Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023

 Thursday August 31, 2023

Blog time 2040 sitting in Den.

Up this morning at 0730.  Did my at home exercise routine.  No breakfast this morning because cleaning folks will be here soon.  

Nancy left at 0830.  Today is her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.

I did some more pickup for cleaners.  Left at 0900 for MVP.  The temp was in mid 50s with bright sun.  Last night I saw the new moon.  Very round and bright.

Pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  Quickly completed chin/pull up exercises.  

Today I had coffee at Forest Hill Foods.  Lately it takes forever to get a coffee.  Most folks order a fruity coffee drink that takes forever to make.  Tomorrow I will return to Panera.  No waiting for coffee.  

I ordered a yogurt parfait with blueberries to eat while reading the Michigan papers.  Headed home at noon.  Total bike miles today, 9.

At home showered and shaved, applied lotion before dressing.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Bought prune juice, cookies, grapes and radishes.

No nap today.  Spent time paying bills. 

At 1630 we attended a Section meeting.  Almost all section members (20) were in attendance.  Big topic was Cook Valley’s recycle program.  What can and cannot be put in recycle bins!  

After the Section meeting Nancy and I attended Happy Hour.  Later we had dinner in the main dining room.  I had salmon and Nancy had the shrimp cocktail.

Tonight we watched “The Red Dahlia”. My new favorite show.

Completed blog.  Will read WSJ before turning in.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August 30, 2023

 Wednesday August 30, 2023

Blog time 1635, sitting in office

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with 0545 alarm.

Dressed and got in Fusion for trip to Embassy Suite where BC is held.  For first time in several months it was dark so I had to turn headlights on.  Sure sign of Fall.

We had a good turnout today, 23.  The speaker was our leader Paul Chardoul’s Daughter.  She works for UM agency that does polling, political, economic, health, etc.  Good talk.  The downside to BC at Embassy Suites is the food.  It is terrible.  No bread or rolls!

After BC I drove to Forest Hills Food. I was starved for a breakfast roll.  Bought two donuts and sat down to read the Mich papers.  No coffee today I already was saturated.

The local governments still continue to get large amounts of money from the Feds.  The amount of money for mental health in schools seems  staggering.  I think President Biden is steering the USA towards bankruptcy.

After Forest Hills I drove home.  Put on bike clothes and took off on a 9 mile ride.  It was still cool but I was properly dressed.  Encountered no critters on my ride.

After shower I took a short nap.  This afternoon we attended Happy Hour, followed by dinner in main dining room.  We sat with our next door neighbors Dave and Chris Reese.

After dinner Nancy and I walked around our building a distance of 0.45 miles.  The mosquitoes ate us alive.

Tonight we watched another episode of the “Red Dahlia”.  I fell asleep so had to rewatch the last 20 minutes.

The cleaning folks come tomorrow so Nancy and I did some picking up. Nancy is now in bed.  I just finished reading the WSJ so I am heading to bed.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

August 29, 2023

 August 29, 2023

Blog time 1645 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0740.  Nancy was already up and getting ready for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.

Today, except for chin/pull ups I did all my calisthenics at home.  Fixed oatmeal w/blueberries for breakfast.  My weather app said rain possible.  I wore my rain resistant jacket and pedaled the 5 miles to MVP.  Encountered no rain but it was very humid and threatening.  

At MVP I did my chin/pull ups.  It takes about 15 minutes.  Got back on bike and headed to Forest Hill Foods.  Bought bagel and Starbucks coffee before settling down to read the morning papers.

Yesterday was the first day of school for most public schools in Mi.  Hiring mental health pros for schools seems to be the thing this year.  I don’t think we had any when I was in school.  

This and that:

I am so tired of reading about Trump’s upcoming trial.  

Also Kwaye West should disappear.  Who really cares, I sure don’t.

The fighting in Ukraine seems to have moved to the back pages.

The “The Daily Mail” sure likes to pick on the Pres because of his stumbles.

Left Forest Hills and pedaled 2 miles home.  Total bike miles today, 10. It started to pour down rain just as I was finishing my ride.

Showered, shaved and dressed, waited for Nancy to get home from lunch.  Nancy had lunch in the main dining room.  She had quiche.

We drove to Meijer’s so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  We also bought bananas and grapes.  The rain had stopped and the sun was out.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  Attended Happy Hour and had dinner in the main dining room.  The place was empty.

Tonight we watched another episode of the “Red Dalhia”.  Good show will finish tomorrow.

It is now 2110 and I have Breakfast Club tomorrow.  Time for bed.

Monday, August 28, 2023

August 28, 2023

 Monday August 28, 2023

Blog time 1415 sitting in office.

Good grief the last week of summer already!  Time flies when having fun.

Slept in until 0730.  It was sunny but temperature was a cool 48.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her Monday swim at MVP.  This morning I did all my calisthenics except pull-up/chin-ups at home.  I had a banana for breakfast.

Put on warm clothes and headed out.  This morning I raised my bike seat 1”.  It makes the bike ride more efficient.  

Pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  I only did the chin/pull up routine,  takes about 10 minutes.  I pedaled 2+ miles to Forest Hills Foods.  Bought a bagel and Starbucks coffee.  Read the Michigan papers.  Both the Alpena News and Detroit News are very limited on local news.  However, it was reported that the Alpena High administration established LGBTQ+ standards.  Can you image such standards in 1952?

Got home at 1245.  Total miles today 10.

