Saturday, March 4, 2023

March 2, 2023

 Thursday March 2, 2023.

Blog time 1700 sitting in den.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Quickly dressed and had my oatmeal breakfast.  This morning I am staying home because Cook Valley’s carpenter is coming at 0800 to install a bathroom door.  The door was an oversight by the management.

Also this morning we are having our apartment cleaned. Cook Valley provide a cleaning twice a month.  Busy morning.

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  Today is treadmill/bike day.

It took three hours for the carpenter to put the door in.  The cleaning crew was done at 1100.  

After all the help had left I put on bike clothes and took a ride.  Today’s ride was 8.5 miles, longest of the year.

After a quick lunch, I got a call from the installer of our blinds.  He now has the correct blinds and wanted to install them today. I said ok.

Today we feel finally settled in,  new bathroom door, blinds and a clean apartment.  Life is good.

Every evening Cook Valley has a Happy hour from 1700 to 1800.  We attended tonight and had a great time talking with neighbors.

For dinner tonight I just fixed a muffin with butter butter and some fruit.  I cannot remember what we watched Thursday.  My iPad went down on Friday so I am finishing this blog on Saturday.  My memory fails me.

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