Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25, 2023\

 Friday August 25, 2023

Blog time 1615 sitting in office

Up at 0730.  We had tornado warnings last night but the storm appears to have passed.  The temperature was 70 and when looked out window it was cloudy but looked dry.

Our carpets that we had cleaned yesterday are still drying so we put our shoes on outside.  This afternoon the carpet will be dry so we can resume normal activities.

Nancy left early for her Friday swim.  I put on bike clothes and left at 0830 for MVP.  As I was leaving the garage I found out it was misting.  Headed back inside and changed clothes.  Put on waterproof pants and jacket.  Of course as soon as I got on bike the rain had stopped.  Pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  Checked in, put on workout clothes and did my chin-up/pull-up routine and also sit-ups.  The place was crowded so I had to wait my turn.  In the future I will do the MVP exercises at home.  It will be a big time savers.

After MVP I pedaled to Forest Hills Foods.  As a result of last night’s storm the traffic light at Cascade/Forest Hills was out.  Found out that most of East Grand Rapids was without power.

Starbucks must have temporarily lost power because it appeared that they were just back in operation.  So no coffee for me today.  I ordered a yogurt parfait with blueberries.  Read the Michigan papers.  The Detroit News had photos and stories on the damage from last night’s storm. Good news from the Alpena News.  AHS won their first football game.  

On way home the traffic lights were still out because of last night’s storm so it took longer than usual.  Speaking of storm I got a call from sister, Helen, saying how did we survive the storm.  Apparently Paige, Helen’s granddaughter who lives in north Grand Rapids lost power.

Yesterday we got our carpets cleaned.  Today when I got home I moved all the furniture back to its original place.  The cleaner said it takes 24 hour for the carpet to dry.  He was right.

This afternoon Nancy and I attended Happy Hour.  The main conversation was last night’s storm.  Most folk spent the storm sheltered in the basement.  They were shocked that we stayed in our room.

We had dinner tonight with Mike and Suzanne Moore. They lived a block away from us when we lived on Mackinaw.

The Moore’s and Nancy are now playing Mexican Train.  Debbie called this evening and we had a nice talk.

2130 Nancy just got back from Mexican Train.  She had a great time.

I just finished reading the WSJ.  I don’t like the new format. 

I will finish my blog and then head to bed. It is 2200 and 72 outside.  Tomorrow should be a great day sunny with temps in 70s.

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