For lunch today I had a cup of yogurt with grape nuts covering.  I prefer Fiber 1 cereal but have not been able to find it in stores lately.

I found time this afternoon for a short nap.  Is afternoon napping good?

This date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi.  Great grandfather Sanborn wrote it was Sunday, cool with light rain.  GGF attended the baseball game Ossineke 6, Chalson Hill 5.  Dinner at Laura’s church, 12 in attendance.

It is now 1650.  We will leave for Happy Hour shortly.  Tonight we had dinner with the Paul’s and Reese’s.  Very enjoyable.

We watched an episode of “Red Dahila” on BritBox.  It was good.

It is now 2125, Nancy has headed to bed.  As soon as I finish today’s blog I will read the WSJ and then head to bed.

Nancy called Debbie to thank her for her birthday gift.  It came today.

I just finished reading the WSJ.  WSJ is about the only US paper that is not woke.  I read and enjoy daily.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27, 2023

 Sunday August 27, 2023

Blog time 1711 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  First thing, I wished Nancy Happy Birthday.  Yes folks today Nancy celebrates.  She got greetings from her children, grandchildren and her sister, Peg.  Yesterday my sister, Helen called.  

Yesterday Steve and Veronica sent a fruit basket. I have helped Nancy finish some items especially the chocolate covered apples.

This morning we attended church at Trinity Lutheran.  Big turnout today.  The church blessed kid’s school backpacks. 

The Grandson of Eric Gohkle was baptized.  The two Gohkle brothers and family are from my hometown and they all attended today’s service.

After church we took our Sunday ride through the country side.  Today we headed east to Lowell. Ended up at Panera for coffee and a croissant.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 9 mile ride.  Today I took my old Cannondale Bad Boy.  It has been several months since I have ridden this bike.  I stayed away from hills.  My new bike the Surly is great on hills because of its 11 speeds.  The Cannondale has only 8 speeds.

After the ride I showered and then took a nap.  We had a light dinner and watched the news. 

Right now Nancy has been talking with her old friend Kathy for over an hour.  As soon as the conversation is over we will resume watching “London Kills”.

This and that:

Last night we had dinner at the “Bone Fish Grill”.  It is kind of an upscale place.  The young women were nicely dressed but the young men wore dirty tees and baggy shorts.  

Teachers are retiring and we have a big shortage.  What has happened.  Can’t blame it all on Covid.  When my sister and Nancy got out of college, teachers were well paid and respected.

I like the looks of the Ford electric Mustang.  Checked the price and it is close to $70,000.  Good news to replace our Escape the cost is $30,000.  I did not think this was bad.

Trump is still the elephant in the room.  I think a strong candidate has to emerge to take on this clown.  Another 4 years of Biden would be terrible for the country.

College football starts soon.  I have no interest.

Nancy spoke with Kathy for over an hour.  We just finished watching “London Kills”.  

It is now 2130 and I am going to bed.  Good night.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26, 2023

 Saturday August 26, 2023

Blog time 1717 sitting in office

Woke up early this morning, 0650.  Today is breakfast at the “Gathering Place” day.  We arrived just before 0800 and the place was empty.  We had our standard fare.  Good as usual.  The place was full when we left at 0900.

We took a drive through Ada to see how progress is coming on the new Village.  A hotel, apartments and several new buildings are nearing completion.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s for laundry soap.  Ended up buying groceries for next week.

Finished the morning getting coffee and croissant at Panera. At home, Nancy started the laundry.  I went on a 10 mile bike ride.

Great day for a ride.  Sun and low 70s with fall colors just starting.

Nancy had a big laundry today.  She was just finishing up when I got home.

Nancy received a birthday fruit basket from Steve and Veronica.  Tonight we are celebrating Nancy’s birthday with dinner at “BoneFish Grill”.

I took a short nap before dinner.  Our reservations were for 1800.  We arrived on time and were seated immediately.  The place was jammed.  Nancy had shrimp and I had rainbow trout with coleslaw and mashed potatoes.  Very good.  For dessert we each had a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Tonight we watched “Who is Erin Carter” on Netflix.  The jury is still out.

It is now 2130.  Nancy is in bed and after I post this blog I will read the WSJ.

Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25, 2023\

 Friday August 25, 2023

Blog time 1615 sitting in office

Up at 0730.  We had tornado warnings last night but the storm appears to have passed.  The temperature was 70 and when looked out window it was cloudy but looked dry.

Our carpets that we had cleaned yesterday are still drying so we put our shoes on outside.  This afternoon the carpet will be dry so we can resume normal activities.

Nancy left early for her Friday swim.  I put on bike clothes and left at 0830 for MVP.  As I was leaving the garage I found out it was misting.  Headed back inside and changed clothes.  Put on waterproof pants and jacket.  Of course as soon as I got on bike the rain had stopped.  Pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  Checked in, put on workout clothes and did my chin-up/pull-up routine and also sit-ups.  The place was crowded so I had to wait my turn.  In the future I will do the MVP exercises at home.  It will be a big time savers.

After MVP I pedaled to Forest Hills Foods.  As a result of last night’s storm the traffic light at Cascade/Forest Hills was out.  Found out that most of East Grand Rapids was without power.

Starbucks must have temporarily lost power because it appeared that they were just back in operation.  So no coffee for me today.  I ordered a yogurt parfait with blueberries.  Read the Michigan papers.  The Detroit News had photos and stories on the damage from last night’s storm. Good news from the Alpena News.  AHS won their first football game.  

