Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9, 2023

 Up this morning at 0730.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  Typical summer day.  Sun with high in low 80s.

My stomach was upset this morning probably from too many cookies last night.

I forego breakfast.  Nancy headed out before 0800 for her swim at MVP.

I wanted a standard breakfast, eggs, bacon, hash browns, but no restaurant is within an easy bike ride from Cook Valley.  I biked 5 miles to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  Ordered oatmeal and a bagel.  Perfect for my stomach.

Spent an hour reading the Michigan papers.  Nancy joined me for a short time.  She was stopping by for her coffee after her swim.

Got home about noon.  First thing after my shower we drove to LMCU and Macatawa Bank to do our banking.

At home, I talked to our Wells Fargo representative and found out our WF cash was FDIA insured.  

Our Insurance rep insured me we are up to date on all insurance payment.  That includes car, Cook Valley rental, etc.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.

This and that:

On this day in 1938, Ossineke, Mi:  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote it was a cool day.  He worked in Post Office in afternoon. Drove to Hubbard Lake for chicken dinner.

Why can’t the GOP come up with a decent candidate to beat Trump?  It amazes me that so many folks still like this guy.

We attended Happy Hour this evening.  After, we had dinner in the Main Dining Room.  Our next door neighbor’s, the Reese’s were our dinner mates.  My sister, Helen, is good friends with David Reese.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Coroner”.  Good show.

Headed to bed at 2200.

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