Monday, August 7, 2023

August 6, 2023

 Sunday August 6, 2023

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up at 0700. Oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  It was cool this morning, 63 and raining.  Weather folks say it will rain all day.

Left for church at 0845.  Surprise! Today church was crowded.

After church headed west for our Sunday.  I got off track and ended up further north than I wanted. A 90 minute ride turned into 120 minutes.

We stopped at Panera for coffee and a bear claw which we split.  Also stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  It was still raining when we got home.

My Grandfather Scott raised white faced Hereford cattle.  I have not seen a white face on any of our recent trips.

I called my sister this afternoon.  Told her about Tom Collin’s siblings.  I will call her again on Tuesday her birthday.

Only yogurt cup w/blueberries for a snack today.  My stomach is still acting up.  No bike ride but I did take a nap this afternoon.

I read the GR Press from cover to cover.  Not much news.

Nancy and I started a walk about the big house but it started to rain and we cut the walk short.  I had a single fried egg on toast for dinner.

We watched the news and a segment of 60 Minutes before switching to “High Winds”.

We were both in bed by 2135.

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