On way home the traffic lights were still out because of last night’s storm so it took longer than usual.  Speaking of storm I got a call from sister, Helen, saying how did we survive the storm.  Apparently Paige, Helen’s granddaughter who lives in north Grand Rapids lost power.

Yesterday we got our carpets cleaned.  Today when I got home I moved all the furniture back to its original place.  The cleaner said it takes 24 hour for the carpet to dry.  He was right.

This afternoon Nancy and I attended Happy Hour.  The main conversation was last night’s storm.  Most folk spent the storm sheltered in the basement.  They were shocked that we stayed in our room.

We had dinner tonight with Mike and Suzanne Moore. They lived a block away from us when we lived on Mackinaw.

The Moore’s and Nancy are now playing Mexican Train.  Debbie called this evening and we had a nice talk.

2130 Nancy just got back from Mexican Train.  She had a great time.

I just finished reading the WSJ.  I don’t like the new format. 

I will finish my blog and then head to bed. It is 2200 and 72 outside.  Tomorrow should be a great day sunny with temps in 70s.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 24, 2023

 Thursday August 24, 2023

Blog time 2120, sitting in den during tornado warning

Up at 0730.  Dark with light mist.  Temp near 70.

Nancy headed early to MVP for stationary bike/treadmill routine.

Fixed oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  Completed most of routine except pull/chin ups at home. Headed out at 0900 for MVP.  It was very humid.  My glasses kept fogging up.

At MVP I finished my morning routine.  It was still misting so I headed home.  Showered, shaved and put on dry clothes.  Drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Read the Michigan papers.  Sure sign Fall is here, Alpena plays their first football game tonight.

Today we are getting our carpets cleaned.  Nancy and I picked up the apartment best we could.  The cleaners arrived at 1330 and it took over an hour to complete the cleaning.  The carpet looks great.

This afternoon a piano concert was held in the theater across from our apartment.  The theater was full.  The pianist was the grandson of a resident.  He attends Stanford.  Good show.

I took a short walk this afternoon.  The temp was 90 and very humid.

Nancy and I attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main dining room.  After dinner we retired to our apartment to watch some TV.  We just got settled when a tornado warning went off.  A lot of thunder and lightning but no damage.

2130, Nancy just headed to bed.  I still have to read the WSJ but when I finish I will also head to bed.   

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

August 23, 2023

 Wednesday August 23, 2023

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Today is my easy Wednesday.

Up at 0730 did all my calisthenics at 50%.

Got on bike and headed to Ada, a distance of 6 miles.  It was cloudy with temps in low 70s.  It is now 1630 and the temp is 90.

Parked my bike at Ada Bike.  Next door is Nonna’s Pantry.  I bought a coffee and a banana bread muffin.  Sat outside and read Michigan papers.  

In north east Michigan all the small high schools play 8 man football. Onaway, Roger City, Alcona, Hillman, Posen and Atlanta to name a few.  Great idea for small schools.

This and that:

I am surprised at the number of mature women who have tattoos.  A small tattoo is ok but full arm coverage is a bit much.

Fall is coming fast.  The trees have some color, and acorns and walnuts cover the pavements.

Big GOP debate tonight.  Trump is sitting out but he has an interview with Tucker Carlson.  Who is this clown Tucker?

Lately I have seen a number of young men driving their trucks and holding a big Trump flag.  Stupid!

President Biden keeps making speaking mistakes.  The Daily Mail loves to report when he screws up.

I got home from Ada at 1130.  Total miles was 12.  Temperature was nearing 90.  

Showered and dressed in light summer clothes.  I then ran errands.  Nancy has a birthday coming up so I got her a gift.

Our building has a hair dresser.  Nancy make a 1400 appointment for a cut.  It looks nice.

It is now 1650 and we are heading to Happy Hour.  We are having dinner in the main dining room.

Tonight our dinner mates were Linda and Ed Paul.  Nancy and I each had the shrimp cocktail.  Very good.

Back at the apartment we watched the first episodes of “Above Suspicion”.  It was good.  We also watched the last episode of “Fisk”.  

It is now 2135.  Nancy is in bed.  I will read the WSJ before retiring.  It is 84 outside.  I will leave the AC on all night.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 22, 2023

Tuesday August 22, 2023

Blog time 2200 sitting in office

Up at 0730, it was cloudy with temps in 60s.

Oatmeal w/blueberries for breakfast.

Today I did all my exercises including the ones I usually do at MVP at home.  The only problem being that I can only do 6 pull-up vs 8 at MVP.  With practice I hope to close the gap.

Hoped on bike and rode 7 miles to Forest Hills Foods.  Ordered Starbucks coffee and a yogurt parfait with granola.  Read the Michigan papers before heading home.  Total miles 9.5.

Nancy had a dentist appointment this afternoon.  She spent two hours in the chair.  She likes this Dentist.

Showered and shaved before sitting at my desk and clearing out my basket.  I paid all the bills in my basket.  It took several hours.  Felt good.

Tonight we attended Happy Hour outside on the Patio.  Only one other couple joined us.  

Dinner tonight was hot dogs at Leo’s.  On the way to Leo’s I filled the Escape up.  Gas was $3.79.

Tonight we watched Dalgliesh followed by Fisk.

