Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 15, 2023

 Tuesday August 15, 2023

It rained most of the night.  It was dark and 63 when I got up at 0730.  Channel 8 weather person said the rain had stopped.

Nancy headed out early for her stationary bike ride and treadmill walk at MVP.  Later we are going shopping at Costco and Meijer’s.

Oatmeal breakfast and then I got on bike and headed out.  As soon as I exited the garage I knew I had made a mistake.  It was raining hard.  Returned to garage and got keys to Fusion.  Drove to MVP.  Standard routine before driving to Panera.  Got coffee and two baguettes.  Checked email and read Alpena and Detroit News.

At home Nancy and I headed to Costco.we spent about an hour buying supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, vitamin drink, mouthwash etc. It cost about $150.  Nancy also got a prescription.

Next stop Meijer’s.  I picked up a prescription and bought yogurt, cookies, radishes and cauliflower.  

At home I got a cart and moved most of the supplies to our locker.  All the shelves in the storage area are filled.  

It was 1500 when we completed putting away our purchases.  I took a short walk around the building, 0.5 miles.  

Showered, shaved and then a short nap.  We did attend Happy Hour this evening.  Later we headed to Leo’s for hot dogs.  I think my stomach is rebelling from the hot dogs.

Trump is going to trial in Georgia for messing with the 2020 election.  Several writers have pointed out that Dem Stacey Abrams charged Georgia with the same thing for her loss in the Governor’s race.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Patriot” on Prime.  Jury still out.

Missy called tonight.  AJ starts school this week.  We got caught up.

Nancy headed to bed at 2330.  I will read the WSJ before turning in.  I should be in bed by 2215.

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