Friday, March 31, 2023

March 29, 2023

 Wednesday March 29, 2023

Blog time 0945, sitting in chair at Woodland Mall.  I was going to get a coffee but everything is closed until 1000.  The Mall looks distressed.

Up this morning at 0545.  Quickly dressed and headed to Breakfast Club at the University Club in Downtown GR.  My watch said it should be snowing but everything was clear.

Good turnout at BC.  The food was especially good.  The Speaker today talked about climate change and what an intercity organization is doing by creating miniature forests in intercity GR.  Good talk well received.

After BC I headed to Woodland Mall.  Planned on getting a coffee at Starbucks but everything was closed.  The mall was loaded with walkers.

It is now 0954 and the stores should be opening.  First stop, J Crew. Nothing of interest.

I got in Fusion and drove to Fitzgerald in Breton Village.  Bought a bright yellow rain coat for warm weather bike ride.

We had a brief snow squall roll through.

Today is my easy no bike ride or calisthenics.

Nancy had lunch with friends at the Main Dining hall.  We have a quarterly meals allotment.  We are not close to reaching the limit, if we don’t reach by Saturday we lose it.  Nancy bought dessert for everyone and charged to our account.

Spent a quiet afternoon at home.  For dinner tonight we headed back to the Main Room.  I had the salmon, of course, and Nancy had the pasta.

We watched the news and started a new show on Netflix, “The Night Agent”.  Good show.

Tomorrow morning should be very cold, low teens.

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