  Tonight Missy called and told us of her intention to move to San Diego immediately.  She said the schools are much better than LA.  Nancy is supportive but I think it is too hasty.  But all said and done it is Missy’s decision.

What is happening to the WSJ.  The format has changed.  I don’t like.

It is now 2215 and I am going to bed.

Monday, August 21, 2023

August 21, 202

 Monday August 21, 2023

Blog time 2130 sitting in den.

Rise at normal time.  Oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  Performed all exercises except chin/pull ups at home. Biked 5 miles to MVP.  Did my chin-ups.  Tomorrow I will do all calisthenics at home and avoid MVP.

Had morning coffee and bagel at Panera.  Read the Michigan papers.  Football is beginning to dominate the sports news.  I usually never read anything about the Tigers but I do know they are terrible.  

Kirk Gibson has been battling Parkinson’s.  Good coverage about his brave battle against the disease.

Got home about 1230.  Spent most of the afternoon writing monthly note to Grandkids.  

At 1700 we attended Happy Hour.  We had dinner in main dining area.  We were joined by two other couples.  I had salmon and Nancy had shrimp cocktail.  We sat with two other couples.  Great table mates.

Tonight we watched the “Diplomat”.  We had not seen the show recently.  It had not improved.  C-.  

Finished the evening watching Fisk.  B+

As soon as I post this blog I will read the WSJ before turning in.  Low temp tonight 60.  

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023

 Sunday August 20, 2023

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730. Quickly fixed oatmeal for breakfast.  Left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Today, as usual, we attended the 0915 service.

My Hughes Grandparents attended First Methodist Church in Alpena.  My Grandfather was very religious.  He attended the morning and evening service each Sunday.  My Grandmother would accompany him until one Sunday She decided one service on Sunday was enough.  

My Grandfather scolded her.  She would go to hell if she did not comply.  Grandmother said she was not afraid of Hell.  Most of her friends who only went to one service would join her.  End of discussion!.

After church we took and hour’s drive through the country side.  Beautiful day for a ride.  Warm temps and sun.  We ended up at Panera for coffee and a bagel.

At home I got on bike and took a short ride.  Temperature was 90.  Too hot!  Total miles 8.

Spent most of the afternoon cleaning my desk.  Read blood test results.  Not great but improving.  Called my sister but she could not talk.  Today is her daughter Jennifer’s birthday.

Very light dinner, yogurt with grape nuts.  Also split a piece of cherry pie that Nancy brought home from Friday’s dinner.

Read about the LA area earthquake, so I called Missy. She felt some minor tremors.

Watched some on 60 Minutes before switching to “The Republic of Doyle”.  Also watched an episode “Fisk”.  

It is now 2115 and 81.  Will leave AC on all night.

August 19, 2023

 Saturday August 19, 2023

Blog time 0845 Sunday morning sitting in office before church.

Finally got my iPad’s key board issues resolved.  Now I am catching up.

Saturday morning we had breakfast at “Gathering Place”.  The Restaurants was empty.  After breakfast we took a ride through Ada.  Ended up at the Kraft Panera for coffee.  Stopped at Meijer’s to buy more fiber.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I took a bike ride to Ada.  Bought new super-duper handle bar grips.  Total bike miles = 12.

Spent time reading emails and local papers.  For dinner tonight we drove to Scoopers in Ada and bought a cup of ice cream.  A double for me and a single for Nancy.  Nothing better than ice cream on a warm summer’s evening.

At home we watched another episode of “Coroner”  followed by Fisk.  Finished reading the WSJ before turning.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. We had a nice conversation.  The coming hurricane will miss San Jose.

August 18, 2023

 Friday August 18, 2023

Blog time 1145 sitting in Panera

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Nancy was already getting ready for her Friday swim at MVP.

I did most of my exercise at home.  Temperature in 50s and sunny.  Put on several layers and pedaled to MVP.  Since I did most of my routine at home I only needed to do chin-ups/pull-ups at MVP.  I hope today to remove den door.  With the door gone I can do all morning routine at home.

After doing my chin-ups/pull-ups at MVP I headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  Got coffee and free bagel before checking email and reading Michigan papers.  Left for home at noon.

Nancy had lunch with some neighbor ladies.  After lunch we headed to Meijer’s.  Picked up prescription, purchased fiber sticks, cookies, wheat thins and potato chips.  

Tonight we attended Happy Hour which was held outside.  Lightly attended.  Dinner in main dining room.  Tonight we sat with Linda and Ed Paul.  They are great dinner mates.

We watched an episode of “Coroner”.  Ended the evening’s viewing watching the short series “Fisk”.

As usual, my last action before bed is to read the WSJ.  WSJ is the nation’s best newspaper.  Even the WSJ overdoes the Trump reporting.

August 17, 2023

 Thursday August 17, 2023

Blog time 1620 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Checked weather app and a shower might start in 60 minutes.  I put on my new rain pants and headed out.  I was about a mile into the ride when it started to rain hard.  I cut my ride short, 5 miles.  Good news my new rain pants are great.

Parked the bike and then headed to Starbucks in Forest Hills Foods.  For breakfast I purchased a blueberry/yogurt parfait and a bagel.  Checked email and read Michigan papers. Several articles on mischievous legislators.  

Our apartment was cleaned this morning.  It looks good.

At home I shaved and showered.  I shave only on Tu, Th, and Sat.  After every shower Nancy puts lotion on the hard to reach areas of my back.  I do the rest.  As I age my skin becomes drier all year round.  Daily lotion is a must.

