Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March 14, 2023

 Tuesday March 14, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up at 0730,  the temperature was below freezing so no bike ride until later today, when it warms up.

Drove to MVP.  Did my normal routine except no rowing.  The rowing makes my right hip sore.  I want to prolong right hip surgery for as long as I can.

Quick shower and then drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd for coffee and some reading.  On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods for some supplies.

When I got home it had warmed up enough to take a bike ride.  Today’s ride was a short one, 6 miles around the neighborhood.

This and that:

President Biden is getting my approval for his Ukraine policy.  His proposed tax policy is another story.

The Unions have Gov Whitmer and the Dem legislature wrapped around their finger.  The legislature is repealing our Right to Work law.  They also are proposing a tax break for union dues.  I oppose all.  

A lot of locker talk about the NCAA BB tournament.  I have no interest except I would like to see San Diego State do well.  As I have mentioned before the Coach Dutcher’s Grandmother was my Sunday School Teacher.

Several folks have pointed out GR has had over 100” of snow this season.

I did take a short nap this afternoon.  This evening Nancy and I met Bill and Carol Masten and Doug and Kathy Vance for dinner at Shepard’s Grill.

We met at 1730. I had the fried perch sandwich.  Nancy had a wrap.  Everyone had a drink.  It was a very pleasant dinner.

Tonight we watched an Irish mystery on Acorn. So far so good.

Looked out window before bed.  Bright Crescent moon.  Tomorrow morning will be sunny but cold.

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