Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 16, 2023

 Wednesday August 16, 2023

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with alarm at 0545.

Quickly dressed and headed to Embassy Suites on upper Monroe.  Small crowd, 16, at BC.  I hope it is because of folks on vacation.  The food was subpar.  However, the speaker was great.  She talked about getting folks to visit GR. I was impressed.

Lody Zwarensteyn, a BC member and Cook Valley resident asked if I could give him a ride home.  Lody just had his hip replaced and could not drive.  The Doctor who replaced his hip was the same Doctor who replaced mine.

After dropping Lody off I headed home.  Put on my bike clothes and headed to Ada a distance of 6 miles.  Stopped at Ada Bike and bought a rear light for my bike.  Great ride.

Nancy today had lunch at Cook Valley with Karen Horling.  Karen was a classmate at Albion.  

After Nancy’s lunch we drove to Meijer’s so I could pick up a prescription.  Light crowd at Meijer’s.

This afternoon we attended the 1700 Happy Hour.  About 20 folks at HH.  We had dinner in the main dining hall.  

We were joined by two other couples..  They were great company.  We spent 90 minutes talking.

Both Nancy and I had shrimp cocktail.  I also had a bowl of tomato bisque.  All very good. 

 Tonight we watched an episode of the Coroner.  Good show.

Before going to bed I read the WSJ.  It was 2300 when I finally retired.

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