Dr Nguyen had ordered several blood tests for me.  I drove to Spectrum health and had the test done.

On this date in 1938, Ossineke.  GGF Sanborn said it was cool with light rain.  Despite the rain GGF picked corn and apples for delivery to my Grandmother Scott and Great Aunt Julia.  

It is now 1640 and Nancy and I are getting ready for Happy Hour.  Tonight we will have dinner at home.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 16, 2023

 Wednesday August 16, 2023

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with alarm at 0545.

Quickly dressed and headed to Embassy Suites on upper Monroe.  Small crowd, 16, at BC.  I hope it is because of folks on vacation.  The food was subpar.  However, the speaker was great.  She talked about getting folks to visit GR. I was impressed.

Lody Zwarensteyn, a BC member and Cook Valley resident asked if I could give him a ride home.  Lody just had his hip replaced and could not drive.  The Doctor who replaced his hip was the same Doctor who replaced mine.

After dropping Lody off I headed home.  Put on my bike clothes and headed to Ada a distance of 6 miles.  Stopped at Ada Bike and bought a rear light for my bike.  Great ride.

Nancy today had lunch at Cook Valley with Karen Horling.  Karen was a classmate at Albion.  

After Nancy’s lunch we drove to Meijer’s so I could pick up a prescription.  Light crowd at Meijer’s.

This afternoon we attended the 1700 Happy Hour.  About 20 folks at HH.  We had dinner in the main dining hall.  

We were joined by two other couples..  They were great company.  We spent 90 minutes talking.

Both Nancy and I had shrimp cocktail.  I also had a bowl of tomato bisque.  All very good. 

 Tonight we watched an episode of the Coroner.  Good show.

Before going to bed I read the WSJ.  It was 2300 when I finally retired.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 15, 2023

 Tuesday August 15, 2023

It rained most of the night.  It was dark and 63 when I got up at 0730.  Channel 8 weather person said the rain had stopped.

Nancy headed out early for her stationary bike ride and treadmill walk at MVP.  Later we are going shopping at Costco and Meijer’s.

Oatmeal breakfast and then I got on bike and headed out.  As soon as I exited the garage I knew I had made a mistake.  It was raining hard.  Returned to garage and got keys to Fusion.  Drove to MVP.  Standard routine before driving to Panera.  Got coffee and two baguettes.  Checked email and read Alpena and Detroit News.

At home Nancy and I headed to Costco.we spent about an hour buying supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, vitamin drink, mouthwash etc. It cost about $150.  Nancy also got a prescription.

Next stop Meijer’s.  I picked up a prescription and bought yogurt, cookies, radishes and cauliflower.  

At home I got a cart and moved most of the supplies to our locker.  All the shelves in the storage area are filled.  

It was 1500 when we completed putting away our purchases.  I took a short walk around the building, 0.5 miles.  

Showered, shaved and then a short nap.  We did attend Happy Hour this evening.  Later we headed to Leo’s for hot dogs.  I think my stomach is rebelling from the hot dogs.

Trump is going to trial in Georgia for messing with the 2020 election.  Several writers have pointed out that Dem Stacey Abrams charged Georgia with the same thing for her loss in the Governor’s race.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Patriot” on Prime.  Jury still out.

Missy called tonight.  AJ starts school this week.  We got caught up.

Nancy headed to bed at 2330.  I will read the WSJ before turning in.  I should be in bed by 2215.

Monday, August 14, 2023

August 14, 2023

 Monday August 14, 2023

Up at 0715, noted for first time that the days are getting shorter.  Temp was 64, cloudy and dark.  Rain later today.

Nancy headed out at early for her Monday swim at MVP.  Later today, 1400, she has a dental appointment.

Oatmeal breakfast and then I headed out.  Pumped up bike tires and pedaled the 5 miles to MVP.  Once again MVP was empty. Did my routine and headed to Forest Hills Food for coffee and donut.  Read the Michigan papers before heading home.  Total bike miles 10.5.

At home I shaved my head before showering. Today I put on a new pair of Lululemon pants.  Found out the store had not removed the security tag.  Made a special trip to have the tag removed.

Nancy spent two hours in the dentist chair today.  This was her first visit to this Dentist.  Nancy gave him a great review.

We attended Happy Hour this evening followed by dinner in the main dining room. I had the walleye and Nancy had shrimp cocktail.

We watched the final episode of “Lincoln Lawyer” tonight. No idea what we will watch tomorrow.

AJ called us tonight.  We had a great talk.  In two days she starts 10th grade.  On her schedule is geometry.  I took geometry in 10th.  I remember CPCTE.

Big news in my home town, County Fair starts this week. As a kid I liked the carnival rides and cotton candy.

On this date in 1938.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote, a warm day with high winds. Drove to Grange Hall to watch baseball game.  They had chicken supper at hall.  Cost $1.

August 13, 2023

 Sunday August 13, 2023

Blog time 1245 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730.  It was sunny with temps in high 60s.

The sleeping wedge really helped me sleep last night.  I had to get up around 0200 to take some MG pills.  They worked because I went right back to sleep.

After oatmeal breakfast we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  Very light turnout at church.  Most folks must be vacationing.  School starts in two weeks.

Sure sign of fall the Alpena County Fair starts this week.  As a youth attending the fair was the last rites of summer also great fun.  

