Monday, March 13, 2023

March 12, 2023

 Sunday March 12, 2023

Blog time 2130 sitting in den.

Despite DST I did manage to get up at 0700 DST.  In case you want to know, I hate DST.

Looked out the window and the area was blanketed with a thin layer of snow.  Temperature was 27.

Quick breakfast, and then I read several sections of the GRP on line.  I like the GRP’s on line edition.

We left at 0850 for the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Got to church early enough to get a coffee.

I thought it was a great service.  The band was especially good.  

We took a hour ride after church.  The back roads were snow covered.

At home I took a 2.97 mile walk.  My mile pace was 29’28”.  It took 1h28’.  Very slow.

Lunch followed by a nap.  Dinner was a poached egg on English muffin.  Very good.

We watched the local news tonight. Also watched 2 episodes of “Deadline” on BritBox. Good show we will finish the series on Monday.

I sent Grandson Lucas a message to cheer for San Diego State in NCAA BB.  The SDS’s coach’s Grandmother was my Sunday School teacher.

It just started snowing when I looked out the window before bed. Snow all day tomorrow.  What happened to Spring?

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