Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 24, 2023

Friday March 24, 2023

Blog time 1120, Saturday, a day late

Friday Morning:  up at 0730.  Nancy was already dressed and headed to her morning swim at MVP.

For breakfast this morning I had a muffin with peanut butter.  I needed a change from oatmeal.

Temperature was 32 and cloudy when I got on bike.  This morning I took the 5 mile route to MVP.  I did my normal routine at MVP.  

I did purchase coffee and a power bar at MVP.  Drank my coffee and read the papers on my mini.  Left MVP at noon and headed home.   Total miles ridden = 7.9

Lunch today was yogurt, pudding and an apple.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.  

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of tomato soup and two shrimp left over from Nancy's Thursday dinner.  Nancy also had several shrimp.

After dinner I was doing dishes when noted our drain was plugged.  Called Maintenance and the girl that was on duty came up with a plunger.  No luck, in fact it made the situation worse.    Tomorrow a maintenance man will come with his snake to unplug the drain.  

Tonight is Mexican Train night.  It is a popular dominoes game.  Nancy loves this game.  At 1900 she walked down to the Harbor Cafe and joined several other players, 6 women, 1 man.  Nancy returned to the apartment at 2100.  She was happy because she won.

While Nancy was gone I watched two episodes of "Happy Valley" on Acorn.  One episode left.

Checked out the window at 2200 and the rain had not started.  The weather folks said it would rain all night and most of tomorrow.  Rain/Snow mix predicted.


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