Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday November 25, 2008

Jet lag is over, I woke up at my normal 0555. After coffee at Starbucks, Nancy and I headed to Lucky's for some groceries. We then departed for the Bart depot at Milbrae. The subway trip into SF was easy. We got off at Powell Street. I called Sasha to see what time she wanted to meet for lunch. She said 1145 at 555 Market. Nancy and I looked in several stores on our way to meet Shasa. Shasa took us to Cafe Bianco. It was great. I gave it a 3.8. Remember that I grade on a 4.0 system.

After lunch we walked up Powell Street and stopped in several stores. SF is a great city.

I mentioned to Nancy and Sasha that in 1961 on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I was driven up to SF from Port Hueneme, CA by fellow USN, CEC officer, Ensign Duffy. I cannot remember his first name. All I remember is that he was from MA and attended RPI. He was going to visit a relative who lived in the Bay area. We drove around SF and then he dropped me off at Treasure Island Naval Base.

Nancy and I took the BART back to Milbrae. It took us about an hour to get to Sasha's house. Nancy wanted to go to DWS and I wanted to get a CD at Barnes and Noble. We walked to the stores. I purchased the sound track from "O Brother Where Art Thou". I loved the music. I am now listening to the sound track.

Nancy and I have a busy day tomorrow. We have many errands to run and must take App0l0 to the heart doctor.

Sasha got home at 7 tonight. Another long day. Right now it is time for NCIS so I am signing off. Remember get outside for 30 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa... last time you said '20 minutes'.. and now that it's getting into the dead of winter, you're upping it to 30 minutes?!?!