Monday, August 14, 2023

August 13, 2023

 Sunday August 13, 2023

Blog time 1245 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730.  It was sunny with temps in high 60s.

The sleeping wedge really helped me sleep last night.  I had to get up around 0200 to take some MG pills.  They worked because I went right back to sleep.

After oatmeal breakfast we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  Very light turnout at church.  Most folks must be vacationing.  School starts in two weeks.

Sure sign of fall the Alpena County Fair starts this week.  As a youth attending the fair was the last rites of summer also great fun.  

After church we stopped at Panera for coffee and baguette.  At home I put on bike clothes and took a 10 mile ride.  Followed the ride with a shower and short nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  Filled the Escape up on way home.  Gas was 3.79.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “Lincoln Lawyer” tomorrow it ends.  

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