Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday November 4, 2008

Election Day! The day started warm and sunny. I cannot recall the weather on any of the previous 13 elections I took part in . I have voted for 7 winners.

I decided to ride my road bike this morning. My front brake seized up and I took a tumble. I have decided that the best bike brake is the old fashioned coaster brake, like on my retro. I think I pulled a muscle in my rib cage. I am amazed at how fragile I have become.

Everyone at the MAC was talking about the election. I think the turnout will be huge. This is good for our democracy. Everyone is participating.

It was such a nice warm day I decided to cut the grass. I set the cutter blade up to 3". It took 1.5 hours to complete the cutting. Usually it takes over 2 hours.

Tonight Nancy and I will watch the returns. I am interested if the Dems reach 60 in the senate. If this happens beware of the unions. They will get legislation that puts small firms (like mine) out of business.

I was sorry to hear about BO's grandmother. It was interesting to read about the greyhound bus tour she took BO on. They visited Yellowstone, Grand Canyon and other western points of interest. I don't know if any of my kids have ever been on a greyhound bus. Grandma sounds real cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was very sad. She was so close but never got to see him reach his pinnacle. Perhaps she already knew.