Saturday, March 11, 2023

March 10, 2023

 Friday March 10, 2023

Blog time 1930 sitting in office.

Up at 0700, looked out window and the walks were snow covered.  The weather folks said we got 4-6” over night.  The temp at 0800 was 30.

Nancy was worried she might have to cancel book club because of snow.  She decided no swim today.

After breakfast I got in car and headed to MVP.  I was surprised that the roads were passable.  With 30 degree temps the deicing agents worked great.  

Normal crowd at MVP today.  On non-bike days I add a 1,000 meter row and 5 minutes on stationary bike to my calisthenics.

Showered and then drove to Panera.  Got a quick cup of coffee and a baguette before heading home.  

Nancy had done a great job getting the place ready for book club.  Guests will arrive at 1330 so I waited in the lobby.  I will guide them to our apartment.

 I think the three book club members were impressed with the apartment.  The especially liked all the windows creating a bright feeling.

After book club ended at 1530 I help Nancy clean up.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

At 1800 we headed to the dining room.  Tonight we had dinner with Mike and Sue Morris.  The Morris’s lived near us when we lived on Mackinaw.  They recently moved to Cook Valley.  They live in a Condo.  All the Condos and townhouses in Cook Valley have the same dining privileges as the apartment folks.

It was an enjoyable evening.

After dinner we headed to the Harbor Cafe.  Tonight they are having a dominoes game.  About ten folks started playing including the Moores and Nancy.  I am not into games so I headed to the Apartment for some reading.

Debbie Facetimed this evening. We had a nice talk.   Debbie asked me about the first names of my Grandparents.  I did the best I could.  I will call my sister to make sure I gave the right answer.  

Nancy got back to the apartment at 2200. She said she had a great time playing dominoes.  No streaming tonight.

Looked outside before bed.  The temp was below freezing.  No Critters.  Tomorrow will be a nice sunny day with high temps in 30s.  

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