Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023

 Sunday August 20, 2023

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730. Quickly fixed oatmeal for breakfast.  Left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Today, as usual, we attended the 0915 service.

My Hughes Grandparents attended First Methodist Church in Alpena.  My Grandfather was very religious.  He attended the morning and evening service each Sunday.  My Grandmother would accompany him until one Sunday She decided one service on Sunday was enough.  

My Grandfather scolded her.  She would go to hell if she did not comply.  Grandmother said she was not afraid of Hell.  Most of her friends who only went to one service would join her.  End of discussion!.

After church we took and hour’s drive through the country side.  Beautiful day for a ride.  Warm temps and sun.  We ended up at Panera for coffee and a bagel.

At home I got on bike and took a short ride.  Temperature was 90.  Too hot!  Total miles 8.

Spent most of the afternoon cleaning my desk.  Read blood test results.  Not great but improving.  Called my sister but she could not talk.  Today is her daughter Jennifer’s birthday.

Very light dinner, yogurt with grape nuts.  Also split a piece of cherry pie that Nancy brought home from Friday’s dinner.

Read about the LA area earthquake, so I called Missy. She felt some minor tremors.

Watched some on 60 Minutes before switching to “The Republic of Doyle”.  Also watched an episode “Fisk”.  

It is now 2115 and 81.  Will leave AC on all night.

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