Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday November 6, 2008

Yes folks another sunny 70 degree day. The Detroit Free Press today was huge with all the election returns. The east side of the state was a blood bath for republicans.

The election is not a day old and already the dems are fighting. Representative Henry Waxman of CA is trying to unseat Detroit's John Dingell from being chairman of an important committee. Dingell, the longest serving representative, is a favorite of the auto industry. I agree with many of his positions. He may be a UAW man but if a power plant or a new bridge creates jobs he is all for it. Waxman does not want power plants he supports solar power and diapers for cows. I think Dingell serves MI well. (good English?)

It was too windy for kayaking today so I walked around Reeds Lake. It took me 2 hours.

Nancy needed a new swim cap, so before dinner we stopped at MC. Dinner of course was at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the wet burrito. I watched "My Name is Earl" tonight and then I started writing this blog. My 1956 dictionary does not list "blog".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually blog isn't a word. It's short for web log.