After church we stopped at Panera for coffee and baguette.  At home I put on bike clothes and took a 10 mile ride.  Followed the ride with a shower and short nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  Filled the Escape up on way home.  Gas was 3.79.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “Lincoln Lawyer” tomorrow it ends.  

Sunday, August 13, 2023

August 12, 2023

 Saturday August 12, 2023

Another restless night.  I did find out that if I elevate my head I can sleep better.  Will bring up my sleep wedge today.

I have a gravelly voice but no sore throat.  I blame my problem on MG.  I am upping my dosage of MG pills.

Breakfast today at “Gathering Place”.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg, toast and coffee.  Nancy only had toast and coffee.

After breakfast we drove north thru Ada.  Progress is being made on the new Ada Village.  I like the addition but our neighbors think it is tacky.  What do they know?

We ran into intermittent rain this morning.  No bike today.  At home Nancy started the laundry.  I did some office cleanup.

Several communities are celebrating VJ Day this week.  On 14 August 1945 the Japanese surrendered ending WWII.

I remember the day,  Dad and I were visiting my Uncle and Aunt on Oldfield Street in Alpena when all the church bells started ringing.  Dad, who was City Manager of Alpena at the time, stopped the Fire Chief, Tanky McKim and asked why the bells.  He was told the Japanese had surrendered.

At 1300 Nancy and I left for Clifford Lake in Montcalm County.  The women who purchased Scott Civil Engineer, Carol Smith, had invited Nancy and I to the Company picnic.  

It was a beautiful drive from home to Clifford Lake.  Carol and her husband live full time on the Lake.  They have a nice home right on the beach.

We had all the standard picnic fare including some great cookies that Carol’s daughter had made.  I got to meet several new engineers including the young lady who runs the Gaylord office.  I must tell my sister that the Gaylord office is going gangbusters.

Nancy and I spent an enjoyable two hours at the picnic.  We left for home with a big sack of chocolate chip cookies.

At home I took a short nap.  No dinner tonight we just snacked on chocolate chip cookies.

Debbie called tonight and we brought her up to date on our medical condition.  Last week Nancy and I had two doctor’s appointments each.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “Lincoln Lawyer”.  Finished the evening reading the WSJ. In bed at 2230.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

August 11, 2023

 Friday August 11, 2023

Blog time 2100 sitting in office

Spent a restless night.  I thought I had the start of a sore throat.

Decided that today I would reduce my exercise load.

Nancy left at 0800 for her Friday swim.

I left at 0900 and took the short route to MVP.  I was going to reduce my MVP exercise load but I felt better so I completed the normal.

After MVP I pedaled to Panera on Lake Eastwood Blvd.  Ordered coffee and two baguettes.  Read the Michigan papers before striking out for home.

Total miles biked today was 8.5.  Showered and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s and Costco to pick up prescriptions.  Nancy’s Costco prescriptions will not be ready until tomorrow.

At home I had lunch of yogurt with Grape-nuts.  We cannot find Fiber One cereal in any market so I switched to Grape-nuts.

We attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main dining room.

Watched an episode of “Lincoln Lawyer” before heading to bed.

GGF Sanborn wrote on the date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi.  Nice day with cool breezes. Church dinner tonight and collected $11.

GGF drove to nice old ladies to dinner.

Headed to bed at 2200.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10, 2023

 Thursday August 10, 2023

Blog time 1900 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  We slept with the windows open so the outside humidity (80%) probably wiped me out.

Nancy left at 0800 for her stationary bike and treadmill at MVP.  I did not leave until 0900.  I arrived at MVP after 5 miles.  I was drenched in sweat.

MVP was empty this morning.  I did the chin-up, pull-up, sit-up routine before heading out.

I biked the 2 miles to Forest Hills Foods.  Bought two cake donuts and a Starbucks coffee.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.

At home I showered and shaved.  Today Nancy is having lunch in the dining room.  Took a very short nap.

Left home at 1500 at headed to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  After Meijer’s we drove to Dr Santos office on Cherry Street.  Dr Santos is my MG doc.  He gave me a full checkup.  Everything seems under control.

We had dinner tonight at “Shepard’s Grill”.  I had the seafood gumbo and Nancy a Mexican wrap.  Very good.

This and that:

The fires in Maui are terrible.  Massive destruction.

Mi will have an open Senator seat in 24.  A lot of folks are interested.  Hope Trump folks stays out.

Fall is coming.  Noted this morning that I rode over a lot of fallen acorns and walnuts.

Bad decisions by President Biden: getting out of Iraq, forgiving student loans.  Giving Unions a free hand.  Of course his son Hunter.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Coroner”.  Good show.

Nancy headed to bed after the show.  I stayed up and read the WSJ and now am finishing this blog.

On this date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi  GGF Sanborn wrote they had 1/2” of rain.  Julia picked 2 bushels of potatoes, turnips and corn.  (Who on earth eats turnips) 

It is now 2140, temperature is 72 and I am going to bed.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9, 2023

 Up this morning at 0730.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  Typical summer day.  Sun with high in low 80s.

My stomach was upset this morning probably from too many cookies last night.

I forego breakfast.  Nancy headed out before 0800 for her swim at MVP.

I wanted a standard breakfast, eggs, bacon, hash browns, but no restaurant is within an easy bike ride from Cook Valley.  I biked 5 miles to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  Ordered oatmeal and a bagel.  Perfect for my stomach.

