Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3, 2023

 Thursday August 3, 2023

Up this morning at 0700 with a sore stomach. I just did not feel well.  I thought it might be my diverticulitis acting up.  Nancy suggested that we head to emergency.  

Drove to Blodgett emergency.  Told them my problem.  They took my vitals and gave me a cat scan.  After a 1.5 hour wait we got the results.  Everything was ok.  Although I was still shaky.

Nancy had a lunch date with our old neighbor Sonya.  We arrived about 1/2 hour late.  I drove Sonya and Nancy to Panera.

They ordered lunch.  I found a seat away from the girls.  Read the WSJ while Nancy and Sonya enjoyed their lunch.

At 1330 we drove Sonya home.  Nancy and I headed to Cook Valley.

First thing I did when got home was to head straight to bed. I only dozed until 1630.

We attended Happy Hour.  After HH we walked to dining room.  Tonight both Nancy and I had shrimp cocktail, salad and dinner roll.

We watched another episode of High Winds.  The story line follows Tony Hillerman format.  Great show.

After thinking I had made a full recovery my stomach started acting up again. I blame it on the wine.  Will stop wine for a couple of days.

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