Tuesday, August 8, 2023

August 8, 2023

 Tuesday August 8, 2023

Blog time 1216 sitting in office.

Set the alarm for 0645.  We have a busy day ahead.  Nancy has a 1000 Doctor’s appointment and I have a 1130 appointment with the same doctor.  The nice thing is that the Doctor’s office is next to our apartment.

Later today Randy Heibel will return to finish repairs on kitchen table.  

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  I left at 0800 on my bike for the 5 mile ride to MVP.  

MVP was empty this morning.  I quickly did my routine and headed back home.  Total bike miles today, 8.5.

When I got home Nancy had already seen the Doctor. Everything ok.  Quickly showered, dressed and walk the 20 steps to the Doctor’s office.

Doctor Nguyen had already reviewed the tests from my recent trip to ER.  We talked about my diverticulitis and potential gallbladder problems.  Bottom line more blood work at Spectrum.

A hinge on a cupboard broke so a Cook Valley Maintenance man spent some time getting it fixed.  He also put back a bathroom door handle.

Randy Heibel returned and fixed the sliders on our kitchen table chairs.  He also made repairs to a broken chair leg.

Light lunch of yogurt with grape nuts.  Today is my sister, Helen’s birthday.  I called her with birthday wishes. 

I have not commented on Great Grandfather Sanborn lately. I just found his 1938 diary.  On this date in 1938 he commented that it was Monday and a nice day in Ossineke. Julia done (did) the wash.  Great Grandfather stayed home all day. 

I have been very restless today.  At separate times I have walked around the building.  A distance of about .8 miles.

A 1700 we are attending a barbecue in the main dining rooms. 62 folks attending.  

The barbecue was a disappointment.  The chicken was dry and the drinks weak.  I did like the baked beans and cookies.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “Jack Ryan”.  I gave the show a B+.  

Before bed I read the WSJ.  Not much breaking news.  Headed to bed at 2130.

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