Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August 30, 2023

 Wednesday August 30, 2023

Blog time 1635, sitting in office

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with 0545 alarm.

Dressed and got in Fusion for trip to Embassy Suite where BC is held.  For first time in several months it was dark so I had to turn headlights on.  Sure sign of Fall.

We had a good turnout today, 23.  The speaker was our leader Paul Chardoul’s Daughter.  She works for UM agency that does polling, political, economic, health, etc.  Good talk.  The downside to BC at Embassy Suites is the food.  It is terrible.  No bread or rolls!

After BC I drove to Forest Hills Food. I was starved for a breakfast roll.  Bought two donuts and sat down to read the Mich papers.  No coffee today I already was saturated.

The local governments still continue to get large amounts of money from the Feds.  The amount of money for mental health in schools seems  staggering.  I think President Biden is steering the USA towards bankruptcy.

After Forest Hills I drove home.  Put on bike clothes and took off on a 9 mile ride.  It was still cool but I was properly dressed.  Encountered no critters on my ride.

After shower I took a short nap.  This afternoon we attended Happy Hour, followed by dinner in main dining room.  We sat with our next door neighbors Dave and Chris Reese.

After dinner Nancy and I walked around our building a distance of 0.45 miles.  The mosquitoes ate us alive.

Tonight we watched another episode of the “Red Dahlia”.  I fell asleep so had to rewatch the last 20 minutes.

The cleaning folks come tomorrow so Nancy and I did some picking up. Nancy is now in bed.  I just finished reading the WSJ so I am heading to bed.

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