Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday November 19, 2008

Ah Wednesday my easy day. I did 1/2 of my normal exercise routine.

We had a light coating of snow this morning. The news reports mentioned slippery spots on all the local roads. The temperature has been low enough for the past week to lower the temperature of the road surfaces. Any moisture results in ice and not puddles.

This morning I had a GR Building Authority meeting. We had a full agenda and have several interesting projects. All the project involve parking structures.

After my meeting I met with JD at the office to discuss some past projects. SCECO is updating their resume and needed some information on projects in the 80's and 90's. JD bought me lunch.

When I got home I began packing for our trip to CA. I am 95% complete. I also took a walk around Reeds Lake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you definitely surpass your 20 minutes outdoors. Reeds Lake is *exactly* 10k from your house.