Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4, 2023

 Friday August 4, 2023

Blog time 1930 sitting in office

Great nights sleep.  Woke up this morning at 0730.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim.  No breakfast this morning.  Dressed and pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  MVP was crowded this morning.  Next week I will do my calisthenics at home and then pedal to Ada.  Weather permitting.

After MVP I biked to Forest Hills Foods.  This morning I bought a yogurt parfait with blueberries.  Very good.  Read the Michigan papers before heading home.

Today is my boyhood friends 84th birthday.  Tommy Collins now lives in San Clemente, Ca.  Tommy was in fine spirits today.  I told him that Grandson Lucas was attending UCIrving.  Tommy said his Grandson is getting his PHD this month and will teach chemistry at UCIrving. 

Sad news Tommy has two younger siblings living in Mi.  Both have serious Alzheimer’s.  Hope they get a cure soon.

I seem to be over my digestive illness but am still tired.  This afternoon I took a nice nap.

Nancy woke me up in time for Happy Hour.  Happy Hour was lightly attended.  We had dinner tonight in the Main Dining Room.

Tonight we watched another episode of “High Winds”.  One episode left.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Missy and AJ are visiting Debbie in San Jose.  We had a nice conversation.

I consider myself a politico junky, but recently news on the political front has been so trivial that I don’t want to comment on it.  

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