Spent an hour reading the Michigan papers.  Nancy joined me for a short time.  She was stopping by for her coffee after her swim.

Got home about noon.  First thing after my shower we drove to LMCU and Macatawa Bank to do our banking.

At home, I talked to our Wells Fargo representative and found out our WF cash was FDIA insured.  

Our Insurance rep insured me we are up to date on all insurance payment.  That includes car, Cook Valley rental, etc.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.

This and that:

On this day in 1938, Ossineke, Mi:  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote it was a cool day.  He worked in Post Office in afternoon. Drove to Hubbard Lake for chicken dinner.

Why can’t the GOP come up with a decent candidate to beat Trump?  It amazes me that so many folks still like this guy.

We attended Happy Hour this evening.  After, we had dinner in the Main Dining Room.  Our next door neighbor’s, the Reese’s were our dinner mates.  My sister, Helen, is good friends with David Reese.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Coroner”.  Good show.

Headed to bed at 2200.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

August 8, 2023

 Tuesday August 8, 2023

Blog time 1216 sitting in office.

Set the alarm for 0645.  We have a busy day ahead.  Nancy has a 1000 Doctor’s appointment and I have a 1130 appointment with the same doctor.  The nice thing is that the Doctor’s office is next to our apartment.

Later today Randy Heibel will return to finish repairs on kitchen table.  

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  I left at 0800 on my bike for the 5 mile ride to MVP.  

MVP was empty this morning.  I quickly did my routine and headed back home.  Total bike miles today, 8.5.

When I got home Nancy had already seen the Doctor. Everything ok.  Quickly showered, dressed and walk the 20 steps to the Doctor’s office.

Doctor Nguyen had already reviewed the tests from my recent trip to ER.  We talked about my diverticulitis and potential gallbladder problems.  Bottom line more blood work at Spectrum.

A hinge on a cupboard broke so a Cook Valley Maintenance man spent some time getting it fixed.  He also put back a bathroom door handle.

Randy Heibel returned and fixed the sliders on our kitchen table chairs.  He also made repairs to a broken chair leg.

Light lunch of yogurt with grape nuts.  Today is my sister, Helen’s birthday.  I called her with birthday wishes. 

I have not commented on Great Grandfather Sanborn lately. I just found his 1938 diary.  On this date in 1938 he commented that it was Monday and a nice day in Ossineke. Julia done (did) the wash.  Great Grandfather stayed home all day. 

I have been very restless today.  At separate times I have walked around the building.  A distance of about .8 miles.

A 1700 we are attending a barbecue in the main dining rooms. 62 folks attending.  

The barbecue was a disappointment.  The chicken was dry and the drinks weak.  I did like the baked beans and cookies.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “Jack Ryan”.  I gave the show a B+.  

Before bed I read the WSJ.  Not much breaking news.  Headed to bed at 2130.

August 7, 2023

 Monday August 7, 2023

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730. Nancy left early for her Monday swim.  I had a bottle of Ensure for breakfast.  Left for MVP at 0830.

Pedaled the 5 miles to MVP.  Did my standard routine and quickly got back on bike.  Today I have an 1100 Men’s meeting at Cook Valley.  I cut my ride home short in order to make the meeting.  

At home quick shower and headed to meeting.  I was 10 minutes late.  About 20 men were already in attendance.  Not much business discussed today but I heard some really good jokes.  We were also provided free coffee and muffins.

Nancy needed to pick up a prescription so we made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  I also bought some dried mangoes.  I am hooked on dried mangoes.

We have hired Randy Heibel to make some repairs to our kitchen table.  Randy spent time figuring out what he needed.  Will return tomorrow to finish the project.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.  

We attended Happy Hour this evening.  After we had dinner in the Main Dining area. Once again I had the salmon. Nancy had the creamed chicken special.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Jack Ryan” on Prime.

Monday, August 7, 2023

August 6, 2023

 Sunday August 6, 2023

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up at 0700. Oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  It was cool this morning, 63 and raining.  Weather folks say it will rain all day.

Left for church at 0845.  Surprise! Today church was crowded.

After church headed west for our Sunday.  I got off track and ended up further north than I wanted. A 90 minute ride turned into 120 minutes.

We stopped at Panera for coffee and a bear claw which we split.  Also stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  It was still raining when we got home.

My Grandfather Scott raised white faced Hereford cattle.  I have not seen a white face on any of our recent trips.

I called my sister this afternoon.  Told her about Tom Collin’s siblings.  I will call her again on Tuesday her birthday.

Only yogurt cup w/blueberries for a snack today.  My stomach is still acting up.  No bike ride but I did take a nap this afternoon.

I read the GR Press from cover to cover.  Not much news.

Nancy and I started a walk about the big house but it started to rain and we cut the walk short.  I had a single fried egg on toast for dinner.

We watched the news and a segment of 60 Minutes before switching to “High Winds”.

We were both in bed by 2135.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 5, 2023

 Saturday August 5, 2023

Blog time 2030 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700. Quickly got dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for our Saturday breakfast

Arrived just before 0800 and the place was empty.  Ordered our standard Saturday fare.  

After breakfast we headed north to Ada.  We scoped out a new restaurant that we might visit next week.

Ended our morning drive at Panera near Kraft.  We ordered coffee and split a croissant.

On way home stopped at Meijer’s gas station.  The cost of gas was in high $4 range.  I no longer care about cost of gas.  I drive so little.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  Today I explored new morning routes south of our apartment.  These routes contain fewer hills.

