Saturday, March 18, 2023

March 17, 2023

 Friday March 17, 2023

St Patrick's Day

Slept in today until 0745.  Nancy was just walking out the door when I got up.  Today is her swim day.

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

On this day in 1956 several of my high school buddies met at the home of Jerry Kendziorski to celebrate St Pat Day.  What was unique was that Jerry’s mother served green beer, green bread and green baloney sandwiches.  First time a parent had served alcohol in their house.  We played cards and talked.  In several months we would all begin our post HS careers.  

Growing up in a very conservative community Mrs Kendziorski was the only parent I knew who was divorced.  I thought she was hot.

Bad weather this morning so I drove to MVP.  Did my calisthenics and added at 10 mile stationary bike ride.  After showering I drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  Ordered coffee and baguette.  Finished a blog and read the Michigan Papers.  

For lunch I had cup of yogurt and an apple.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

At 1700 we headed to the dining for their St Patrick’s Day meal.  We were surprised but the meal was lightly attended.  The meal consisted of Bangers and Mash, typical Irish meal, topped off with a cake for dessert.

Tonight we watched the final episode of “Hidden Assest”.  I gave the show a B-.

Temperature was 17 at bed time.  We expect snow on the ground tomorrow.

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