Wednesday, March 22, 2023

March 21, 2023

 Tuesday March 21, 2023

Once again I got up at 0730.  Nancy was already up and heading to her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.  This morning for breakfast I had the strawberry/granola/yogurt parfait that I bought yesterday at Forest Hills Foods.  It was very good.

The sun was out and temperature was above freezing so I got on my bike and headed to MVP.  Today I took the 5 mile route.

It looks like workers are back in the office.  All the office buildings on my bike route had full parking lots.

Nancy was just finishing her routine when I got to MVP.  Today I did chin-ups/pull-ups, sit-ups, leg raises and push ups.  My standard routine when I ride the bike.  No shower today I headed straight home because I have a 1330 dentist appointment.

At home I showered and shaved.  No lunch today.  The Dentist’s office was crowded. I had to wait 20 minutes.  

In addition to a cleaning the dentist also removed my implant and cleaned it.  I am scheduled to have a molar removed in early April.  Bummer.  

When I got home the molar procedure started to bother me.  The Dentist hit me with this  work and did not allow me an opportunity to ask questions.  Like why do I start taking 4 pills today and then 4 more pills on April 10 the day of the surgery.  Nancy had similar surgery about a year ago.  It did not go well.  Was the surgery responsible for Nancy’s nerve pain on the right side of her jaw?

Tonight Nancy and I had a drink at Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main dining room.  I had the walleye and Nancy had the shrimp.  Very good.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Weather in Ca was miserable.  

Tonight we watched an episode of a cop show set in Scotland.  I cannot recall the name.  It really doesn’t matter because we will not watch it again.

When I checked before bed the temperature was above freezing but no rain until late tomorrow.  Looks like a good bike riding day.

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