After, showered and shaved before a short nap.  We did attend Happy Hour today.  The management had sprayed the outside patio so mosquitoes were not a problem.

My stomach is still acting up so for dinner tonight I had another yogurt cup with Grape Nuts.  I could eat yogurt all day.

We finished the evening watching “Dark Winds”.  Are Joe Leaphorn and Jim Che going to get the bad guys?

Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4, 2023

 Friday August 4, 2023

Blog time 1930 sitting in office

Great nights sleep.  Woke up this morning at 0730.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim.  No breakfast this morning.  Dressed and pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  MVP was crowded this morning.  Next week I will do my calisthenics at home and then pedal to Ada.  Weather permitting.

After MVP I biked to Forest Hills Foods.  This morning I bought a yogurt parfait with blueberries.  Very good.  Read the Michigan papers before heading home.

Today is my boyhood friends 84th birthday.  Tommy Collins now lives in San Clemente, Ca.  Tommy was in fine spirits today.  I told him that Grandson Lucas was attending UCIrving.  Tommy said his Grandson is getting his PHD this month and will teach chemistry at UCIrving. 

Sad news Tommy has two younger siblings living in Mi.  Both have serious Alzheimer’s.  Hope they get a cure soon.

I seem to be over my digestive illness but am still tired.  This afternoon I took a nice nap.

Nancy woke me up in time for Happy Hour.  Happy Hour was lightly attended.  We had dinner tonight in the Main Dining Room.

Tonight we watched another episode of “High Winds”.  One episode left.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Missy and AJ are visiting Debbie in San Jose.  We had a nice conversation.

I consider myself a politico junky, but recently news on the political front has been so trivial that I don’t want to comment on it.  

Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3, 2023

 Thursday August 3, 2023

Up this morning at 0700 with a sore stomach. I just did not feel well.  I thought it might be my diverticulitis acting up.  Nancy suggested that we head to emergency.  

Drove to Blodgett emergency.  Told them my problem.  They took my vitals and gave me a cat scan.  After a 1.5 hour wait we got the results.  Everything was ok.  Although I was still shaky.

Nancy had a lunch date with our old neighbor Sonya.  We arrived about 1/2 hour late.  I drove Sonya and Nancy to Panera.

They ordered lunch.  I found a seat away from the girls.  Read the WSJ while Nancy and Sonya enjoyed their lunch.

At 1330 we drove Sonya home.  Nancy and I headed to Cook Valley.

First thing I did when got home was to head straight to bed. I only dozed until 1630.

We attended Happy Hour.  After HH we walked to dining room.  Tonight both Nancy and I had shrimp cocktail, salad and dinner roll.

We watched another episode of High Winds.  The story line follows Tony Hillerman format.  Great show.

After thinking I had made a full recovery my stomach started acting up again. I blame it on the wine.  Will stop wine for a couple of days.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

August 2, 2023

 Wednesday August 2, 2023

Blog time 2010, sitting in office.

Busy day today, up at 0545.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.

Drove to Embassy Suite on North Monroe.  Good attendance and a great speaker.  The speaker was President of Grand Rapids CC.

The downside was the poor quality of food.

On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods.  Bought a glazed donut and ate it right away.  I really am not going to lose weight if I keep snacking.

At home put on my bike clothes and took a 9 mile walk.  My new speedometer is still acting up.  Called the manufacturer and they got me squared away.

Checked the newspapers for sale at Forest Hill Foods and noted every one had a front page story about Trump.  He sure doesn’t need the free publicity.

After my shower I took a short nap. I had a 1600 dentist appointment.  Today they put a permanent crown on a molar.

Nancy and I attended Happy Hour.  We had dinner in the main dining room at 1745.  I had salmon and Nancy had the meat loaf.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Dark Winds”.  The story of Navaho Detective Joe Leaphorn and Jim Che.  Good show.

2200 and I am heading to bed.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 1, 2023

Tuesday August 1, 2023

Blog time 2000 sitting in office.

Up at usual time fixed oatmeal breakfast before biking 5 miles to MVP.  Did my standard routine.  Temperature this morning in high 50s.  Reached 70s when left MVP.

Had morning coffee at Forest Hills Foods.  Bought two cake donuts.  Read the morning papers.

At home showered, shaved headed and face.  Today was my good grooming day.  

Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s so she could pick up a prescription.  We also bought supplies.

Lunch of yogurt cup with grape nuts and a banana.  Found time for a short nap.

At 1700 Nancy and I attended Happy Hour.  At 1800 we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday Hot Dog.

Nancy has lunch tomorrow at “Beer City Brewery”.  We made a dry run.

Today the Cook Valley folks cleaned 1/2 the parking garage.  We spent some time moving cars.  Tomorrow they will clean the other half.  Nancy’s car is presently parked outside.  I have breakfast club tomorrow so I will get my car out of the way at 0630.  

Tonight we watched episode 1 of a Jim Chee mystery.  Jim Chee is a Navajo Police Officer on the large NM/AZ Navajo reservation.  The series if based on popular Tony Hillerman novels set on the reservation.

This and that:

Will Trump ever go to trail?

Same with Hunter Biden.

Are we losing interest in the war in the Ukraine?

Most folks must be on vacation because MVP and coffee shops are empty.

Talked with my sister.  She just saw the movie Oppenheimer.  She thought it was too heavy for her.

2130 and I am heading to bed.