Friday, March 10, 2023

March 9, 2023

 Thursday March 10, 2023

Blog time 1430 sitting in comfortable chair at end of our hall on Friday, yes a day late.  Right now Nancy’s book club is underway.

Thursday morning at 0720 looked outside and another nice day. Temps will reach low 40 today.  Heavy snow tonight.

Nancy headed to MVP for treadmill/stationary bike routine. I had my oatmeal breakfast followed by some goofing around apartment before biking to MVP. Took the short 2.5 mile route.  

Nancy was leaving when I was just parking my bike.  She has book club on Friday so she has a lot of work to do.

Calisthenics followed by a shower before biking home.  At home I helped Nancy get ready for tomorrow’s book club. 

Took out trash and recyclables.  Nice thing about Cook Valley I just have to walk across hall to empty recyclables. 

Cleaned my work space. Hung several items like a bulletin board, Navy plague from Vietnam, and map of Sanborn, NY (named after GGF Sanborn).  Area now actually looks tidy.

I had time for short nap.  At 1720 Nancy and I walked down to the evening cocktail hour.  We spent 30 minutes talking with neighbors.

Light dinner tonight.  Watched news, had FaceTime conversations with Missy and Debbie before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched “Beyond Paradise”.  Great show.

This and that:

I watched President Biden’s talk on his proposed budget .  I thought most of it was fantasy but he made a strong delivery.  The GOP needs a front person who can made a strong talk on the parties positions.  So far I have not seen anyone who can play this role.

Looked out window before bed.  At 2200 the snow had not started but the weather folks promise 4-6” by morning. 

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