Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 15, 2023

 Wednesday March 15, 2023

Blog time 1030 sitting in the Big House’s Harbor Inn and drinking free coffee.

Up with 0545 alarm.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Quickly dressed and left home at 0630. Bright Crescent moon greeted me as I left the garage.  Temperature was a cold 19.

No sun until 0750 so I had to wear my night vision glasses. Very small turnout at BC.  Speaker today talked about getting things done without a boss.  I had trouble keeping my eyes open.

On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods.  Bought yogurt and two donuts.

Nancy went swimming this morning.  She was not yet back from her swim when I opened the Apartment at 0930.  

Grabbed my iPad and headed down to Harbor Inn.  Got my free coffee and started working on my blogs.

After some blog work I started reading the Michigan papers.

Interesting article about the struggle local NE Mi communities have in balancing their budgets.  Communities still have some money left over from the large grants given by the Federal Government.  That money will help this year but when it runs out local Governments will have to struggle to make ends meet.

Later in the morning I got on bike and headed to MVP.  Today is my easy day so I did my calisthenics at 50%.

When I got home I took a quick shower.  Called my Sister, Helen, and asked where I could find a short prayer for tomorrow’s Over 60 dinner.

She said Goggle it.  I did and found a perfect prayer.

Ended the afternoon with a short nap. At 1700 we attended Happy Hour.  As always a nice crowd.  We talked until 1800 and then went back to apartment for dinner.

Light dinner.  We watched the local news.  First time in about a week.

Missy FaceTimed this evening. For our viewing we switched to Acorn and watched “Hidden Assets “.

Nice clear evening when checked at 2200.  Heavy rain tomorrow afternoon.

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