have not watched the team all year. I do know they lost. I think the Lions and their owner William Ford are emblematic of what is wrong with Detroit and the auto industry. They are living in the past. They have lost their edge and are no longer competitive. The fire is gone. Only a ruthless change will correct the situation. I no longer support a bail out. Let them go bankrupt.

On a lighter note, Nancy is fixing that great soup we got at Trader Joe's when we were at Tashas. We are also having that great American staple hot dogs. Doesn't that sound good for a cold, gloomy November night?


Anonymous said...

or tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are also good on cold gloomy days

Anonymous said...

I'm yearning for summer days.