Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 6, 2023

 Up this morning at 0700.  Last night we had an ice storm roll through.  The path in back of our apartment was ice covered.  No bike today.

Nancy headed out for her Monday swim.  After an oatmeal breakfast I drove to MVP.  On days I can’t ride my bike I add a 1K row and 2 mile ride on stationary bike to my normal routine. 

After I showered, applied my lotion, dressed and headed out.  My skin is so dry I apply lotion three times a day.  I headed straight home.

Today is the monthly meeting of the men living in Cook Valley.  I attend because of the jokes.  We have two attorneys in their 90s who have a large repertoire of jokes.  We do occasionally talk about issues relating to the apartments but generally it is just a good time.

I do know I did not take a nap today but what I did in the afternoon aside from reading the papers is a mystery.  Why would we ever want men my age running the country when they cannot remember anything that happened in the last 24 hours?

For dinner tonight we headed down to the main dining room. Tonight we sat with Lars Larsen and wife.  They are good table companions.  

The Larson’s have a cottage on Beaver Island and spend their summers on the Island.  I have alway wanted to visit the Island. 

Tonight we watched the final two episodes of “Entrapped”  good show but strange ending.

Looked out window before bed.  The ice was gone and it looks like tomorrow will be a nice day for bike riding.

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