Monday, August 14, 2023

August 14, 2023

 Monday August 14, 2023

Up at 0715, noted for first time that the days are getting shorter.  Temp was 64, cloudy and dark.  Rain later today.

Nancy headed out at early for her Monday swim at MVP.  Later today, 1400, she has a dental appointment.

Oatmeal breakfast and then I headed out.  Pumped up bike tires and pedaled the 5 miles to MVP.  Once again MVP was empty. Did my routine and headed to Forest Hills Food for coffee and donut.  Read the Michigan papers before heading home.  Total bike miles 10.5.

At home I shaved my head before showering. Today I put on a new pair of Lululemon pants.  Found out the store had not removed the security tag.  Made a special trip to have the tag removed.

Nancy spent two hours in the dentist chair today.  This was her first visit to this Dentist.  Nancy gave him a great review.

We attended Happy Hour this evening followed by dinner in the main dining room. I had the walleye and Nancy had shrimp cocktail.

We watched the final episode of “Lincoln Lawyer” tonight. No idea what we will watch tomorrow.

AJ called us tonight.  We had a great talk.  In two days she starts 10th grade.  On her schedule is geometry.  I took geometry in 10th.  I remember CPCTE.

Big news in my home town, County Fair starts this week. As a kid I liked the carnival rides and cotton candy.

On this date in 1938.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote, a warm day with high winds. Drove to Grange Hall to watch baseball game.  They had chicken supper at hall.  Cost $1.

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