Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday November 10, 2008

I looked out the window this morning and our green grass was white. We had our first sticking snow.

Did you know that today is the Marine Corps birthday? Semper fi!

My fall from my road bike last week pull a muscle in my rib cage, so I had an abbreviated work out this morning. I also have a pulled calf muscle, cause unknown, that has limited my running. Getting old is not for sissies.

After lunch I raked leaves in our strip between sidewalk and curb. I filled 5 bags. I think tomorrow is the last day in 2008 that the city will pick up yard waste.

I walked around Reeds Lake. It takes me exactly 2 hours.

Yesterday Nancy and I were looking for DVD's and I saw a "Looney Tunes" DVD. Nancy said she was not going to purchase it. I sulked and said ok, I will put it on my Xmas list along with a 3 stooges DVD.

Tomorrow is Veterans Day. If you know a veteran ask him if he remembers his service number. I think about 90% of vets know their number.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know my social security number at least. And better yet, I know my sister's.