Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 27, 2023

 Monday March 27, 2023.

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0730.  Why can’t I get up at 0700.

Nancy was gone by 0800 for her Monday swim.

I fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  Fooled around until 0830.

The sun was coming up but temps still in mid 30s.  Today I took my Bianchi bike.  I like this bike because it has a shorter wheelbase than the Cannondale.  Much easier to turn on the narrow sidewalks.  Tomorrow I will take the Cannondale in and get the snow tires off. 

Pedaled the five miles to MVP, the place was empty.  Spring break does not start next week so where was everyone.

I still have not worked out my morning bike schedule.  Today I headed home and drove to Panera.  I think I will start taking my mini iPad and pedal to Forest Hills for my morning coffee after my workout.  Total bike miles today 8.3.

After lunch I took a short nap.  Tonight Nancy and I are attending a members only affair at Meijer’s Garden.  It is members opportunity to see the butterflies.  

The event started at 1900.  We arrived on time and first thing we stopped at the dessert table.  I also got a glass of wine.  

After the goodies we toured the butterfly display.  The butterflies were active.  The opening of the butterfly showing is a sure sign spring is here.

Got home a little after 2100.  Tonight we watched another episode of “Beyond Paradise”.  This show is presently my favorite.

Checked the weather before bed and it was below freezing.  Temperature when I get on bike tomorrow will be in high 20s.

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